Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

IDF strikes 60 targets belonging to Hezbollah's intelligence directorate

IDF strikes Hezbollah intelligence network, delivering major blow to communications and coordination​

By YONAH JEREMY BOBSEPTEMBER 25, 2024 16:00Updated: SEPTEMBER 25, 2024 16:27

Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, southern Lebanon, June 25, 2024 (photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
Smoke rises from the southern Lebanese town of Khiam, southern Lebanon, June 25, 2024(photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)

The IDF on Wednesday announced that it had bombed Hezbollah's intelligence headquarters network in 60 different spots.

According to the IDF, this will immediately and directly impact Hezbollah's ability to collect intelligence, coordinate intelligence efforts, and its various tools for evaluating the broader battlefield picture.

A map of those areas attacked showed a huge number of targets in southern Lebanon, a few deep into the Bekaa Valley, a few in central Lebanon, and one on the western coast.

The simultaneous attack appeared focused on achieving a moment of shock and confusion across Lebanon.

Given the huge blow to Hezbollah's communications from the beeper and walkie-talkie explosions since the middle of last week, as well as the numerous top commanders killed since Friday of last week, bringing down Hezbollah's intelligence network could leave it substantially blind regarding the developing battlefield.

 Grad rockets used by Hezbollah  (credit: Alma Research Institute)
Enlrage image
Grad rockets used by Hezbollah (credit: Alma Research Institute)

The future of Hezbollah​

This could make it harder for Hezbollah to know what rockets can still be fired versus which have been destroyed, as well as make it harder to defend against a future potential IDF ground invasion.
I don’t see any army targets. All I see is the Israeli army releasing their own press statements and all see in the pics are civilian targets.
Lowest form of human at it again.
@Mr X
@The SC

I’d appreciate it if people didn’t post whole articles instead of just highlighting the main points and leaving a link so we don’t have to scroll through all this nonsense.

He’s constantly doing it.
Let him. He is an example of what we are up against. Constantly putting articles that are biased - where no one can verify the info because no neutral journalist is allowed in - those that are in get murdered.
We need him as he reminds us of how not to be. Defending the lowest form of human is an all time low.
Let him. He is an example of what we are up against. Constantly putting articles that are biased - where no one can verify the info because no neutral journalist is allowed in - those that are in get murdered.
We need him as he reminds us of how not to be. Defending the lowest form of human is an all time low.
Not complaining about him posting articles it’s that he is copy and pasting whole articles taking up so much scroll space. He can be considerate and highlight main points with a link to said article.
Not complaining about him posting articles it’s that he is copy and pasting whole articles taking up so much scroll space. He can be considerate and highlight main points with a link to said article.
Considerate? Bro please he’s a Zionist. May struggle to show consideration
Honestly I see a war on the horizon if Trump wins. I'm sorry Iran but get ready for the storm ahead. This reminds me of the Saddam wmd story all made up lies just to start a forever war in the middle east. The goal is not to win but to destabilize the whole region. Only way I see greater Israel happens is a world war 3 nuclear apocalypse where Israel comes out untouched then they will call it pax israeliana.
Hezbollah reveals Qader-1 ballistic missile with 500kg warhead and 190km range

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 20.41.48.pngScreenshot 2024-09-25 at 20.41.54.png


190km range
500kg warhead
0.62m diameter
7.665m length
2870kg total weight

Precision guided short range ballistic missile. Not clearly a copy of any existing Iranian missile system. Perhaps a modified version of the BM-250 with reduced range and larger warhead, or a custom design.
So what is superior intellect combined with a declining political and military power looks like ?

When the Mongols conquered Persia in the thirteenth century, theywere themselves entirely uneducated andwere obliged to depend wholly on nativePersian officials to administer the countryand to collect the revenue. They retained aswazeer, or Prime Minister, one Rashid alDin, a historian of international repute.
the Prime Minister, when speaking to theMongol II Khan, was obliged to remainthroughout the interview on his knees. Atstate banquets, the Prime Minister stoodbehind the Khan’s seat to wait upon him. Ifthe Khan were in a good mood, heoccasionally passed his wazeer a piece offood over his shoulder.
So it doesn't matter if the West continues to print more nobel leaurate every year or how many top universities are located in the West. The moment their military and political power decline relative to their opponents, or even worse collapses. These intellectuals, just like the Persian intellectuals under the Mongols, will be to the use of the new conquering race (which are mostly backward).

So just how far has the West declines ?
The high point of the West should be considered the Belle Epoch

The Belle Epoque coincided with what people call the great divergence, the socioeconomic phenomena where the White race eclipsed everyone and anyone on earth including past mighty states (Ottomans, India, China).


This is the time where Europeans could just walk into Qing's capital city and divided the city into neighborhoods for whites.

or even put humans in zoo.

This is the high time of the Western civilizations.

But WW1 came .The result ? 3 mighty christian European empires cease to exist, in their place, small nation states (Russian empire, German and Austrian empire broken up to form the likes of Czechia, Ukraine, Poland etc.)

