India - China Relations

Oh, I am sure you can walk to the nearest railway station, buy and read a newspaper, switch TV stations.
What else?

A queasy thought.

You know, I'm really disappointed.
I was prepared for someone turning out to be not first class, but second class, even, at a pinch, slightly less endowed. But it has been bad. Really bad.

This takes me right back to my teaching days.

There is nothing as difficult as the ignorant who will not admit it, will not try to change, but insists on stone-walling every effort to set him on the rails.

Very difficult.
Very painful.

I have been a teacher for 35 years and counting Sir. I know what you mean very intimately. I feel the pain too. But, it is what it is. We must accept what we cannot change or control no matter how difficult.
Thats a nice job if he is getting well paid.
It is. CCP can't provide economic growth anymore, so they have increased spends in propaganda and PR to keep its people from revolting.
I have been a teacher for 35 years and counting Sir. I know what you mean very intimately. I feel the pain too. But, it is what it is. We must accept what we cannot change or control no matter how difficult.
Totally, totally.
I'm trying to cope with a sense of failure. I got nowhere.
No, it's not even funny. It's tragic. I've met very few this handicapped.
Leave it.

And the administration coddles him still. If you want another reason here’s another one BTW.
And the administration coddles him still. If you want another reason here’s another one BTW.
To be honest, I don't think anyone has engaged with him as we did just now. For one thing, who wants to question brochure-ware?

Think of high-class people like Deino who has universal respect. It's embarrassing, I tell you.
To be honest, I don't think anyone has engaged with him as we did just now. For one thing, who wants to question brochure-ware?

Think of high-class people like Deino who has universal respect. It's embarrassing, I tell you.
OK, I'm going to get drunk.
It’s okay. People can decide for themselves. Let them. 😁

That's basically the whole point of any forum. No need to force the issue, the boring boor makes himself known to more if you let him. Its what I did elsewhere with same guy, worked like a cinch.

Well clearly this thread is not going to work out.
As one that helped set up another forum, give it time. These are all inevitable teething issues.
Thread bans (at least temporary ones) do help if issues persist past suggested timeouts.
Issues like persistent badgering, gaslighting, taunting spam etc... from whichever old PDF carryover stuff.

Every post does not merit a response.

Cheers, Doc
Precisely. I have now set a basic "you must be this tall to enter the ride" thingy these days w.r.t convo I engage, for this very reason heh.

Its all from prior experience of these rides ive taken some same folks on and their responses during the ride... some basic level of maturity is needed in end.

I miss posters like Chinese Dragon, Genesis and Yizhi (to add to jhungary). There were a couple others too.

In all fairness, I wanted someone to share his very interesting views on internal movements of people within Han China, and especially the impact it had on the evolution of the Chinese language. For someone to come brandishing his sheaf of agitprop videos and burst into the discussion, and ask someone like me to expand ROC, is definitely a disincentive.

I shall be getting to that next week hopefully. Don't let one person ruin things for you. Just ignore their predictable goading.

For now, someone has really recently updated the wiki page on the Hakka (from what I last remember) and left a really good map there:


And the bot wins again! 🙁

Nah, this is just resurfacing (at both old PDF and now here) of pains from some sound deep wallops I gave in another forum (and severe losses the same chap took there, and called it quits heh).

I know the core psyche of this stuff (extreme political fanboy blowhards in general) and where it really hurts and comes from. But its really not worth revisiting for same particular fellow again (which he wants, so he can hector and badger with one-liners) least if its not something illuminating for others (which he doesn't want).

From my knowledge of how threads start and meander, this will all come and form in its own proper time. The long form I keep referring to. If its one thing that can be said about China, its a very long subject.
Nah, this is just resurfacing (at both old PDF and now here) of pains from some sound deep wallops I gave in another forum (and severe losses the same chap took there, and called it quits heh).

I know the core psyche of this stuff (extreme political fanboy blowhards in general) and where it really hurts and comes from. But its really not worth revisiting for same particular fellow again (which he wants, so he can hector and badger with one-liners) least if its not something illuminating for others (which he doesn't want).

From my knowledge of how threads start and meander, this will all come and form in its own proper time. The long form I keep referring to. If its one thing that can be said about China, its a very long subject.

Let us, the saner ones, or at least the less insane ones, resolve to make this one a better place for all of us. No matter what.
When do we hold hands and sing to each other? 😁

Maybe when we are rid of lawyers...

The thread has now gone through its spate of deja vu, repeated repeatables etc. somewhat inevitably.

But I noticed you brought a musical element in some portions too.

Repeated repeatables though aren't all bad, I mean there are things I recognise easily and can listen to again and again (unlike forum trolls/bots/spam),...and repeat on my own guitars. I never get tired of those...

