Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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The United States finds itself mired in the complexities of the Middle East as it aims to shift its strategic focus towards its Pivot to Asia policy.

It intended to prioritize its containment of China's influence in the Far East, the U.S. was focused on redirecting its military resources away from the Middle East and towards bolstering its presence in the South China Sea. This realignment involved a concerted effort to relocate forces and reorganize military assets to effectively counter China's growing dominance in the region while simultaneously reinforcing alliances with key partners in the Indo-Pacific.

However, Netanyahu is has been the biggest thorn in U.S plans. Israel war in Gaza has sabotaged the Abraham accords and killed any chance of a peacefull solution in the middle east. Which means the U.S is gonna get stuck here for a long time, that why you see American hesitation on the Iranian-Israel conflict.
Well I always thought that Iran might never get attacked. May be I was and am right. But let's be realistic. Israel might attack you(Iran) using air power i.e. jet fighters. You guys have already exhausted their defenses, all you need to do is to launch a bigger shower now. But this time target only their air power and concentrate your strike. Dont do the mistake that Egypt did. Make sure you fire at least three projectiles for one target.

This is your time. If you preemptively destroyed their air capability now, you will be save for quite a long time(untill they build it again, but they will come). Make sure to destroy as much as possible (complete destruction will be the best)

@Waz now you see how this thread will disappear. Just keep an eye on that rat on this forum.
Any credible source for your assumption that israel has exhausted all its defence stock ?
Also in case of attack by US/ Israel who will save Iranian assets ?
Looking at this airbase as an untouchable place after the barrage it took up the wazoo will be fascinating to see the new pics of the damage sustained by the Persian Daggers! Love it. These arrogant, murderous child killers who brag about wiping out the great, resilient Palestinian people and literally get away with murder in front of the whole world just got punched in the face and is crapping its pants.

Slow motion of the zionist entity getting bitchslapped by Persian Daggers. :D

Iran, just needs to be ready and prepared for the retaliation and defend accordingly and answer back in kind. You have no choice now and must go all in. All the power to it! I think the majority of the world is on its side as the cowardly murderous entity is reeling in the path of its Gaza killings and its total misconception that it can just launch attacks at anyone without any consequences. Big ups to Iran. (y) (y) (y)

yeah, I am not sure if they are crapping their pants. I hope Israel doesn't resort to nukes. I they do, I hope for Iran's own sake that they have nukes too.
The comparison should be cost of the damage if drones were allowed towards their target and cost of defence mechanism..Once they are targeted, I don't think they will give multiple chance for enemy to do the same ..

Nope, it's a double fail

You have to fire a expensive air defence missile or air to air missile from a jet to take out a cheap drones

What happens if Iran staggers the drones?
What happens if Iran sends waves of drones over days or months?
What happens if Hezbollah or other proxies start firing missiles?

The air defence missiles are expensive and take a lot of time to make and replenish stocks.

All Iran had to do, to create chaos, fear and scrambling across Israel was launch a bunch of cheap drones to confuse the system then perfectly timed the launch of ballistic missiles which got through multiple defences

what happens if the deplete Israeli air defence and then launch a major attack with even more drones and missiles and Hezbollah rockets etc thrown in?

This is why Israel is trying to get the U.S and west to attack and is uncommitted it self
It's why the U.S is saying, shut up, don't escalate and take the fake propaganda, just like Indians were crying about a fake f16
Nope, it's a double fail

You have to fire a expensive air defence missile or air to air missile from a jet to take out a cheap drones

What happens if Iran staggers the drones?
What happens if Iran sends waves of drones over days or months?
What happens if Hezbollah or other proxies start firing missiles?

The air defence missiles are expensive and take a lot of time to make and replenish stocks.

All Iran had to do, to create chaos, fear and scrambling across Israel was launch a bunch of cheap drones to confuse the system then perfectly timed the launch of ballistic missiles which got through multiple defences

what happens if the deplete Israeli air defence and then launch a major attack with even more drones and missiles and Hezbollah rockets etc thrown in?

This is why Israel is trying to get the U.S and west to attack and is uncommitted it self
It's why the U.S is saying, shut up, don't escalate and take the fake propaganda, just like Indians were crying about a fake f16
You are assuming that they will be at recieving end all the time ...It is not a rocket science to conclude that if their defence system gets depleted they will go to attack mode (if not earlier) ..What will be the scenario then ??
Not so simple.
What comes in mainstream media headlines are also a product of what is percieved (right or wrong) to be of national interests. It would be naive to believe otherwise.
In a free market working well, it's what is perceived as personal interest of the news viewer too.

e.g: Terrorist attack in Africa zone where Westerners travel (like Tunisia or Egypt travel zones) is news mainstream in the West. But if the same happens in other non-travel near zone of Africa is not news, because the viewer doesn't feel he can be the victim.

in a nutshell: There are two main points: 1) National interests, what you say, and 2) pure personal interests of people who watch the news, that included shocking news that it's easily viral like missiles overflying important zones like Jerusalem.
The United States finds itself mired in the complexities of the Middle East as it aims to shift its strategic focus towards its Pivot to Asia policy.

