Hangor Class Submarine | Updates & Discussion

A nuclear submarine in the 2,500 L Tons range is entirely feasible for Pakistan with help from our Chinese and Turkish friends. It will not require any expansion of the Naval Dockyard. It can be modeled after the French Rubis class nuclear subs, which were at 2,400 L Tons surfaced and 2,600 submerged. The interesting thing is that the pedigree of Rubis class was the Daphne and Agosta class submarines on which PN has a lot of experience. In the 90s two of the Rubis class were cancelled and the French tried to sell them as conventional submarines but no takers. Keeping in mind Pakistan’s relationship with France in those days, I will not be surprised that it was one the countries offered the conventional Rubis. In that case PN must have received the specifications and maybe even the blueprints of the sub. In any case we had the blue prints of the Agostas 90s. Rubis shares a lot of it subsystems with that of Agosta and assembling technology between two classes should not be too different. Rubis is powered by 48 MW Pressurized Reactor. Pakistan has been building low pressures reactors in the 50 MW range for years the challenge would be to making it pressurized and miniaturized. It has experience with small pressurized reactors because of the CANDU reactor at KANUPP. We don’t need boomers with vertical launched ballistic missile. We only need SLCM with a 1,000 KM range, we already have the technology.
I mentioned a similar idea, a slightly larger then Rubis option; 4000 tons SSN, centered around the one of the two reactors (70-80 mw) from the Type 093B, in an earlier thread. A reactor of at least this power in proportion to this weight would necessary to be able to efficiently add a pump jet, which would really help keep noise levels lower than otherwise.

Btw, the French Rubis was a very noise sub.

The limitation would be weapons carriage and risk of it being a noisy boat, with limited space to silence the subs. If silencing tech can be made enough to fit in a 4000 ton sub, and keep noise levels under 90-95 db, it’s a feasible option. But the type 093B is probably the best design for the PN.

A tested design, with room for missile tubes.

The PN just needs the missile tubes upgraded, to the new large tubes with smaller missiles inside, like China plans for the Type 095. In this way, the enemy won’t know if it’s a SSN or a SSBN.

Post in thread 'Zulfiquar-class frigate (F22P)'

I would hope we can get the 4000 ton SSN working in the required noise levels because we will have at least a dozen Indian SSNs and SSBNs to keep track of.

Although, China can build 2-3 Type 093B a year. A fleet of 4 Type 093B would be ideal for the PN, if equipped with the large VLS tubes. Enough to keep at least two in second strike configuration and the other two in SSN configuration. Enough to keep at least one of each out on patrol if we really manage our resources. A fleet of 6 would be even better. ;)

The YJ-21: with a 1500 km range a hypersonic glider warhead, better able to evade enemy defenses, could be a decent initial second strike missile. But to say we should rely on SLCM indefinitely is shortsighted, IMHO. enemy defense will only get better and we need the means to cover at least 2000-2500 km, in the performance range of the JL-1A or Pukguksong-3, both about 1.4 meters in diameter. This missile could also be a good follow-on for the ground based missile forces Shaheen 2/3 series of missiles.

US underestimates the performance of the Type 093 though.

Here are some technical estimates on their part on the latest Chinese SSN tech.

Btw, you can see this concept of the three or four missiles per large vls in the design (similar to the three missile per vls on the Indian arihant) of the Russian Yasen class in the following video and that all future Russian SSNs will be SSGNs.

1:00-3:30 (image of the Russian vls with space for four smaller missiles)

I would also hope the PN goes for a sub that has a very deep diving capability. India’s Seahawks helicopters dipping sonar can go down to 350 meters, in the 8-11 kHz frequency range and can see between 30-40 km. Similar to what is available from Turkish industry.

The Type 093B is said to be able to go to a depth of 450 meters and the newest Russian subs can go down to 600 meters.

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Type 040 A
I want to ask that all 8 Hangoor-Class Submarines will share same design features or the 4-Subs, that will be constructed in Pakistan will posses some Indigenous inputs like VT-4/Haider MBTs?
Stirling + AIP technology is far more quiet than nuclear submarines and ordinary diesel electric subs. Giving it extra ordinary stealth + endurance under water.

Stirling AIP, redefining the seas:

How Stirling technology powers the world's most silent submarine:

Some updates on the SSK-N:

Both @伏尔戈星图 and @lyman2003 on Weibo have claimed that the SSK-Ns (nominally named the Type 041-class) are already under construction.

It is mentioned that there would be 4 boats for the 1st batch of the 041 SSK-N, with the order equally split between Jiangnan and Wuchang.

Both of them also claimed that there are photos (satellite-view and/or ground-view) which proves the above to be the case. However, until now, I'm still unable to find it, so if anyone manages to get their hands on those photos, kindly share it here.

The Army Recognition website has also reported on the matter:

Rumors emerge about China's development of a new Type 041 submarine

Reports suggest that China might be working on a new Type 041 submarine.

Any indication it is like the Russian Nikiet nuclear battery (50 kw) aka the “autonomous nuclear turbine generator” with a life span of 5000 hours, that can be swapped out with each mission of around 180 days or up to 6 months


or perhaps the Russian Shelf-M mini reactor.

Even Space-X is getting into the mini reactor game.

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Stirling + AIP technology is far more quiet than nuclear submarines and ordinary diesel electric subs. Giving it extra ordinary stealth + endurance under water.

