HAL LCA Tejas: Updates, News & Discussions

It's all ok.

In their internet world, everything Pakistan does is top notch.

Most of them live outside Pakistan and are sentimentally attached to it, so while they can't or won't do anything to actually help Pakistan, they'll ignore all the other realities and pretend "it's all good!"

Which is why I keep saying- all the nonsense spouted on this forum doesn't make 1% of a difference out there in the real world. And in the real world, things are not at all rosy for Pakistan.

Says the indian tunni living in the US?! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: the funny thing is you indians sound very much like your Pakistani counterparts, each of you very much living in your own fantasy land, you fuelled with your hindutva and bollywood dreams, while the Pakistanis have their own delusions :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: indians and Pakistanis are very much two sides of the same coin.
Let me sum up what HAL,DODO etc are.
They are basically a jawahar rozgar yojna,nothing more.
The so called "talent" that is recruited is basically the left over graduates who couldn't get into lucrative private jobs.
Majority of employees, specially engineers are from tier 3 or tier 4 engineering colleges.
There is absolutely no accountability in these chai biskut organizations.
The upper crust of these orgs get there positions due to seniority and political connections,but never on the basis of talent or effort.They are just "yes sir"people. Moreover the govt,bureaucracy,funds,the forces and there own corruption play there part. Everything conjuring the 3rd grade nature of these DODO orgs,always too little too late.
So in the end,expecting great results from them is like expecting a matric fail student to get a hold medal in PhD.
Only people who support them are either oblivious of the situation or someone in there family is getting the benefit of being a member of thesechdi biskut orgs
The above article says that HAL now says after the delay a Tejas will be delivered to IAF by August 15th

It's now August 21st, so has HAL delivered a new plane?
No they haven't yet
No the logical choice is not a no brainer, because you are forever dependent on others to fulfill your needs. And as you'll see, every generation of fighter program gets progressively much more costlier.

As it is your economy is not faring well at all. Now you'll have to shell out even more of the most precious commodity you have, your foreign exchange, to import ever more costly fighters.
Err…. and Tejas isn’t ’dependent on others’??😂Do you need me to list the vital parts including engine that is imported? I guess that even when the choice is a ‘no brainer’ some degree of intelligence is still required.
Not sure why you bring the economy in but perhaps that topic makes you feel better😉
You numbskulls have no clue about what nonsense you spout on this forum to assuage your egos..

240 hours flight time per year per pilot and then 2 pilots per JF-17 as claimed on this forum and taken as the truth without even a thought! Lol..

Simple maths will tell anyone that these figures are pulled out of your nether holes but none of you have the brains to even apply it.

I never said that any aircraft becomes "useless" when it's airframe life expires. Typical of you fools to put words in people's mouths.

The fact remains this - if the 15 plus year old JF-17 Block 1 has 3000/4000 hours of airframe life and even 50% of the ridiculous flight hour and pilot/fighter figures you numbskulls quote is right, the JF-17 Block 1 is nearing the end of it's service life, it it doesn't undergo a SLEP. We already know that the JF-17 Block 1 had wing strength issues that were addressed on the Block 2. If the Block 1's wings were not strengthened, it will see even greater fatigue issues.

You guys have no clue about SLEP programs, or whether PAC Kamra is initiating one for the JF-17 Block 1s. Ask about it and I'll be the one abused.

Regarding how you manage to keep Mirages flying- well it's well known that the PAF went hunting all over scrapyards to find spares/airframes that it could use. From Australia to France, to Libya, PAF has found flightworthy frames/engines and somehow using the Mirage Rebuild factory, kept the fleet going, even if at much reduced flight hours. Many of the older frames were retired, many of the Libyan and Aussie airframes that had some life left were brought back into service.
Pretty rich coming from a retard who needs a Pakistani forum to relay his voice and then your idiocy is complete when you need to copy paste petty remarks by visiting dignitaries, I guess that makes your product highly credible and much sought after lol. If you had any credibility then instead of you crawling here, people would be visiting your otherwise echo Chambers. Now tell me fanboy, what do you expect the visiting Airchief to say about your Tejas....those guys are professionals plus they know the Indian mindset . No professional airforce would go on National TV and boast about an exercise only to be ridiculed for showboating like cricket scores.
And no, the JF-17 didn't have any fatigue issues, the aircraft was loaded with much heavier Ordinance than the Block-1 was designed for.
Mirage 3 and 5 went out of production decades earlier so naturally we got their parts from wherever available just like you creatures are now doing for some of your depleting squadrons but what a hammer head like you can't comprehend or rather digest is there's no such issues with JF-17 due to it's in-house production.
BTW, it were those so called scrap yard Mirages that raided your Brigade HQ in broad daylight even when your IAF was on full alert.
Pretty rich coming from a retard who needs a Pakistani forum to relay his voice and then your idiocy is complete when you need to copy paste petty remarks by visiting dignitaries, I guess that makes your product highly credible and much sought after lol. If you had any credibility then instead of you crawling here, people would be visiting your otherwise echo Chambers. Now tell me fanboy, what do you expect the visiting Airchief to say about your Tejas....those guys are professionals plus they know the Indian mindset . No professional airforce would go on National TV and boast about an exercise only to be ridiculed for showboating like cricket scores.
And no, the JF-17 didn't have any fatigue issues, the aircraft was loaded with much heavier Ordinance than the Block-1 was designed for.
Mirage 3 and 5 went out of production decades earlier so naturally we got their parts from wherever available just like you creatures are now doing for some of your depleting squadrons but what a hammer head like you can't comprehend or rather digest is there's no such issues with JF-17 due to it's in-house production.
BTW, it were those so called scrap yard Mirages that raided your Brigade HQ in broad daylight even when your IAF was on full alert.
JF-17 is a 3rd generation fighter jet, derived from the MiG-21. Tejas and Rafale are 4th generation fighter jets. India is currently developing a new fighter jet that aims to be as affordable as the JF-17. This new jet, known as the HF-24 Marut, will feature a metal body instead of the carbon composite body used in the Tejas. Additionally, it will not have a delta wing design like the Tejas, allowing it to be powered by a less powerful engine.
JF-17 is a 3rd generation fighter jet, derived from the MiG-21. Tejas and Rafale are 4th generation fighter jets. India is currently developing a new fighter jet that aims to be as affordable as the JF-17. This new jet, known as the HF-24 Marut, will feature a metal body instead of the carbon composite body used in the Tejas. Additionally, it will not have a delta wing design like the Tejas, allowing it to be powered by a less powerful engine.

