Indian Navy News & Discussions

The TEDBF can be powered by either two GE-F404 engines, the French M88 engine, or an improved Kaveri engine. Therefore, I am confident it won't face delays like the Tejas MK1A, which only has one engine option, the GE-F404.

Bro, TEDBF will not be using GE-F404 it will be flying with F414 INS6

The TEDBF is a twin-engine fighter jet that can be powered by two RD-33 engines. These engines are manufactured in India under license and through technology transfer. If RD-33 engines are not used, the French M-88 engines are an alternative. Additionally, the Kaveri engine is another option. The issue of engine availability is not a concern for a twin-engine fighter jet. a single-engine fighter jet requires a very high-quality, powerful, and reliable engine, which India currently lacks.

No, RD-33s or M-88s for TEDBF or Tejas Mk.2, AMCA might go with variant of M-88

First flight of TEDBF is in 2026 with two GE F414 engines

you are contradicting your own posts

You think we can fit more VLSAMs with UVLS, or with upcoming other standard missile MRSAM or whatever it's name is.

IN doesn't require to load all of its vessels with missiles, as plans are for having 2 types of Destroyers & Frigates, smaller ones for AC groups and larger ones for long range patrolling.
You really should start using your brain ... selling an entire fighter is totally different tto selling engines for an in fact competitor! France knows very well, that without M88 or F414 engines, the TEDBF is dead and so the most likely option will be another purchase of additional Rafales.

So why then selling engines, if the chance is good to sell more Rafales?

And by the way ..

China, CAC and the PLAAF have a different opinion! :ROFLMAO: 🤡

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By that logic, France shouldn't have supplied helicopter engines to India, and Germany shouldn't have supplied tank engines to India.

As for the quality of Chinese fighter jets, The global consensus doesn't align with your hunch that Chinese jets are superior in quality. Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality. This extends beyond military equipment to include automobiles
By that logic, France shouldn't have supplied helicopter engines to India, and Germany shouldn't have supplied tank engines to India.

As for the quality of Chinese fighter jets, The global consensus doesn't align with your hunch that Chinese jets are superior in quality. Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality. This extends beyond military equipment to include automobiles

Guess which is why Chinese kit is being used now extensively in the Middle East and Asia and India barely registers in top 25 of arms exporters whilst China is 4th globally. Facts have a funny way of crushing stupid arguments
By that logic, France shouldn't have supplied helicopter engines to India, and Germany shouldn't have supplied tank engines to India.

As for the quality of Chinese fighter jets, The global consensus doesn't align with your hunch that Chinese jets are superior in quality. Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality. This extends beyond military equipment to include automobiles

Not again that BS … first I never Chinese products to be superior, but it was who said, onyl Westeren engines are reliable enough to be used on single engined aircraft: I onyl showed you a J-10C and with more than 600 of them flying since years - all late batch models on CHinese engines - it is clear, you lied again.

Concerning Indian and top quality, in fact NO Indian product world-wide and surely not a single one in the automobile sector is rated high quality. Go and ask all around and not only Indian clowns like you living within their bubble of fantasy.
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Guess which is why Chinese kit is being used now extensively in the Middle East and Asia and India barely registers in top 25 of arms exporters whilst China is 4th globally. Facts have a funny way of crushing stupid arguments
Quality is not the only factor to consider when purchasing a fighter jet. India cannot buy F-35, even if offered by USA, because there is little point in acquiring a stealth fighter jet if it cannot be used to strike deep inside Pakistan against anti-India or anti-Afghan terror hideouts.
Not again that BS … first I never Chinese products to be superior, but it was who said, onyl Westeren engines are reliable enough to be used on single engined aircraft: I onyl showed you a J-10C and with more than 600 of them flying since years - all late batch models on CHinese engines - it is clear, you lied again.

Concerning Indian and top quality, in fact NO Indian product world-wide and surely not a single one in the automobile sector is rated high quality. Go and ask all around and not only Indian clowns like you living within their bubble of fantasy.

Never seen an Indian car in my life, and have travelled far and wide....
By that logic, France shouldn't have supplied helicopter engines to India, and Germany shouldn't have supplied tank engines to India.

As for the quality of Chinese fighter jets, The global consensus doesn't align with your hunch that Chinese jets are superior in quality. Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality. This extends beyond military equipment to include automobiles

I know it is off topic, but it would really be interesting how you overenthusiastic friend tries to explain this ... so much on "Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality"?

I know it is off topic, but it would really be interesting how you overenthusiastic friend tries to explain this ... so much on "Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality"?

