India's Rise and The Weaponisation Of Rape

Yes, but this thread suggests that south Asians, desis etc are capable of doing the dividing bit all by themselves, endlessly.

Both sides clearly don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, ok... go ahead, larger events are fcuking you but as long as you feel like you got one over whilst the news cycle suits you never mind...

I see you.

Its possible to have two things in the mind simultaneously.
- discuss possible societal causes of rapes in India
- Rapes in India being used to pressure it geopolitically
This lady from the small bits I have heard has no fixed ideology

Her exterior is a harmless looking aunty, her inner workings are not, my random inference 😇

Very smart lady. Not a great fan of bhakts. But not openly old school Congressi either.

A bit of Vir Sanghvi if you will.

Cheers, Doc
I see you.

Its possible to have two things in the mind simultaneously.
- discuss possible societal causes of rapes in India
- Rapes in India being used to pressure it geopolitically

We are on a defence forum, primary lens.

Most people here treat it like a gossip forum, atleast attempt to look at things in a defence related view 🙄

Especially in these scenarios where societal events overlap with geo politics.

Furthermore, if you want to have a discussion essentially framed around saying you guys have an issue with rape, here let me tell you about it, how's that going to go 🙄
This applies vice versa, those Indian influence operations will be hard to forget for many
Then really, if that's the paradigm you cannot really complain about what might be said

Suck it up.

We all fight our own battles.

Don't expect alliances. They will happen organically if they must.

Cheers, Doc
Suck it up.

We all fight our own battles.

Don't expect alliances. They will happen organically if they must.

Cheers, Doc

Doc, I have very grounded expectations, can't you tell 😁

I just share an analysis, if that leads you to think it alludes to an alliance read the sentence above again😇
Doc, I have very grounded expectations, can't you tell 😁

I just share an analysis, if that leads you to think it alludes to an alliance read the sentence above again😇

I know. Its not that we try to hide our inner motivations and drivers either. We are pretty open about what we are doing and why we are doing it.

You see bro, at 1.5 billion, we don't really need you as allies. If anything, most times, its your side trying to ride piggy back on the Indian wagon.

I knew this thread will invite cries from the usual Pakistani Muslim quarters about see, this is why we said you need to be nice to us and not bait us.

The way I see it, the communities might and probably are intertwined locally in the west, in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, maybe not so much in Europe.

But in the larger global picture, it does not serve Hindu interests to be aligned with Muslims. When you are under the kosh.

You fight your own battle. We will wash our hands in the flowing Ganges.

You are free to do the same. Or align with us on this, hoping it takes some steam off the grooming rep your side has earned in the UK.

Your choice. We can easily fight the west on our own mettle, with our own numbers and scale.

Cheers, Doc
The same men are on the streets to get justice for this woman. Numbers of men in India are more than numbers of women in the protest for women justice.
India is hope for women. People protests here in large number for the justice for a women. So it gets lime light all over the world and looks like "this crime is happening in India only". But we know how US and western world are worst in that and no one raise their voice in streets for these women. No media talks about that unless its high profile case for TRP.
And China even don't publish data and banned all news for rapes.
Middle east banned any this kinda news in media. They control everything.

Only India is hope for women all over the world. Here people believe in revolution.
I know. Its not that we try to hide our inner motivations and drivers either. We are pretty open about what we are doing and why we are doing it.

You see bro, at 1.5 billion, we don't really need you as allies. If anything, most times, its your side trying to ride piggy back on the Indian wagon.

I knew this thread will invite cries from the usual Pakistani Muslim quarters about see, this is why we said you need to be nice to us and not bait us.

The way I see it, the communities might and probably are intertwined locally in the west, in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, maybe not so much in Europe.

But in the larger global picture, it does not serve Hindu interests to be aligned with Muslims. When you are under the kosh.

You fight your own battle. We will wash our hands in the flowing Ganges.

You are free to do the same. Or align with us on this, hoping it takes some steam off the grooming rep your side has earned in the UK.

Your choice. We can easily fight the west on our own mettle, with our own numbers and scale.

Cheers, Doc

You very much have it in your mind that an alliance is being attempted or cultivated, I can only say it's coming from you within

There is no possibility of even a mutual understanding if you do not see cause or effect as the same, I am speaking in the most general sense.

If you also do agree on cause and effect but choose to prioritise another driver, then again a mutual understanding, a basic shared view of the world is not even desirable

Now if you say to me, I have some wrong assumptions or deductions I would be happy to have a temporary alliance to discuss😇🤣

Btw, why do you think the Chechen region Muslims have a strong alliance with the Russian state, they are exemplars of blood, soil and faith par excellence.

You don't have to answer, consider it a rhetorical question 🤣
Btw, why do you think the Chechen region Muslims have a strong alliance with the Russian state, they are exemplars of blood, soil and faith par excellence.

You don't have to answer, consider it a rhetorical question 🤣

Derailing the thread with your pet theories which you grind under the delusion are actually baits?
Derailing the thread with your pet theories which you grind under the delusion are actually baits?

Doc, you explicitly responded to the bit I said you don't have to respond to 🤣

I am doing no derailing sir, that was your choice you exercised, I feel bad now as I should have known the reaction!

My contribution is done for now 😇

Top results from the first 4 pages of a keyword search for Weaponisation of Rape India.

You do not need to be particularly astute to see a trend, and read between the lines from the actual sources of each piece.

This is a systematic hit job.

Cheers, Doc
reeks of 5th column garbage

but kudos to raulpindi express for this leave

View attachment 61188

So what was wrong in what he said? Or what did he evade?

You want the media to set the agenda for what the LOP of India will speak?

You PM does not fkn talk to the media.

Talk about being hypocritical sharma ji.

Cheers, Doc

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