India's Rise and The Weaponisation Of Rape

I think there is nobody on the forum not aware that I am not a bhakt, nor a supporter of the vile campaign against Indian citizens who happen to be other than Hindu. Personally, without retaining any strong theist beliefs, culturally and socially, I am a secular Indian, who believes in the rule of law, and the absolute equality of all Indian citizens under that rule of law.

That being the case, it is not for me tolerable to read disguised slurs on the social and cultural norms that I owe loyalty to and consider myself affiliated with.

It does not mean that I am a Hindutvavadi. It means that I expect my base beliefs not to be falsely pilloried, whether through ignorance or through malice is irrelevant.
I think there is nobody on the forum not aware that I am not a bhakt, nor a supporter of the vile campaign against Indian citizens who happen to be other than Hindu. Personally, without retaining any strong theist beliefs, culturally and socially, I am a secular Indian, who believes in the rule of law, and the absolute equality of all Indian citizens under that rule of law.

That being the case, it is not for me tolerable to read disguised slurs on the social and cultural norms that I owe loyalty to and consider myself affiliated with.

It does not mean that I am a Hindutvavadi. It means that I expect my base beliefs not to be falsely pilloried, whether through ignorance or through malice is irrelevant.

You could simply say I am a Hindu, Joe. 😊
These guys are too low IQ man.

Hes a lungi pretending to be a Bosnian white muslim.

So, you get into a beef with one person and then use generalized deregetory terms targeting particular
society/nationality, still expect others to be respectful toward you and your nationality?
So, you get into a beef with one person and then use generalized deregetory terms targeting particular
society/nationality, still expect others to be respectful toward you and your nationality?

So, you get into a beef with one person and then use generalized deregetory terms targeting particular
society/nationality, still expect others to be respectful toward you and your nationality?
he can not get into beef with me, there is no ground he can cover without being utterly ridiculed, so he runs in circles with stupid theories.
I could not disagree more, or with greater vehemence. This is a confusion of mixed social attitudes as a traditional society faces a constitution that was an evolution of a governing coloniser's most recent legislation, the Government of India Act of 1935 being extended and expanded and diversified into the Indian constitution, with the large-scale social crimes of the nineteenth century that were forcibly stopped - significantly, after a movement to ban these was launched by Hindu reformers.

That remark was inaccurate, and merely a slur, not a casual slur, but a deliberate and pointed socio-cultural slur with a foundation in religious hostility.

It is not acceptable, and support for it is in bad taste.


Not a slur against hinduism.
I dont know about hinduistic religion rules beyond your outward costums. Really, you guys are getting ruled up for something i havent professed in the first place.

When i said muji have a point, i meant not his position (i assume) on hinduistic rituals. But rather the effects of implementation of extreme sexual liberalization (post-modernism) in a society which still is largely agricultural and uneducated.

Maybe i wrote a bit clumsy. Thats on me.

My main point is, western sexual liberalization was indiginous phenomenon. But in south asia it is largely a external driven phenomenon. Thus major part of society is unprepared for it.

Forexample, when a immigrant from middle east or south asia comes to Europe, he might believe young women want to be «used» or have sex with everybody, just because the way the women dress here. Which of course is not true. But in the tabloid impressed mind of non-western it might easily seem so, because of cultural misunderstanding.
Not a slur against hinduism.
I dont know about hinduistic religion rules beyond your outward costums. Really, you guys are getting ruled up for something i havent professed in the first place.

When i said muji have a point, i meant not his position (i assume) on hinduistic rituals. But rather the effects of implementation of extreme sexual liberalization (post-modernism) in a society which still is largely agricultural and uneducated.

Maybe i wrote a bit clumsy. Thats on me.

My main point is, western sexual liberalization was indiginous phenomenon. But in south asia it is largely a external driven phenomenon. Thus major part of society is unprepared for it.

