Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The statement that Jews are intelligent is another fabricated lie. Having grown up with them it was obvious that they have typical intelligence across society however they are more deviously crooked and abject liars and very self-centered and organised through their temple networks.

They might be more 'intelligent' because of mutual support, while hidden in plain sight. I have no problem a community looks for its own interests. The Muslims or the Hindus in America would do the same for their respective countries / regions of origin. In case of Israel, it is becoming obvious to more and more Americans that there is a tiny tiny minority using its immense wealth to promote its own people to support a tiny tiny remote foreign country's interests at the EXPENSE of the American interests to the point of grave damage to America. If and when other communities reach that point then I'd oppose them too! I live and work here and life is here and the interests of America are of paramount interests to me otherwise I would be like the proverbial fool who was cutting down the branch of the tree he was sitting on! [You know the childhood school textbook story in Pakistan].
But, yes, through self-promotion, while hidden in plain sight, they self promote. A Godless Seinfeld or Spielberg hiring his own kind becomes Jewish all of a sudden when it comes to Israel. They promote their own while the ordinary Americans wouldn't notice. And that's why they dominate. My niece, if she was Jewish, would have a different career than she has now. Countless such cases exist in America. And once again, this is not a normal 'minority' we are talking about. This damn minority has the most powerful people like Biden or Trump in their pocket and has recently defeated the Squad members like Jamaal Bowman and Cory Bush in the Primaries.
Effing Parasites !!

Okay, I just finished watching this video of the Japanese guy. What a great video! The guy is neutral as far as religion is concerned. Sort of like Muslims would be when it comes to China-Japan rivalry. But his humanity just can't accept the humiliation of the Palestinians. And I so much would want to shove the two parts of this video to my WASP in laws where the guy shows Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Muslims living in peace with each other. Stupid Christian WASPS!! The Israelis spit on their Jesus Christ!!

You and I are on the same side--the side of the oppressed ones here--and you and I agree that the stronger ones dictate a lot. But they can't always dictate all, all the time because the 'strong' may not be as 'strong' as they might seem on first glance.
You and I disagree about who really is 'winning' here. I don't think Israel is really 'winning' at this point. If it were, then Gantz wouldn't have bolted out some months ago and Gallant wouldn't have challenged Netanyahu within last two days. If Israel was 'winning' then there wouldn't be so much flight of capital, including the huge Intel 20+ billion investment. If Israel was 'winning' then the 'Gaza Pier' would be still there which, per you, would have been used to force migrate the 2 million Palestinians to Ghana or wherever. If Israel was 'winning' then there would be still talk of the 'Sinai Tent City'.
Nah, Israel is not 'winning'. It just can't. I can't speak for short term but IMO Israel can't even survive 10 years on the current trajectory of conflicts. Israel really really really has no friends except for the politicians it has paid for in the American Congress--and Israel knows that well. That's a very bad situation to be in given Israel's situation. Even the Israelis know the Abraham Accord countries hate Israel.

Yes, we mostly agree but disagree on a few things. But I respect your opinion on the matter, as this is a complex and very fluid subject that changes by the minute. :)

But let's see what happens in the coming months. Israel's handling of these cease-fire discussions shows that they have weight behind them, allowing them to push their agenda.

But over the last year, the lack of will of the surrounding nations, I have lost my faith in those countries to do anything if I, as a Muslim, was in need.
Yes, we mostly agree but disagree on a few things. But I respect your opinion on the matter, as this is a complex and very fluid subject that changes by the minute. :)

But let's see what happens in the coming months. Israel's handling of these cease-fire discussions shows that they have weight behind them, allowing them to push their agenda.

But over the last year, the lack of will of the surrounding nations, I have lost my faith in those countries to do anything if I, as a Muslim, was in need.

Friend: Israel is NOT winning!! I am absolutely sure of that and many Israelis are now also openly voicing that opinion, breaking the taboo of the wartime 'unity'.
And so Netanyahu is willing to roll the dice and start regional war to drag the reluctant Americans in so that, hopefully for Israel, some kind of favorable outcome can be had that way. Otherwise, the ongoing war of attrition suits the Resistance just fine except for the horrible deaths in Gaza.
In all the history of so called Muslims of India, you never throw the punch to no one. If you did you got beaten up.
If not for the Turks, you would still be Hindus
Hinduism is your natural state of being and I would love for you to stop being the importers and return to your natural existence
This Gaza War, showed more about you then about the people you continously spit on.
This your chance to show your inferiority complexes and mock anonymously other people.
Let's face it you hate the Arabs and Turks, the very people who created you
As I have written before here so many times, little Bosnian people killed more Europeans then whole Indian Subcontinent.
Simply that's the fact. Considering that I know that you would become the Christians in a hearbeat if you can be white and you are useless, than you shouldn't be surprised that I look at you as untermensch.
I can only employ you as a cleaner, that how you look like to me.
This is kinda talk that you asked for , so I am giving it to you.
I ain't ab English or else to put up with you.
You shameless munafoqeen
For your information we were Muslims when the Turkish origin invaders came along. India is size of a continent and never had the need to expand, it was too preoccupied with its internal power restructures. You sound like a Hindjew going off to instigate division and using a factual statement to incite racist bigotry. Either prove that Turkey has lifted a finger for Palestine or stfu to your Kibbutz or rape temple.
In all the history of so called Muslims of India, you never throw the punch to no one. If you did you got beaten up.
If not for the Turks, you would still be Hindus
Hinduism is your natural state of being and I would love for you to stop being the importers and return to your natural existence
This Gaza War, showed more about you then about the people you continously spit on.
This your chance to show your inferiority complexes and mock anonymously other people.
Let's face it you hate the Arabs and Turks, the very people who created you
As I have written before here so many times, little Bosnian people killed more Europeans then whole Indian Subcontinent.
Simply that's the fact. Considering that I know that you would become the Christians in a hearbeat if you can be white and you are useless, than you shouldn't be surprised that I look at you as untermensch.
I can only employ you as a cleaner, that how you look like to me.
This is kinda talk that you asked for , so I am giving it to you.
I ain't ab English or else to put up with you.
You shameless munafoqeen

Dude you really need to cool it a bit. lol

Racism is the worst sin in Islam and so cut it out.

It is correct to criticise any Muslim country that in anyway has relations with that abomination in ME that is the Zionist entity. Turkey does not get any passes here.

What is this obsession you have with being white? if there was a civil war in UK, you can bet the white English would slaughter you as they consider you an enemy, white or not white.

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