Germany resumes Afghan deportations after mass stabbing

But what about their Human Rights? The EU courts have been stopping the UK from exporting this illegals for years, but now it's apparently OK because it's Germany?
Bro, human rights are tools for imperialism with limited shelf longevity and it passed over expected expiration date.
But what about their Human Rights? The EU courts have been stopping the UK from exporting this illegals for years, but now it's apparently OK because it's Germany?
Are you talking about the UK or Australia?

Human Right cannot overwrite law and order, one can argue enforceable detainment is against someone's basic human right, but detainment as punishment for crime is acceptable everywhere.

Germany only deport people with criminal convictions. Not everyone. UK also have law to deport refugee with criminal record. Whether or not the UK enforce those law are a different issue.

I will rephrase this, stop being american slave and bitch for their hegemony and show some independent attitude untill then suffer the consequences as willing participant.
On side note you can not object any deportation of criminals within their country, it is their right and they are doing favor even to their native lands as to them self.

Well said. Remember that many of these Afghans actually sold their country and did so by putting their entire life on risk. That is how far the Afghan went to appease US/NATO. It is another story how ANA ran away at the end. Today many Western countries don't even want these loser Afghans in their country. All these traitor Afghans are doing now is hiding like cowards and pleading for rescue.
I will rephrase this, stop being american slave and bitch for their hegemony and show some independent attitude untill then suffer the consequences as willing participant.
On side note you can not object any deportation of criminals within their country, it is their right and they are doing favor even to their native lands as to them self.

Sure. Most Muslim nations are rules by American slaves. The European should deport all immigrants... Criminals or otherwise.
Sure. Most Muslim nations are rules by American slaves. The European should deport all immigrants... Criminals or otherwise.
They would if they can but they need those.
They would if they can but they need those.

Nope. That's the deal ... No Muslims in Europe. No European in Muslim lands. No Israel. No military bases. No interference.
The uneducated Afghans are particularly bad.

Literal caveman. Its not their fault, centuries of war has done this to them on an individual level.

One of the first things the British did when their empire invaded that land was to destroy their fruit and nut orchards. Afghanistan was known for supplying stuff like pistachio and almonds to the far east etc. If I recall the largest supplier at the time around the 1800s.

Their economy never really recovered after that...was picking up again and then the Soviets arrived....

Is the above history lesson too simple minded? Maybe.
This is the part that grinds my gears. The self entitlement, also Afghans cheat and are lazy. I had several Afghans that I hired from time to time for haulage work all lazy buggers.

Sadly I’m beginning to agree. My personal experience hasn’t been good. Almost a
Desire to have a massive chip on their shoulder. Almost believing society owes them something…..

I don't want to go too deep into amateur psychology mode but they seem to be a category of people that hate you because you can help them.

I have just heard too much anecdotal evidence on this

The pattern is the same

You help,

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