Don't yet know the reason for this fire, but sure bring it up in a discussion about quality. And you are a moderator!
Like I said before, you are biased against all things Indian and only you seem to know why.
Don't yet know the reason for this fire, but sure bring it up in a discussion about quality. And you are a moderator!
Like I said before, you are biased against all things Indian and only you seem to know why.

The rest of us can read, he was not the one who bought up the quality of Indian products, your fellow Indian did....
Don't yet know the reason for this fire, but sure bring it up in a discussion about quality. And you are a moderator!
Like I said before, you are biased against all things Indian and only you seem to know why.

Again, I'm not biased against anything from India, in fact I am only biased against any nationalistic chest-bumping, about bragging airshow models and concepts as real performances even if in fact rarely / barely any hardware exists, I'm against showing off something quite normal as the best and even more - in fact I hate it - that some certain fan boys are constantly lying and are spreading BS!

I have nothing against the Tejas, but it is an aircraft of its time, will surely gain a historical place in India's aviation chronicles, but to portray it as "equal or even superior to Eurofighter, Rafale or whatever" is just laughable, to try to portray, "India's way to finally manufacture a Indian Flanker version or later a fifth generation fighter will in the end be more successful than China's way" is ridiculous, since China already produces a Chinese version (aka the J-16) since years and in numbers and even more so own fifth generation fighters.

The same can so on endlessly, to portray "Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality" especially in the automobile sector is laughable and in fact it annoys me that as a critic you are attacked like led by herd instinct, instead of putting these idiots in their place and allowing an open, realistic and fact-based discussion.
Again, I'm not biased against anything from India, in fact I am only biased against any nationalistic chest-bumping, about bragging airshow models and concepts as real performances even if in fact rarely / barely any hardware exists, I'm against showing off something quite normal as the best and even more - in fact I hate it - that some certain fan boys are constantly lying and are spreading BS!

I have nothing against the Tejas, but it is an aircraft of its time, will surely gain a historical place in India's aviation chronicles, but to portray it as "equal or even superior to Eurofighter, Rafale or whatever" is just laughable, to try to portray, "India's way to finally manufacture a Indian Flanker version or later a fifth generation fighter will in the end be more successful than China's way" is ridiculous, since China already produces a Chinese version (aka the J-16) since years and in numbers and even more so own fifth generation fighters.

The same can so on endlessly, to portray "Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality" especially in the automobile sector is laughable and in fact it annoys me that as a critic you are attacked like led by herd instinct, instead of putting these idiots in their place and allowing an open, realistic and fact-based discussion.
Off topic but here in Australia, a 2023 model Indian-made car scored 0 out of 5 stars for overall safety (Link). Whereas all Chinese cars scored the full 5 stars within the past few years with some still more price competitive than that death trap.
Again, I'm not biased against anything from India, in fact I am only biased against any nationalistic chest-bumping, about bragging airshow models and concepts as real performances even if in fact rarely / barely any hardware exists, I'm against showing off something quite normal as the best and even more - in fact I hate it - that some certain fan boys are constantly lying and are spreading BS!

I have nothing against the Tejas, but it is an aircraft of its time, will surely gain a historical place in India's aviation chronicles, but to portray it as "equal or even superior to Eurofighter, Rafale or whatever" is just laughable, to try to portray, "India's way to finally manufacture a Indian Flanker version or later a fifth generation fighter will in the end be more successful than China's way" is ridiculous, since China already produces a Chinese version (aka the J-16) since years and in numbers and even more so own fifth generation fighters.

The same can so on endlessly, to portray "Indian-made products, have a reputation for quality" especially in the automobile sector is laughable and in fact it annoys me that as a critic you are attacked like led by herd instinct, instead of putting these idiots in their place and allowing an open, realistic and fact-based discussion.
Please re read my post. I called out you jumping the gun, using a as yet uninvestigated incident to connect it to arguments about quality. I have not said anything about Indian quality, just pointing out how you often jump the gun and connect the wrong dots.
Untill the cause of the fire is identified, which could be a quality issue or not, as a defence expert and moderator, you jumping the gun and pointing to quality is pretty indicative.
The rest of us can read, he was not the one who bought up the quality of Indian products, your fellow Indian did....
And you seem to be happy to jump on the band wagon without reading what I have commented. Yoh did this before too, and I asked you kindly to refrain from commenting on my posts unless they relate to you or pakistan.

Re read my post again, I have not advocated for anything about Indian quality, just pointing our to how some people are quick to jump the gun.

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