It intended to prioritize its containment of China's influence in the Far East, the U.S. was focused on redirecting its military resources away from the Middle East and towards bolstering its presence in the South China Sea. This realignment involved a concerted effort to relocate forces and reorganize military assets to effectively counter China's growing dominance in the region while simultaneously reinforcing alliances with key partners in the Indo-Pacific.

However, Netanyahu is has been the biggest thorn in U.S plans. Israel war in Gaza has sabotaged the Abraham accords and killed any chance of a peacefull solution in the middle east. Which means the U.S is gonna get stuck here for a long time, that why you see American hesitation on the Iranian-Israel conflict.

Have you noticed something throughout the years? Every single time the US tries to tackle China something else comes in between...
Attack on Israel is a direct attack on the west. Don't consider it to be go like Ukraine, it might've been clear when US and the UK shot down Iranian drones yesterday.
Iran knows this that's why it hesitates from engaging in a direct war.

Now let's see how puppy Israel reacts... Remember no reaction means defeat.
Nope, it's a double fail

You have to fire a expensive air defence missile or air to air missile from a jet to take out a cheap drones

What happens if Iran staggers the drones?
What happens if Iran sends waves of drones over days or months?
What happens if Hezbollah or other proxies start firing missiles?

The air defence missiles are expensive and take a lot of time to make and replenish stocks.

All Iran had to do, to create chaos, fear and scrambling across Israel was launch a bunch of cheap drones to confuse the system then perfectly timed the launch of ballistic missiles which got through multiple defences

what happens if the deplete Israeli air defence and then launch a major attack with even more drones and missiles and Hezbollah rockets etc thrown in?

This is why Israel is trying to get the U.S and west to attack and is uncommitted it self
It's why the U.S is saying, shut up, don't escalate and take the fake propaganda, just like Indians were crying about a fake f16

These dumb Hindutvatis are cheerleading for their Zionist brothers. That is all. They know that when push comes to shove things will get very nasty and out of control.
You are assuming that they will be at recieving end all the time ...It is not a rocket science to conclude that if their defence system gets depleted they will go to attack mode (if not earlier) ..What will be the scenario then ??

Then Iran will take some hits, but it will also deliver hits and Israel is a small tiny state at the end of the day

It's already had 6 months of war
It's become a hated pariah in many parts of the world
It's had to Jew about a 100 billion out of the U.S tax payer and the west
It's destroyed its own reputation

All to do what, kill PALESTINIANS who still refuse to move and have the demographic advantage

And all Iran had to do was support and supply the resistance

The reason why the U.S and west doesn't want a war with Iran is because Iran has offensive power, it has the ability to hit multiple target's

So their is nowhere for the U.S or west to base itself or build up forces, without those forces being hit
Could they hit Iran, kill Iranians and cause destruction, the answer is SURE
but in return Iran will hit ever base and target it get hit and wipe them out

even placing ships in range of drones and anti ship missiles is dangerous if they can deplete air defence missiles and go for the kill

so even if they attack Iran, they can only do so in a limited manner and in response Iran will wipe them out in the region and in the end the U.S and west will have to back off, leaving Iran

This doesn't even consider the consequences of oil and gas supply being effected for multiple countries from the entire middle east
Houthis and other proxies creating blockades and attacks
OR what Russia and China will do, say or supply

Anyway you look at it, Israel is forced into a position where the call for a Palestinian state will be stronger then ever, even amongst it's allies and the demographic advantage of the Palestinians IS MASSIVE
I’m betting they want to do an EMP strike.

Not only does Iran need nukes but they also need SLBM submarine for second strike capability. I’d argue the SLBM sub is even more important than nukes itself lol

Who is gonna EMP strike you mean tiny Israel.. Bro Israel wants none of this smoke conventionally this is where Israel's fear truly lays which is by all means stragetically true because they can't stop a Persian invasion if Iran was to decide okay fuk this shxt I am gonna mobilize and we gonna throw fists in a conventional warfare they just don't have the scale and manpower to actully endure that.. Israel has more to lose from an escalation then Iran
There will be no Reply I have said this few hours after the night of the attack.. The Americans know whats up because if an escalation happens it could prove to be Israel's last war and they could get eliminated from the area
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