Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Now that Iranian revenge attack is done and we are all anticipating Israeli counter attack, what defense Iran has to protect Ayatullah and his gang when Israeli missils and plans show up over their heads ?

Hindutva, you do realise that Israel will be struck much harder second time around?
Gulfies need to be given a bloody nose, especially emiratis.. MBS along with his bastarx UAE cousins are the biggest traitors and enemies of Islam..
I bet common gulf people have sympathy for the attack.

But ruling elites are another story, they love Western luxuries and they will do everything to keep their life standards.
Hindutva, you do realise that Israel will be struck much harder second time around?
That depends of what Israel leave without to be flattened in their coming attack.
That depends of what Israel leave without to be flattened in their coming attack.

Israel is under pressure. Will it reply or not?
Israel is under pressure. Will it reply or not?
USA is staging their good guy paper to world opinion, but USA ruling elite wish burn Middle-East more than anyone, they tried so hard last decade.

"Lies" is the main feature of USA empire.
So then....

I'll move on from trolling the non-semetic, baby-killing, estate agent worshiping colonialists and their goyem-kafir supporters.

I'd like for you now to take a step back and think about what actually happened. Most adults here who have kept up with world affairs should know that the USA + "Israel"; specifically under the Bush administration and whatever carcus remains was intent on attacking Iran according to several sources. It wanted to exact state terror as it did to Iraq.

That playing field or status quo reversed over the weekend. It was in fact Iran that made baby killers squeal like pigs even though it masterfully avoided civilian deaths as per islamic protocol.

We witnessed shit stained Israelis running for shelter instead and their absence on this thread is akin to the absence of indians post swift-retort.

They'll need time to cope.
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So if isreal doesn't retaliate then it is obvious they were informed beforehand about "operation promise".
350 UAVs and Ballistic missile and not a single IDF soldier spilled blood ? While they liquidated your top generals and flattened your embassy.?
They just made isreal look like God's true chosen people.....

And there you have it.
That's called managing the war, you're the boss and impose the terms and deter and prevent further attacks. It's superb when a nation/country is able to do that because it means that the other parties accept the rule and terms of engagement which you created.
Well I always thought that Iran might never get attacked. May be I was and am right. But let's be realistic. Israel might attack you(Iran) using air power i.e. jet fighters. You guys have already exhausted their defenses, all you need to do is to launch a bigger shower now. But this time target only their air power and concentrate your strike. Dont do the mistake that Egypt did. Make sure you fire at least three projectiles for one target.

This is your time. If you preemptively destroyed their air capability now, you will be save for quite a long time(untill they build it again, but they will come). Make sure to destroy as much as possible (complete destruction will be the best)

@Waz now you see how this thread will disappear. Just keep an eye on that rat on this forum.

How can "You" in the thread title be taken as Iran? Dude, you got me scared and open this thread to only know I am not being attacked.
That's called managing the war, you're the boss and impose the terms and deter and prevent further attacks. It's superb when a nation/country is able to do that because it means that the other parties accept the rule and terms of engagement which you created.

The Zionists in Israel are itching, but too scared to attack Iran.

Masterstroke by Iran. Retaliate and set the terms.
They will react.
My guess: Israel deep state let Oct 7 happened to have a excuse to be in this very point: Whole Israel state and people asking for a strike against Iran.

Since 2010 in Obama administration, USA tried several times to trigger a Israel and Iran war (2012 Hormuz tensions), in Trump administration too (2017 Tehran attacks).

It wont be pretty for Israel. But Israel deep state dont care about anything but USA money.

It's USA who wants this war, but they say exactly the opposite in public than they really do. Lies is the main feature of USA empire.
A great friend had predicted that "Nuclear weapons" or the deterence is obsolete now.

you have to see the history - this was started internationally from Subcontinent when IAF bombed Balakot in KPK Pakistan, both nuclear powers in 2019

that 24 hrs made the nuclear deterrence obsolete!
I disagree. The use of nuclear weapons against each other alone stopped any further escalation back then otherwise it would had turned into a Kargil like skirmish.
War is not a videogame.

Maybe you want this, but certainly most of Iran people wouldn't want to suffer a Iran Israel war.
We accept the difficulty of war with the vilest people in the world.

It is our duty to fight against the wicked and oppressors of the world.
This is Imam Ali's speech and our way.
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