How dare you, you're wrong! tejas is 4.5 Gen according to Wiki!! It is supar dupa best in class and nothing can match it...just look at it soring gloriously into the sky radiantly and so many westerners praising the way it performs. Do not ever again dare to demean the pride of the nation!!

How dare you, you're wrong! tejas is 4.5 Gen according to Wiki!! It is supar dupa best in class and nothing can match it...just look at it soring gloriously into the sky radiantly and so many westerners praising the way it performs. Do not ever again dare to demean the pride of the nation!!

There is no such thing as 4.5 generation
There's no such thing as 4.5, 4.7, or "5th generation minus"—these are all just marketing gimmicks. A fighter jet is either 4th generation, like Rafale, Tejas, or Eurofighter; 5th generation, like F-22 or F-35; or 3rd generation, like JF-17 or MiG-21.
There's no such thing as 4.5, 4.7, or "5th generation minus"—these are all just marketing gimmicks. A fighter jet is either 4th generation, like Rafale, Tejas, or Eurofighter; 5th generation, like F-22 or F-35; or 3rd generation, like JF-17 or MiG-21.

So the Block III JF-17 with AESA, MAWS is 3rd gen? :ROFLMAO: so that means tejas MK2 must be third gen as well then? :ROFLMAO: the only reference to JF-17 being third gen is by Chinese sources, because their "generation" definition is one class behind the Western convention, i.e. their 3rd gen is Western 4th gen. But I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that putra :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
So the Block III JF-17 with AESA, MAWS is 3rd gen? :ROFLMAO: so that means tejas MK2 must be third gen as well then? :ROFLMAO: the only reference to JF-17 being third gen is by Chinese sources, because their "generation" definition is one class behind the Western convention, i.e. their 3rd gen is Western 4th gen. But I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that putra :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
The design of JF-17 is third generation because it's a derivative of MiG-21. 4th generation fighter jets like Tejas, Rafale, Gripen, and Eurofighter Typhoon feature designs optimized for a low radar cross section and make extensive use of carbon composites in their airframes. For example, Tejas has a 90% carbon composite airframe, and Gripen uses 45%, whereas MiG-21 and JF-17 primarily have metallic bodies.
Because the PLAF has no need for a lightweight fighter, and it was specifically developed for export, but then I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

The PAF acquired the J-10C for the same reason you indians have the M2K, Su30, Rafael etc...different aircraft for different missions profiles...but again, someone like you won't understand that.

YES, JF-17 is a fighter developed for export especially for 3rd world countries which can't afford replace their 1 & 2 gen fighter jets. But like JF-17, J-10 is also a single engine fighter but much larger but comparable to F-16, M2K and not to Su30 or Rafael.

It is also true that I will not understand why PAF which was using F-16 went backwards by buying JF-17s instead of moving forward with J-10s, had PAF gone with J-10 then by now they would have had 150+, 4+ Gen fighters at its disposal.
The design of JF-17 is third generation because it's a derivative of MiG-21. 4th generation fighter jets like Tejas, Rafale, Gripen, and Eurofighter Typhoon feature designs optimized for a low radar cross section and make extensive use of carbon composites in their airframes. For example, Tejas has a 90% carbon composite airframe, and Gripen uses 45%, whereas MiG-21 and JF-17 primarily have metallic bodies.

Nope, JF-17 is based on Mig-33 design concept, Mig was actually used as a consultant for the JF-17 project, unless you consider the Mig-29 3rd gen :ROFLMAO: . You're referring to the Super-7/Sabre II project with Grumman that was meant to have developed the J-7 (Mig-21/F13) airframe with lateral intakes, but that project was abandoned after the Tiananmen square massacre. The FC-1 project, which later became the JF-17, wasn't started until the mid-90s. Again, I wouldn't expect someone like you to know anything.
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YES, JF-17 is a fighter developed for export especially for 3rd world countries which can't afford replace their 1 & 2 gen fighter jets. But like JF-17, J-10 is also a single engine fighter but much larger but comparable to F-16, M2K and not to Su30 or Rafael.

It is also true that I will not understand why PAF which was using F-16 went backwards by buying JF-17s instead of moving forward with J-10s, had PAF gone with J-10 then by now they would have had 150+, 4+ Gen fighters at its disposal.

The same reason why you indians can't replace all your Mig-21s like-for-like with anything else, it's down to cost. That's the whole point of the lightweight fighter, a cheap way to get a significant number of airframes into service, adding enhanced capability as you go along with further development. The J10C is in the same class as the Viper, M2K, etc. i.e. medium-weight, not lightweight. Besides, I don't think the J-10 was even developed fully, let alone available for export in the mid 90s!
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