Like the 12 bar blues , you recognise it everywhere once you know it....the basis of so many riffs, licks and countless variations... I actually learned the "shuffle blues" first on the guitar as kid as the standard since its lot more popular in rock.

Only later i learned daddy jazz has an earlier standard and all shuffles are the later variants....

I prefer most of the shuffles and other variants though (compared to basic original standard).... they sound like more natural gear shifts overall sometimes with nice double clutching too.

Lot of people also tend to think learning the guitar is hard, its actually pretty easy...though getting good takes time like anything else worth spending time on

The 12 bar blues especially opens a MASSIVE treasure trove all by itself. most people have no idea on this hah.

Given the "rumble" that was forming here for a while....regd. Links famous 12bb variation, he took a cpl beats off and innovated so well (much deeper than just the distortion effect)...but any 12 bar blue aficionado can still recognise the framework instantly:

I could talk for many hours on the 12 bar blues coming to think of it, but it will be way off topic here anyway (sorry to rest that don't care for this stuff heh).

Just a small detour on things I actually care to repeat, song and dance wise heh. I'll probably take detours like this from time to time.

"forum troll" repeated repeatables though (esp old PDF legacy stuff), less said the better, forget stale....they've aged like milk

I prefer to find something new these days, to bring things back into India-China, here is some Indo Chinese music collab I found earlier:

Maybe when we are rid of lawyers...

Maybe, Maybe. But in the meantime we must work within the forum we now have, not the forum we wish we had.

On topic, what I find encouraging is that despite all the border disputes, trade between India and China is growing rapidly.

If you two can do this, why can‘t us two i.e. Pakistan and India?

What a pity!
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Maybe, Maybe. But in the meantime we must work within the forum we now have, not the forum we wish we had.

On topic, what I find encouraging is that despite all the border disputes, trade between India and China is growing rapidly.

If you two can do this, why can‘t us two i.e. Pakistan and India?

What a pity!

It needs Pakistan to figure out basic economy + trajectory stuff.

This will compel things just like it has between China and rest of its more immediate neighbours which it has bad history with (especially say Japan, but also countries like Vietnam). i.e putting all those things aside and having enough enterprise and commerce that gets people-people interaction, investment, trade to grow and flourish than the geopolitics and history otherwise would suggest.

If it was done with China and the countries China has far more axe to grind with (than India), it can certainly be done between India and Pakistan.

But it needs Pakistan establishment to take rest of Pakistan more seriously.....rather than swelter in the current status quo of insular classist "few" holding back the latent forces and potentials of the many ......out of spite, fear, anti-intellectualism and all the rest of the ducks that need to be in line (in more distributed, principled and fair decision making) to have a chance out of the mess.

Remaining insular and polarised on this means you rate and will rate closer to the 1 in the 1 - 10 scale of North vs South Korea for example. If you become relevant, (i.e closer to the 10), lot more doors open with every country no matter the beef of before and today..... I mean the SoKo Japanese one is pretty extreme as well....but cha-ching anyway right. NoKo in comparison has completely turned in on itself to maintain its internal power dynamic at all cost, no matter the cost on the larger population....and also has little in geopolitical relations progression and scope to show for it.
It needs Pakistan to figure out basic economy + trajectory stuff.

This will compel things just like it has between China and rest of its more immediate neighbours which it has bad history with (especially say Japan, but also countries like Vietnam). i.e putting all those things aside and having enough enterprise and commerce that gets people-people interaction, investment, trade to grow and flourish than the geopolitics and history otherwise would suggest.

If it was done with China and the countries China has far more axe to grind with (than India), it can certainly be done between India and Pakistan.

But it needs Pakistan establishment to take rest of Pakistan more seriously.....rather than swelter in the current status quo of insular classist "few" holding back the latent forces and potentials of the many ......out of spite, fear, anti-intellectualism and all the rest of the ducks that need to be in line (in more distributed, principled and fair decision making) to have a chance out of the mess.

Remaining insular and polarised on this means you rate and will rate closer to the 1 in the 1 - 10 scale of North vs South Korea for example. If you become relevant, (i.e closer to the 10), lot more doors open with every country no matter the beef of before and today..... I mean the SoKo Japanese one is pretty extreme as well....but cha-ching anyway right. NoKo in comparison has completely turned in on itself to maintain its internal power dynamic at all cost, no matter the cost on the larger population....and also has little in geopolitical relations progression and scope to show for it.
I am reminded of my article on the old PDF arguing for the benefits of Mutually Assured Blackmail instead of MAD based on irreversible and crucial economic interdependence.
I am reminded of my article on the old PDF arguing for the benefits of Mutually Assured Blackmail instead of MAD based on irreversible and crucial economic interdependence.

Perhaps we need a thread on promoting India-Pakistan economic ties around here.

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