Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Interesting analysis from CNN.

"Iran 'clearly wanted to telegraph this': Retired colonel on how US got intel ahead of attack"

The general impression from the US military seems to be that Iran didn't want to escalate, so they telegraphed the attack so it could be defeated on purpose.
aAfew hours drone flight was not sufficient time to 'telegraph'...huh. The stuff of numb brains.
By the way anyone seen any article talking about Palestinian people dying of hunger anymore on Media ?


The world narrative shifts so blatantly , which show cases how much the world media is controlled

The world we live in is a Brutal place

Many may not recall UN folks were acting like Rock star when Iraq was invaded and destroyed , today same UN folks are talking in favor of Palestine, Yet their voices do not get shared on world media or at least not Prominently

The big "MASSIVE" headlines on Attack on Israel is like OMG armagedon started

Even the Ukraine-Russia war only started because 1 party i.e Ukraine was setting up anti Air weapons near Russia border

It was all avoidable but people's "EGO" came in way
Correct. That is the downside of the Iranian response--one of the criteria of a response I had asked for. Now let's move on back to Gaza ASAP.
Thats actually quite offensive and we should refrain from posting such caricatures on this forum. Learn the difference between jews and zionists.
I agree. Never mix up Jews and Zionists.
So if isreal doesn't retaliate then it is obvious they were informed beforehand about "operation promise".
350 UAVs and Ballistic missile and not a single IDF soldier spilled blood ? While they liquidated your top generals and flattened your embassy.?
They just made isreal look like God's true chosen people.....

And there you have it.
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Anyway the next 24 hours will be critical if Israel wants to retaliate.

If not, than we know that Israel is deterred
David Cameron: "The attack they carried out was on a very large scale,much bigger than people accepted"

Are you talking about Israel against Gaza?

David Cameron: "...there could have been thousands of casualties,including civilian casualties"

Are you sure you're not talking about Gaza?
Nethanyahu is really cheesed of apparently because this did not get him the political mileage he wanted nor is it really having an impact on the Gaza narrative.
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