Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

And what's hezbollah redline here? Did they release military targets of Israel a couple months back via drone footage. Now that their leader is gone what are they going to do? Continue waging a war of attrition and slowly turn South lebanon into the next Gaza or fight fiercely and launch everything they have got at Israel sheesh it's probably too late now when Israel started heavy bombing into hezbollah ammunition depots I'm not even sure if they have much left to return the favor.
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It's justifiable for some people in Lebanon to hate hezbollah for bringing the country into this mess. Like I said before don't start a war if u can't finish they certainly underestimated Israeli capabilities and they are paying a heavy price for it. Just because Israel ground invasion in Gaza was a shit show doesn't mean they can't bomb u back to the stone age.
They have U.S money
U.S weapons
U.S diplomatic cover
U.S hypocrisy

It's not that difficult, to bomb places without air defence using U.S bombs

What we are telling you is resistance is painful but necessary

Hindus remained slaves for a thousand years.
Yet the crusader kingdom was destroyed in about 100 years, because of that relentless will to resist amongst Muslims

Hundreds of millions of people in the middle east cannot remain at risk because of west wants a apartheid Jew state to create chaos for it

Yeah sure, as soon as they see an Arab man they will otherwise run away, as if without US money Hizbolla and Hamas will actually win against Israel.

1)They work hard, build industry, have a great economy that supporrts them, have an expert foreign policy team that keeps them strategically aligned to the most powerful countries in the world.
2) ISraeli weapons are bought around the world. India paid a billion a piece for Phalcons. How many high end systems did Hizbolla/ Hamas/ Lebanon sell?
3) Israel build their own F 16 equal the LAVI which China copied in the Jet you so proudly show off - the J10C. Hamas 'air atatck' was with paragliders

As for the rest, you lost all wars so shut it.
No it was the inaction of Iran to the killing of Hamas leader ismail that led to all this. Israel senses weakness and strike. Simple as that and they are right. They know Iran doesn't want the smoke so they keep on provoking.
They would have done anyway. They just started Lebanon war when they ended Gaza war, they have their agenda clear, and it's unaffected by other things.

Likely scenario: Israel deep state allowed Oct 7 to have a excuse to Gaza war, Lebanon war (now), Syria war (later), and finally Iran war. Under USA orders.

You only have to read USA news of the period 2010-2013 to understand what USA wants in Middle East: Biggest war ever in Hormuz strait, and reduce the oil exports through there to zero.
Yeah sure, as soon as they see an Arab man they will otherwise run away, as if without US money Hizbolla and Hamas will actually win against Israel.

1)They work hard, build industry, have a great economy that supporrts them, have an expert foreign policy team that keeps them strategically aligned to the most powerful countries in the world.
2) ISraeli weapons are bought around the world. India paid a billion a piece for Phalcons. How many high end systems did Hizbolla/ Hamas/ Lebanon sell?
3) Israel build their own F 16 equal the LAVI which China copied in the Jet you so proudly show off - the J10C. Hamas 'air atatck' was with paragliders

As for the rest, you lost all wars so shut it.
RSS pa***t indeed Israeli weapons are good. I like the “game changer” spyder which shot down your helicopter and spice bomb that missed.

It is quite interesting to see the opinion of some people here is precisely the same news given in the Zionist Jewish media. In fact, we can see even basic concepts of disinformation being repeated like mantras. Which shows that although the media today does not have the strength it had in the past, the media still manages to manipulate a large part of the masses.
Yeah sure, as soon as they see an Arab man they will otherwise run away, as if without US money Hizbolla and Hamas will actually win against Israel.

1)They work hard, build industry, have a great economy that supporrts them, have an expert foreign policy team that keeps them strategically aligned to the most powerful countries in the world.
2) ISraeli weapons are bought around the world. India paid a billion a piece for Phalcons. How many high end systems did Hizbolla/ Hamas/ Lebanon sell?
3) Israel build their own F 16 equal the LAVI which China copied in the Jet you so proudly show off - the J10C. Hamas 'air atatck' was with paragliders

As for the rest, you lost all wars so shut it.

