India - China Relations

If we take away the paradigm shift that the Qing/Manchu brought about, that leaves for revision of classification of nearly 60% of Chinese land mass acquired by colonial acquisition, ironically a 60% that reflects a defeated Nehru's views about Aksai Chin .
India is the pure product of British colonial imperialism, ought to be dismembered. India never existed in history before 1947.
If you read Chinese history and learn Chinese culture you should know that we Chinese people always prefer law and order, alway hate chaos and infightings. I m not sure about you Indian mentality, but the current system, autocratic or not, suits Chinese ways of management well, this is why the great majority of the population still support it.
If a government can keep a massive nation growing double digits for 2 decades, there must be something right about it.
We Chinese are result oriented people, whoever brings the result will get the people's support.
We are not interested in badmouthing the government just for being able to do so,cause we know that brings no positive results, it's always easy to blame others, but if you are in their shoes, you are most probably won't be any better, Chinese public do offer constructive criticism to the government but rarely meaningless finger pointing.
I will write about this in a while, at leisure.
India is the pure product of British colonial imperialism, ought to be dismembered. India never existed in history before 1947.
I love it when these illiterates with a smattering of facts from the Internet bob up and down making the most pompous statements without realising what exhibitions they make of themselves.
I will write about this in a while, at leisure.

I love it when these illiterates with a smattering of facts from the Internet bob up and down making the most pompous statements without realising what exhibitions they make of themselves.
You are as ignorant as any China-hater claims to be expert on China-India matters.
What are we fighting about now?

Cheers, Doc
When I debate with you, I find you are just programmed by typical western mindset, very narrow and one sided, don't really have your own ideas and thoughts, that is why you just run out of arguement with less than 5 posts in most cases.

There is no debate here. I know what I said above. 😁
There is no debate here. I know what I said above. 😁
You need to live in both cultures for some time to know what you are talking about. After living in US for some years, I found what I preceived about US previously was largely wrong.
You need to live in both cultures for some time to know what you are talking about. After living in US for some years, I found what I preceived about US previously was largely wrong.

You can perceive only what the programming allows. It is as clear as day.
True, hopefully US also knows it. let countries decide for their own. Time of colonialism and global domination is a thing of the past.
So you are ready to give Taiwan the same choice? 😁
So you are ready to give Taiwan the same choice? 😁
Taiwan is part of China, even US recognizes it, based on Taiwan's law, citizens from mainland China are automatically citizens of ROC (Taiwan), so based on ROC's law itself, Taiwan issues should be decided by the people of whole China.
Taiwan is part of China, even US recognized it, based on Taiwan's law, citizens from mainland China are automatically citizens of ROC (Taiwan), so based on ROC's law itself, Taiwan issues should be decided by the people of whole China.

Tell it to the Taiwanese people. If they accept that I have no problem. 😁
Tell it to the Taiwanese people. If they acctthat I have no problem. 😁
That's Taiwan's own law, it again shows how ignorant you are about anything concerning China.
That's Taiwan's own law, it again shows how ignorant you are about anything concerning China.
Like I said please get the Taiwanese people to agree to that. Not me. 😁

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