Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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My guess: Israel deep state let Oct 7 happened to have a excuse to be in this very point: Whole Israel state and people asking for a strike against Iran.

Since 2010 in Obama administration, USA tried several times to trigger a Israel and Iran war (2012 Hormuz tensions), in Trump administration too (2017 Tehran attacks).

It wont be pretty for Israel. But Israel deep state dont care about anything but USA money.

It's USA who wants this war, but they say exactly the opposite in public than they really do. Lies is the main feature of USA empire.
Israel might win this war too
I disagree. The use of nuclear weapons against each other alone stopped any further escalation back then otherwise it would had turned into a Kargil like skirmish.

Nuclear devices and nuclear weapons are two different things. in 1999 at that time boths sides had nuclear devices but they havent weaponized it.

MAD concept was there in 2019 but still Indians went ahead and conducted the airstrike. in essence the deterrence umbrella of Sovereignty was violated.

was it not the whole purpose? deterrence? where was it?

Now, to the current situation did not Iran calculated the response from Israel before committing to 5 hour operation?

By the way, come to think of it such mass BM launches from different parts of Irans of liqued fuel BMs is itself a herculean task. 110 launches at one go! i am not talking about CM launches or Drone launches.

tells efficiency in asymmetrical warfare.
We accept the difficulty of war with the vilest people in the world.

It is our duty to fight against the wicked and oppressors of the world.
This is Imam Ali's speech and our way.
Then attack USA and dont waste time to vassal corrupt puppets. :ROFLMAO:
Child died after Iranian attack on Israel: TASS
A 7-year-old child has died after Iranian attack on Israeli territory, TASS reported Sunday citing the Israeli Ambassador to the Russian Federation.

Those defence systems will be depleted, if all it takes is accurate cheap drones to make Israeli scramble and run and put the whole nation on lockdown to survive then what's the point????

What happens when Iran sends multiple waves and Hezbollah and other proxies start firing
Depleted? They have a lot of resources. Besides, what does Iran has to defend itself if US + France + UK + Israel launch a simulteneous attack on Iran? What will Iran do then if F-35Is are flying to bomb the hell out of all sites that are launching attack? Or better, if Israel goes after and destroys all your dams and powerstation and oil wells?
An attack by nuclear armed entity on our mainland and the supreme leader can revise his fatwa .... means nuclear Iran ....

we waited for long to attack Zions , I'm sure we spent most of it to relocate our nuclear assets.
Now that Iranian revenge attack is done and we are all anticipating Israeli counter attack, what defense Iran has to protect Ayatullah and his gang when Israeli missils and plans show up over their heads ?
I respect the strong will and integrity of the Iranian government and its people. The biggest trade partners of Iran are China, Gulf nations, India and Germany. Unlike Russia, Iran is not within close proximity to China. The Gulf nations, India and Germany will cease trade if the western nations threaten their trade with Iran. Most likely so will China. Israel is a poodle compared to Iran. Unfortunately for Iran, all western nations seem to have guaranteed Israel's safety. Asking Iran to go to war with Israel is asking Iran to go to war with the West. Why should Iran self destruct when its policy of arming nations and groups hostile to Israel is working so well? Israel is taking a beating on its Gaza and Palestine policy. Their mad dog leader is on his way out. Hopefully the Iranian government will now up their military support to the anti-Israel groups which will give Israel the response it deserves.
Depleted? They have a lot of resources. Besides, what does Iran has to defend itself if US + France + UK + Israel launch a simulteneous attack on Iran? What will Iran do then if F-35Is are flying to bomb the hell out of all sites that are launching attack? Or better, if Israel goes after and destroys all your dams and powerstation and oil wells?
😂😂 Iran will hit back, whilst Iran's air force isn't great, it has built up its defence behind a massive stock of drones and missiles, it will target any base or presence of any enemy state and wipe them out in the middle east

Israel itself is tiny, it only has a limited amount of power, water or any other infrastructure, attacking those targets is a war crime, but if the enemy makes the mistake of targeting inside iran then Iran can only respond
An attack by nuclear armed entity on our mainland and the supreme leader can revise his fatwa .... means nuclear Iran ....

we waited for long to attack Zions , I'm sure we spent most of it to relocate our nuclear assets.
The fatwa does not need to change. The fatwa only applies to nuclear WMDs. Hint.
😂😂 Iran will hit back, whilst Iran's air force isn't great, it has built up its defence behind a massive stock of drones and missiles, it will target any base or presence of any enemy state and wipe them out in the middle east

Israel itself is tiny, it only has a limited amount of power, water or any other infrastructure, attacking those targets is a war crime, but if the enemy makes the mistake of targeting inside iran then Iran can only respond
And what if Israel deploys samson option? If hits all cities in Iran with nukes? After all given its small size its threshold will be low. What will Iran do then?
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