Lavi and j-10 look nothing alike
The back of the Lavi aircraft has no obvious bulge, while the back of the J-10 aircraft has and the bulge on J-10 raised the cockpit height and improved the pilot's vision and some of its wires is in it. Lavi aircraft used a close-coupled canard, while the J-10 uses a mid-range coupling canard; Lavi type adopts fixed Pitot tube inlets similar to F-16, J-10A innovatively uses binary adjustable inlets, later J-10B and J-10C used DSI inlets. The wing structure of these two are also very different, J-10 has very A clear blended wing body at its end of the wing and Lavi doesn't.
Mostly importantly it is the size, J-10 is about the same size Rafale and Lavi is significantly smaller.
not like someone could simply look at a photo and “copy” a plane with similar ability.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t take India 30 years to develop the HAL Tejas, which Indians claiming to be 4.5 generation but actually look like a 2nd or 3rd generation antique lol
Sorry guys I'm on speed limit. Next tweet in 24 hours 🤣 get me out of this jail time.i will be back later.


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Lavi and j-10 look nothing alike
The back of the Lavi aircraft has no obvious bulge, while the back of the J-10 aircraft has and the bulge on J-10 raised the cockpit height and improved the pilot's vision and some of its wires is in it. Lavi aircraft used a close-coupled canard, while the J-10 uses a mid-range coupling canard; Lavi type adopts fixed Pitot tube inlets similar to F-16, J-10A innovatively uses binary adjustable inlets, later J-10B and J-10C used DSI inlets. The wing structure of these two are also very different, J-10 has very A clear blended wing body at its end of the wing and Lavi doesn't.
Mostly importantly it is the size, J-10 is about the same size Rafale and Lavi is significantly smaller.
not like someone could simply look at a photo and “copy” a plane with similar ability.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t take India 30 years to develop the HAL Tejas, which Indians claiming to be 4.5 generation but actually look like a 2nd or 3rd generation antique lol
Well, Kafir or Lavi was stolen Mirage 5 blueprint including engine from France.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, UAE, Algeria .... No presence at all. Weaker than any eastern European country. Unbelievable. Can all these nations really not come up with a proposal to protect the Palestinian and Lebanese people ??

More than 10 martyrs in the initial toll of the raids on Hermel and a large number of wounded

Most Muslim leaders are fully in the Zionist camp. They have no desire of getting involved nor do they really believe in the whole Islam Muslim thing. They just want $$$ and sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. They really are all about preserving their own pathetic powers.

If Israel bombed Mecca and Medina today... None of the Muslim nations would do anything about it. And Israel knows this. That's is why they are going crazy...

Hamas, Hezbollah, Houtis are all non-state actors... they cannot go against Israel and all the Western forces behind the Zionists. The Zionists have unlimited resources.

SAUDI MBS wants to convert his nation into a Dubai whore house.
I wonder if current Iranian leadership has considered forming a defense pact with Pakistan and Turkey.

These 3 countries should form a NATO style defense pact.
lolll.... come on.....
If Israel bombed Mecca and Medina today... None of the Muslim nations would do anything about it. And Israel knows this. That's is why they are going crazy...

You could be correct. Entire Islamic world could not save the sancity of Al-Aqsa. What a pathetic losers we are!
Every decent looking religious leader is not honest. Everyone has their own agenda.
it seems some people think that a big beard means holiness, goodness and patriotism.

But really a big beard just means a big beard.

e.g: Khamenei is a traitor to the axis of resistance in the daylight, doing nothing as Israel pounds ruthlessly and without rest to all Iran pawns.
lolll.... come on.....

It's not totally out of the question. Erdogan has expressed an interest in forming an alliance, we don't know exactly what extent. What we do know both Turkey and Iran do not want to see Israel expanding its borders and territorial waters, so the aligned interest is there. Israel is an ally of Greece and Greek Cyprus.

It wouldn't be the first time the region's countries have joined forces against Israel.


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