'Indus Water Treaty Not feasible to maintain': India serves notice to Pakistan, seeks Modification.

Basically your whole UN, Vienna convention, respect of laws and whatever BS you just blurt out in the past went out of the window as soon as you heard China. LMFAO.

We all hear this argument you'll never be this or that, India is not trying to be China anyway. We have our own position of power to fill. Not today, not tomorrow maybe it won't even happen in our life time.
Except you didn't read my comments from the beginning. I didn't just mention China, I also mentioned the US and Russia as well.

If you want to make a convincing argument, it's best not to lie.
Oh yeah, while you're preaching those international laws. China claimed nine dash lines as their own despite a court ruling against it violating provisions of UNCLOS. The Chinese claimed territories passes through EEZ or even internationally recognised boundaries, islands of different countries.

Now I'm not saying India is China..... Yet
You literally suggesting India wants to be like China.

Not true. First thing would be established is if it has jurisdiction on the matter, and similar cases in the past have shown it does. Second, you don't have to accept its authority to be a party in the proceedings.

Finally, go ahead and try to get out of the treaty unilaterally. See what happens.
No you are wrong.

A Court of arbitration has no power to enforce its rulings.
No you are wrong.

A Court of arbitration has no power to enforce its rulings.
No court has technical power to enforce its rulings, but it gives legitimacy which can cause enforcement by other means. For example, if a decision is made one way or another, it could force third party nations to switch recognition of the new reality and enforce sanctions.

You're being obtuse.

If India was confident it could do this, it would have done so a long time ago.
No court has technical power to enforce its rulings, but it gives legitimacy which can cause enforcement by other means. For example, if a decision is made one way or another, it could force third party nations to switch recognition of the new reality and enforce sanctions.

You're being obtuse.

If India was confident it could do this, it would have done so a long time ago.
1. Most courts have powers to enforce its rulings, be it criminal or civil courts.

2. However court of arbitration is a court where both parties have voluntarily accept that they will accept its ruling.

When and if times comes, and India decides to aborogate the treaty, no court arbitration will be able to stop it.
The Treaty will be legally and within the framework in the treaty , will be revised to make it equitable but the timeline and step by step process will be slow....gradual....no arbit emotional decisions here. Intent has been communicated formally as a first step.

Pakistanis threats on this forum is pointless and typical of them. All these process of demography change in Kashmir or IWT etc is a project which will get realized ...in a gradual way over decades.

From 80% to 50% to Pakistan in our life and later from 50% to 30% ....or whatever.

Why so heart burɓ

They do not.
Technically we both are correct.
From internet:
Article 18 allows for invoking other provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties to terminate treaties, to withdraw from them or to suspend their application in the event of an armed conflict.
International courts. Loss of prestige. You really think neighboring countries will trust India if India goes ahead and ignores a treaty it signed in good faith?

But sure, go ahead. Give it a try.
Doubt the international court jurisdiction in this matter.

Rest, is a matter of debate. There is no point to stick to a deal made in good will when it doesn't exist.
Except you didn't read my comments from the beginning. I didn't just mention China, I also mentioned the US and Russia as well.

If you want to make a convincing argument, it's best not to lie.
No. You were going around and round about the legality of the issue.
You literally suggesting India wants to be like China.

No. Why would we want to be like China? It's on some imaginary competition with the west. On the other hand India is simply going to get the best of both worlds.

Point being the treaty is perpetual, I don't think it is going to last but sure enough you will have to make concessions.

Ready to discuss India’s concerns on Indus Waters Treaty, says FO

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has expressed willingness to discuss issues concerning the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) with India.

Weeks after India formally notified Pakistan to amend the bilateral treaty due to “fundamental and unforeseen changes in circumstances,” the Foreign Office said on Thursday that all discussions could take place within the treaty’s existing framework.

During her weekly press briefing, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch was asked about India’s intentions to review the water-sharing agreement.

In response, Ms Baloch reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to the treaty and said the issues could be discussed between the commissioners for Indus Waters appointed by both countries.

Under the IWT, the commissioners are part of the Permanent Indus Commission, comprising officials from India and Pakistan. The body oversees the treaty’s implementation and exchanges bilateral data.

“The Indus Waters Treaty is an important treaty that has served both Pakistan and India well over the last several decades. We believe it is the gold standard of bilateral treaties on water sharing, and Pakistan is fully committed to its implementation. We expect India to also remain committed to the treaty,” Ms Baloch stated.

She said the commission is the “appropriate forum” for discussing and addressing all issues related to the treaty.


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