India's Rise and The Weaponisation Of Rape

They've weaponized this narrative, that there's an epidemic of rapes here, when it is clearly not the case.

They do happen but, and grab all the headlines, as they should.

Its all part of 5th gen info warfare against India by a motley crew of enemy foreign black propaganda intel, enemies within (self hating leftists), and low info malicious intent driven randoms on the global interwebz such as this forum, but also on bigger global spaces/squares like twitter/X.

anecdote : I've spoken to many many single women travelers and asked them if they felt safe here, the answer has been universal.. a bit of common sense is all it takes to stay away from trouble.. the situation in south America, Brazil etc is a LOT more hairy wrt crime, pick-pocketing, hold ups, and physical violence.
I think @mulj have a point.
South Asia have always been a traditional society.

The western world evolved gradually from a traditional society to a post modern sexual liberation society over a period of 200 years. It happened gradually and was a indiginous driven phenomenon. So the society adapted to it incrementally over several decades. Even in the west today there are men from older generation who havent fully fathomed what huge change there have been just the past 20 years.

South Asia is changing from a traditional to a postmodern LGBT hypersexual society in lightningspeed. Large part pf society is poor and uneducated. Its a societal bomb.

While in country like BD there is Islam to balance out the effects of post-modernism. Im unsure about India.

Dont be naive. Follow the narrative.

Ever wondered where and when this "rape capital of the world" emerged from?

@r3alist @hussain0216 @PAKISTANFOREVER @Alter_Ego @Areesh @Zarvan @Fatman17 @Waz @Mr X @VCheng @Kambojaric @PakFactor @Lulldapull @Dalit

Cheers, Doc

Yeah. I'm going to stay out of this one, doc. Lol
While in country like BD there is Islam to balance out the effects of post-modernism. Im unsure about India.

Since you bring religion into a topic on the political global weaponisation of rape to beat down on a rising non white power, please expand on how Islam does what resident Hinduism does not. In the south Asian context.

Cheers, Doc
Don't. Seriously. Good posts are needed to dilute mulj type sewage.

I think @mulj have a point.
South Asia have always been a traditional society.

The western world evolved gradually from a traditional society to a post modern sexual liberation society over a period of 200 years. It happened gradually and was a indiginous driven phenomenon. So the society adapted to it incrementally over several decades. Even in the west today there are men from older generation who havent fully fathomed what huge change there have been just the past 20 years.

South Asia is changing from a traditional to a postmodern LGBT hypersexual society in lightningspeed. Large part pf society is poor and uneducated. Its a societal bomb.

While in country like BD there is Islam to balance out the effects of post-modernism. Im unsure about India.
indians here are to hotheaded with short fuse to realize simple fact that societies are not some sort of empiric experiment which can be replicated with same results over and over again and i was polite at maximum human level possibly but in vain.
Since you bring religion into a topic on the political global weaponisation of rape to beat down on a rising non white power, please expand on how Islam does what resident Hinduism does not. In the south Asian context.

Cheers, Doc

It wasnt my intention to start a religious discussion or comparison at all Doc.
Don't. Seriously. Good posts are needed to dilute mulj type sewage.
you are obsessed with sewage if you lack some approach to your local municipality.
It wasnt my intention to start a religious discussion or comparison at all Doc.

But you obviously did.

If Bangladesh is immune because of Islam, and "you don't know" about India.

Where 81% are Hindus.
you are obsessed with sewage if you lack some approach to your local municipality.
says a lungi who too ashamed to show his real flag

Bosnian :rolleyes:

@vsdoc .. he a lungi
But you obviously did.

If Bangladesh is immune because of Islam, and "you don't know" about India.

Where 81% are Hindus.

Im not saying immune.
Bangladesh have rapes too, unfortunately.

What i am saying is that BD and many muslim countries are liberalizing society in a more gradual manner because Islam acts as a buffer.

Again, i have never been in India and dont know the details of your society in this regard. Which is why i said im unsure about India.

My impression is that muslim countries takes westernization as a buffee. Pick and choose what is adaptable for the society. Typically technological and sometimes legal advances. But reject sexual liberation and LGBT stuff. India i think just blindly allows everything from the west. But i could be wrong though.
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I think @mulj have a point.
South Asia have always been a traditional society.

The western world evolved gradually from a traditional society to a post modern sexual liberation society over a period of 200 years. It happened gradually and was a indiginous driven phenomenon. So the society adapted to it incrementally over several decades. Even in the west today there are men from older generation who havent fully fathomed what huge change there have been just the past 20 years.

South Asia is changing from a traditional to a postmodern LGBT hypersexual society in lightningspeed. Large part pf society is poor and uneducated. Its a societal bomb.

While in country like BD there is Islam to balance out the effects of post-modernism. Im unsure about India.
I could not disagree more, or with greater vehemence. This is a confusion of mixed social attitudes as a traditional society faces a constitution that was an evolution of a governing coloniser's most recent legislation, the Government of India Act of 1935 being extended and expanded and diversified into the Indian constitution, with the large-scale social crimes of the nineteenth century that were forcibly stopped - significantly, after a movement to ban these was launched by Hindu reformers.

That remark was inaccurate, and merely a slur, not a casual slur, but a deliberate and pointed socio-cultural slur with a foundation in religious hostility.

It is not acceptable, and support for it is in bad taste.

Im not saying immune.
Bangladesh have rapes too.
You have just repeated the usual slur against Hindus common to religious opponents from our neighbouring countries. It is incorrect, and utterly out of place.
I could not disagree more, or with greater vehemence. This is a confusion of mixed social attitudes as a traditional society faces a constitution that was an evolution of a governing coloniser's most recent legislation, the Government of India Act of 1935 being extended and expanded and diversified into the Indian constitution, with the large-scale social crimes of the nineteenth century that were forcibly stopped - significantly, after a movement to ban these was launched by Hindu reformers.

That remark was inaccurate, and merely a slur, not a casual slur, but a deliberate and pointed socio-cultural slur with a foundation in religious hostility.

It is not acceptable, and support for it is in bad taste.


The Hindu reformers bit is key.

If you see the violence of Khaps, you would imagine how fraught that would have been then.

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