Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

At the end of day, I think Muslims are the winners

As it is promised in Quran and Hadiths and Prophet Muhammad won over both kuffar and jews

You have the right attitude. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a warrior and there were 101 battle and expeditions in his time, out of which he was present in 28. The Muslims didn't win all of them. There were successes and losses. That tells us that just being a Muslim doesn't guarantee victory, we have to work for it.

The thing we need to remember is that we as Muslims have several advantages that our enemies don't have.

1. The promise of help from God.
2. Belief in heaven. Our dead go to paradise while the enemy goes to hell.
3. Unity. Even if we seem disunited, the disunity in mostly among rulers while most Muslims are very united. We need to work more on this.
4. Prophecies of victory, inshallah.

If we're suffering, then so is the enemy. I see a sudden collapse for them which will leave the whole world stunned. In the mentime we need to remain steady.
This Hasbara channel(OSINTdefender) spread false news that Tasnim said something else.

Imagine if Hezbollah and Iran didn't get their hands dirty for Assad. You will have a dedicated anti Israel force from Syria but the bloodshed caused against Sunnis by siding with a Godless dictator hopefully opened the eyes of Shias now.
Yeah as a Shia I’m glad they intervene to fight the “Sunnis.” Everyone knew what the game plan was from the jump except you fools who bit your own nose to spite your face.
So he is happy that dozens, maybe hundreds, of his country's civilians were killed to take out a couple of military targets?

He is laughing because those civilians were Muslim and he is presumably Christian?
Jonathan - most likely a Christian like Brigitte Gabrielle who at the heart of anti Muslim activities in the US. She hates Muslims with a passion rival that of extremist Hindus
Yes I have heard. Hassan Nasrallah has been killed by the Israeli airstrike.
The copium is real. We've seen Muslims fight by exploding in markets and killing women and children just as much ad the west does. There is no line that Muslims don't cross either. It's not laws or frameworks why you're losing. You're just out matched in every way.

People's go through periods of strength and weakness

But we are not Hindus that we will cower for 1000 years

That's what Muslim is, and injustice is committed against our people and it's our duty to fight, to show resilience and find ways to harass our enemy until we can win

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