Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

No we don't, it is only the Zionists and their poodles who support Israel and the rest of US doesn't give a fack about Israel. Only problem is that the Zionists control all the media and state apparatus and through purse strings the arms indstry.
Yeah but there are also Christian Zionists in USA as well.

Zionists control USA and their foreign policy.
I was generally supportive of peace and even pro-ukranian, now I hope the Russians plough through as many Ukrainians as possible, cause as much death and destruction as possible

A Russian victory safeguards the world, even if they don't mean it
The western order is a biased order that is a small minority of the world, but has taken control, launched multiple wars.
Uses international law and organizations as tools to target and control the rest of the world and when it comes to controlling themselves they put themselves above any law or order or rules and will sanction and justify genocide

FCUK THEM, they will truly regret the position they have been taken to by the Zionists

For the sake of the world, we need to support a Russian victory and use our numbers to push Russian information to counter the constant bullshit of the western order
Only when they realize how much damage is being caused to them will they stop
I agree countries like USA needs to be checked.

I support Russia's victory in Ukraine.

Its about time there were alternatives to USA empire.
The world deserves it.
Interesting ,explains why Iran is being cool headed:-

I was generally supportive of peace and even pro-ukranian, now I hope the Russians plough through as many Ukrainians as possible, cause as much death and destruction as possible

A Russian victory safeguards the world, even if they don't mean it
The western order is a biased order that is a small minority of the world, but has taken control, launched multiple wars.
Uses international law and organizations as tools to target and control the rest of the world and when it comes to controlling themselves they put themselves above any law or order or rules and will sanction and justify genocide

FCUK THEM, they will truly regret the position they have been taken to by the Zionists

For the sake of the world, we need to support a Russian victory and use our numbers to push Russian information to counter the constant bullshit of the western order
Only when they realize how much damage is being caused to them will they stop

I've said this from day 1....even in the old forum, which triggered off many people. A strong Russia and Multi-Polar world is better for humainity. The f@ggot Zionists have gone unchecked for far too long using financial mechanisms to undermine governments and spread their tentacles. They did the very same in the Orange Revolution in Ukraine placing a midget Zio Clown in power. As Muslims, we should give our full support to Russia from a strategic perspective. Russia is Rum (Byzantine Orthodox Christianity) and they will be closest in friendship and alliance with Muslims in the end times.

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