Stirling AIP, redefining the seas:

How Stirling technology powers the world's most silent submarine:

Btw, just for reference, this is what the Indian scorpenes are considering retrofitting and are not currently fitted with. If they equip their scorpenes with this, then they will have the same length of endurance as the Hangors unsurfaced, 3 weeks. Probably the most detailed video on how the scorpene’s AIP system works.

Per the video, tested out to an endurance of 18 days submerged.

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Btw, just for reference, this is what the Indian scorpenes use. Same length of endurance as the Hangors unsurfaced, 3 weeks. Probably the most detailed video on how the scorpene’s AIP system works.

None of Kalwaris have an AIP for now.
Any indication it is like the Russian Nikiet nuclear battery (50 kw) aka the “autonomous nuclear turbine generator” with a life span of 5000 hours, that can be swapped out with each mission of around 180 days or up to 6 months

or perhaps the Russian Shelf-M mini reactor.

Even Space-X is getting into the mini reactor game.

Type-41?? (SSK-N) is a very unique design with following characteristics...
  • Forthcoming type is based on the 039C design/layout and has VLS, similar to S. Korea's SSKs.
  • The upcoming sub (SSK-N ??) is currently under construction phase (4) but haven't got any designation yet (officially), will be equipped with mini reactor.
  • This AIP (SSK-N??) will also be equipped with lithium-ion batteries along with mini reactor enable her to stay submerged for extended time with other advantages in comparison to SSKs.

For PN this upcoming sub is an excellent low-cost option in comparison to obtain heavy SSN to counter INs SSN threat.

Given that PN is in advance stage of finalizing the type/design for its shallow water SSPs (Fincantieri S-1000), type 41 - SSK-N is the ideal option as it fulfils the requirements of the three tier layer defense by employing ultramodern/modern SSPs, SSKs, SSK-Ns in three distinct tonnage categories (Light, Medium, and Heavy).

- S1000 - Shallow Water AIP-SSP (Light)
- A90Bs - SSKs (Light/Medium)
- 039Bs - SSKs (Medium)
- 041?? - SSK/N (Medium/Heavy)
Type-41?? (SSK-N) is a very unique design with following characteristics...
  • Forthcoming type is based on the 039C design/layout and has VLS, similar to S. Korea's SSKs.
  • The upcoming sub (SSK-N ??) is currently under construction phase (4) but haven't got any designation yet (officially), will be equipped with mini reactor.
  • This AIP (SSK-N??) will also be equipped with lithium-ion batteries along with mini reactor enable her to stay submerged for extended time with other advantages in comparison to SSKs.

For PN this upcoming sub is an excellent low-cost option in comparison to obtain heavy SSN to counter INs SSN threat.

Given that PN is in advance stage of finalizing the type/design for its shallow water SSPs (Fincantieri S-1000), type 41 - SSK-N is the ideal option as it fulfils the requirements of the three tier layer defense by employing ultramodern/modern SSPs, SSKs, SSK-Ns in three distinct tonnage categories (Light, Medium, and Heavy).

- S1000 - Shallow Water AIP-SSP (Light)
- A90Bs - SSKs (Light/Medium)
- 039Bs - SSKs (Medium)
- 041?? - SSK/N (Medium/Heavy)
Probably better to change the order for 8 Hangors to 4 Hangors and 4 of these SSK-Ns instead. The PN still needs a sub the size of the Type 093B, IMHO, because it’s 18 VLS that can carry the YJ-21 (with a 1000-1500 km range) can be used as a always at sea nuclear deterrent operating anywhere in the Indian Ocean, and being able to stay out for months keeping the Indians guessing.

The SSK-N would be good at hunting Indian SSNs and SSKs along their coastal regions and to work with our surface action groups to prevent enemy subs from getting the jump on our boys unchallenged.
Probably better to change the order for 8 Hangors to 4 Hangors and 4 of these SSK-Ns instead.

Its too late for that as one already launched while 5 other in different level of construction (soon 2 more will be launched).

The PN still needs a sub the size of the Type 093B, IMHO, because it’s 18 VLS that can carry the YJ-21 (with a 1000-1500 km range) can be used as a always at sea nuclear deterrent operating anywhere in the Indian Ocean, and being able to stay out for months keeping the Indians guessing.

As highlighted above & in other threads too that for PN any full size SSN is beyond its resources hence its better off by acquiring SSK-N thanks for the evolving of 041 SSK-N.

The SSK-N would be good at hunting Indian SSNs and SSKs along their coastal regions and to work with our surface action groups to prevent enemy subs from getting the jump on our boys unchallenged.

Indeed & that's what PN sub force are meant to be.
Its too late for that as one already launched while 5 other in different level of construction (soon 2 more will be launched).

As highlighted above & in other threads too that for PN any full size SSN is beyond its resources hence its better off by acquiring SSK-N thanks for the evolving of 041 SSK-N.

Indeed & that's what PN sub force are meant to be.
It may be too late to change the hanger design and it is probably likely that the PN will go for the SSK-N to fill its second strike needs due to budget constraints. Such a shame our economy is in such a state, or else we could have gotten a much more robust platform.
I thought the contracts were signed long time ( ~ 5-8yrs) ago to get these submarines.
Why the delay ?

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