WW2 follows up, and Europe lose almost their entire sovereignty and a huge chunk of their people and industry in the process. Germany no longer a proud militaristic society, now divided into two, they're still and economic and intellectual power, but again they have lost the political and military power (reminds you of the Arabo-Persians in the 13th century).

Then what's left in Europe is the UK and France, and they only figured out they no longer pulls the string during the Suez crisis (1956). Where they fail to subdue newly independent Egypt. Other colonial power like the Netherlands caved to former colony Indonesia in the contest for Papua, while Portuguese lose Goa to India.

It would took another 40 years before Britain accepts the fate that they're no longer an empire with the handover of Hong Long to Communist China in 1999.


They try another war in the Middle East but even that they fail. Afghanistan falls back to taliban rule in 2021, while the war in the Middle East resulted in the return of Islamism, even though the Americans engineered war in these region to introduce liberal democracy.

If Suez in 1956 is humiliating enough for the French and the UK, for failing to perform against newly independent Egypt. Then 2024 saw the combined West failed to compel Houthis to open the Red Sea, and the Houthis aren't even a nation state, but an armed group hailing from the mountains of Yemen.

So we're already the relative decline in capacity of the West to impose their will using the political and military tools. It will continue to decline, I guess the upcoming war in the Pacific with China will be the main blow to the West's ability to shape the world to their whims.

So be patient. Soon enough, the host in which parasites like Israel land on will be subdued by time.

@Meengla @LeGenD

I dont have time to make this thorough writing like this anymore in PDF. Good writing.
The western world developed technology a hundred years before the Muslim world , atleast.

It's been a catch up game

The Muslim world fell asleep and subsequently got exploited

You snooze you lose

With time I find the simplest explanations most powerful

I read an article the other day on the Arab News website titled "Israel has shown ideology is no match for technology." The link is below. Mind you, I don't read Arab news in general holistically, as their focus is just on the useless real estate business; I view it as a wealth preserver and not a generator of additional revenue streams and development in the overall economy due to lack of manufacturing, Research and Development facilities., as my philosophy is that the area's economy should dictate the infrastructure. I also believe a self-evolving culture that corrects itself over its lifespan wins in the end, as the Europeans have shown before and after the Dark Ages. This article, I will say, sums up my beliefs pretty well and shines the reality we often miss.

Now, back to the article, he made the simple point that we sell ideology to the locals and recruit cheap soldiers, imposing the ideology of granting Jannah (paradise) and Martyrism and do not place much importance on human life, along with adopting copied weapons that have no utility in the current modern warfare environment and name them after long dead Islamic figures.

The author goes on to state, "Scientific superiority is the key to human victories, and the development of war machinery is a direct result of the advancement of institutions and society." I have repeatedly said when discussing Pakistan's economic issues that before you make any structural changes to the economy, you need to change the culture. I talked about on this forum how Manmohan Singh, from the early 1990s to his Premiership, implemented policies to socially mobilize upward India's bottom class, set quotas for rural children to have seats at colleges and universities, health reforms in the nation, and changing the economy through university policies focusing on IT, Software development, etc.

The Europeans came out of the Dark Ages by translating books and texts; their Churches and clergy were at the forefront of this, and the first universities were church affiliates. The Crusades had a profound impact as they opened European civilization to other civilizations that were possibly more advanced or not, and this led to social changes within European society, such that it wasn't Jesus sending down cures from Heaven; it was worldly knowledge. This is where the Europeans fought off the clergy and set a course for themselves. If you look at the volume of books that were translated from other languages to European languages, it was profound. (Look at the culture; you're at a bus stop; either someone is reading or listening to an audiobook, but the same can't be said of the Middle East or Pakistan. The Arabs have a camel roasting party and place emphasis on that, and Pakistanis on Halwa and Puri; the Indians, a good segment, are now going backward to their dancing routines and posting TikToks on that).

Do you want to see the scale of disparity? Although the Arab world has 5% of the world's population, it produces only 1.1% of published books. I believe Jews probably publish more books than Arabs internationally; now, if you want to compare translated work to Israel, let's use 2008 figures: Arabs translated 300 books into Arabic, while Israelis translated 7,414 into Hebrew.

Arab Books:

Israel Books:

In the Islamic world, there are an average of 500 researchers per 1,000,000 people; in Europe, there are an average of 4,000 researchers per 1,000,000 people. This does not factor in the brain drain that has occurred in our regions in the last 30 years. Latin America has recently crossed the threshold and is advancing beyond us.

It's a long topic, but in the end, we didn't carry the torch we initially made; we passed it off to others, as we do at the opening of the Olympics, never to see it again.


@RescueRanger @Oscar @Waz @LeGenD @Panzerkiel
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Hezbollah reveals Qader-1 ballistic missile with 500kg warhead and 190km range

View attachment 67224View attachment 67225


190km range
500kg warhead
0.62m diameter
7.665m length
2870kg total weight

Precision guided short range ballistic missile. Not clearly a copy of any existing Iranian missile system. Perhaps a modified version of the BM-250 with reduced range and larger warhead, or a custom design.

It means nothing unless it is used against enemy that bring about some major destruction.

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