Forexample, when a immigrant from middle east or south asia comes to Europe, he might believe young women want to be «used» or have sex with everybody, just because the way the women dress here. Which of course is not true. But in the tabloid impressed mind of non-western is might seem so.

Yes we got all that bro.

Waiting for you to explain how Islam is superior in buffering your people compared to us.
You could simply say I am a Hindu, Joe. 😊
It isn't that simple. I'm a Shakta, and despise those packs roaming the north baying God's name and attacking the innocent. Not just a Hindu, but one very particular and discriminating of the behaviour of other Hindus.
Yes we got all that bro.

Waiting for you to explain how Islam is superior in buffering your people compared to us.

Maybe another day
Dont want to derail the thread.
It isn't that simple. I'm a Shakta, and despise those packs roaming the north baying God's name and attacking the innocent. Not just a Hindu, but one very particular and discriminating of the behaviour of other Hindus.

Yes I know. Im fingering you.

Most Muslims and Sanghis here do not know what you really are by birth and personal faith and belief .
When i said muji have a point, i meant not his position (i assume) on hinduistic rituals. But rather the effects of implementation of extreme sexual liberalization (post-modernism) in a society which still is largely agricultural and uneducated.
i have no position about their religious practices and it is not mine bussines, what i am pointing out , as you said, are effects on society rooted culturally with certain norms exposed to the evolved western colonial standards and metric, joe is smart enough to understand that but at the same time pissed not seeing how to get out from that catch 22 situation, this other guy on the other hand is ordinary hindutva dweller and mascot for amusement.
When i said muji have a point, i meant not his position (i assume) on hinduistic rituals. But rather the effects of implementation of extreme sexual liberalization (post-modernism) in a society which still is largely agricultural and uneducated.
This is fine, and nobody can object to it. I don't, and, in fact, have much in common. But the implied religious slur is totally unacceptable.

My main point is, western sexual liberalization was indiginous phenomenon. But in south asia it is largely a external driven phenomenon. Thus major part of society is unprepared for it.

Forexample, when a immigrant from middle east or south asia comes to Europe, he might believe young women want to be «used» or have sex with everybody, just because the way the women dress here. Which of course is not true. But in the tabloid impressed mind of non-western is might seem so.
Well, perhaps, putting things in a crudely simplistic form. However, in India itself, society has started separating out into streams, some of which are quite startlingly accepting of European and American norms. So it isn't a homogeneous population that we are looking at, any more. It can also not be said in a sweeping statement that all Indians going to a different cultural environment misunderstand the rules of social interaction due to the background they come from, and due to the misleading tabloid stories they hear and read.
joe is smart enough to understand that but at the same time pissed not seeing how to get out from that catch 22 situation
Not so. I am deeply offended at the ahistoric statement you made. Don't make statements without an understanding of the situation.

This practice was born out of greed mixed with vicious, animal bigotry, and was banned by the colonial rulers after a very strong movement by Hindu reformers (who were opposed, in their turn, by Hindu conservatives and regressive elements). Those events shook Hindu society, and led to major schisms, and also to consequent legislation that remains a feature of our secularism today (a subject for another day).

For someone to make a statement as crass and ignorant as that was not something that I could let pass, although normally, in lesser cases, I ignore attacks on religion.
This is fine, and nobody can object to it. I don't, and, in fact, have much in common. But the implied religious slur is totally unacceptable.

Well, perhaps, putting things in a crudely simplistic form. However, in India itself, society has started separating out into streams, some of which are quite startlingly accepting of European and American norms. So it isn't a homogeneous population that we are looking at, any more. It can also not be said in a sweeping statement that all Indians going to a different cultural environment misunderstand the rules of social interaction due to the background they come from, and due to the misleading tabloid stories they hear and read.

Yes of course India is diverse.
It difficult to paint everybody with same brush. I mean, indians are more different to eachother than north and south europeans are to eachother. Which is mind boggling.

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