Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I just say that IAF explain that the helicopter crash was an accident....

Wearing ladies underwear? May be. The end justify the means.
About ladies underwear, some say that Sinwar is now disguised as a woman when not in tunnels...

What kind of public forum ? explain please, if not it is too easy to say that.

Palestinian a plague ? I see with interest that not a single muslim country tried in the past or try now to give them some land (see how big is Sinai, how big is Saudi Arabia, etc...).

Why would any other Muslim countries give space to the Palestinians???

The Palestinians have their own lands and homes that the Israeli stole, the Palestinians have a massive demographic advantage, they are a much younger population then the Jews and they will become the majority population

If you remove the Palestinians they Jews will try to steal their land, so it's essential the Palestinians are supported and remain in Palestine and increase their numbers to make the Jew state impossible
Why would any other Muslim countries give space to the Palestinians???

The Palestinians have their own lands and homes that the Israeli stole, the Palestinians have a massive demographic advantage, they are a much younger population then the Jews and they will become the majority population

If you remove the Palestinians they Jews will try to steal their land, so it's essential the Palestinians are supported and remain in Palestine and increase their numbers to make the Jew state impossible
Im so glad i put that troll on ignore.
Im so glad i put that troll on ignore.

That is the most bizarre suggestion and point ever.:oops:

The Jews only want Palestine and since the Arabs have such huge countries, then they should offer to help in the ethnic cleansing of their Palestinian brethen by allowing them into their countries.

Colonial settler scum whose "time in the sun" will soon be over.
That is the most bizarre suggestion and point ever.:oops:

The Jews only want Palestine and since the Arabs have such huge countries, then they should offer to help in the ethnic cleansing of their Palestinian brethen by allowing them into their countries.

Colonial settler scum whose "time in the sun" will soon be over.
So many racists and ignoramuses use these level of poor argumentation.

Oh there are 50 muslim countries, why are they not taking the Palestinians.

Answer: Ok son use your brains, they are indigenous to Palestine why the heck should they have to leave their homes because some thieving murdering scum turn up. Using same logic why don't europe take in all the Israelis, ironically most have dual passports to europe or US anyway whereas the Palestinians dont even have that anywhere near the settlers dual passport level.
Let us examine the facts

1800's Americas
1- Settlers arrive sponsored by companies to find resources
  • Fur (Normally easy to transport over sea route)
  • Precious metal
  • Farming goods
2- Settlers revoked rights of Native Indians (Indegnious people)
  • They were called "Savages" or Barbarians, uncivilized
3- Waged wars , some natives were friends and some were enemies
A - Few tribes , aided the "Settlers" thinking they will be spared​
B- Some tribes thought the settler will grant them state where they can be king and queen​
4- Eventually even the friendly natives were back-stabbed, kicked out to Barron desert or mountains with no vegetation
5- They used weapons distributed to settlers to expand into western America
6- Native population was kicked out of prime land and pushed towards desert , and their hunting ground was destroyed
7- Mexicans were attacked , massive land was stolen from them now they are called illegal residents
8- Today the leader of this tribe (USA), calls out in their debate to support Zionism
9- Viewed Natives as "None Human" without human rights

1920-2024 Palestine
1- Settlers arrived
2- Provided with guns
3- Provided Military aid
4- They forcefully evict native population of Palestine
5- Build outposts , supported by Navy
6- Genocide against a group of people
  • Natives Called Terrorist or other terrible names
7 - Some Muslim countries in region befriended , while attack on some Muslim nations
a) This would be the Muslim Nation who signed peace treaty in 70's , temporarily they felt they are "SPARED"​
b) They thought they can live without issues​
8- Eventually all Muslim countries will be attacked , as it happened in Americas
9- Viewed Natives as "None Human" without human rights

Now another aspect of this group was it was anti Indignious Indian and also anti Chinese people

For 100 years , it did not allow Chinese people to own land , pretty much same rules used against Indignious people , who were called "Drifters"

For modern age "Indians" perhaps it should be an eye opener how this group have generally viewed people of certain colour / race

For me when I see Indigneous Indian of America , they look a bit like our Indian across the border very similar skin features
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I see certain patterns repeating , over 200-300 years

People like King of Jordan
People like Egyptian Head of state
People like Head of Turkey
Head of state of Lebnoon

-Recently UAE tried to offer olive branch
-Recently Saudia tried to offer olive branch

Acted a bit like the Friendly Native tribes who offered olive branch to settlers , and they were spared for little while During this time

Iraq-Syria-Libya - Afghanistan (They were called the none cooperative , evil doers) were attacked during the time
Initial years many people asked question why stable economies and countries are being attacked ??? It made no sense

And like most rational people most people did hope for peace , however without really knowing real history of the Settler group mentality

The genocide in Palestine is really waking people across whole Middle east
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