Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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And what if Israel deploys samson option? If hits all cities in Iran with nukes? After all given its small size its threshold will be low. What will Iran do then?

Probably hit Israel with chemical or biological weapons and the world can end


Israel is slowly going to be swallowed up by the PALESTINIANS demographic advantage anyway
And what if Israel deploys samson option? If hits all cities in Iran with nukes? After all given its small size its threshold will be low. What will Iran do then?
Israel has no nukes.
Nuclear weapons are for sovereign states. Israel is a corrupt vassal USA state.

No nuclear tests in Israel, no earthquakes triggered by nuclear tests in Israel, nothing.

All information about Israel nukes is BS from Israel itself through Vanunu op made by Israel itself.

Israel nukes are like the Golem of Prague, a trick to scare non-Jew people.
Yeah, they can survive with several thousands civilian people dead.

That's the best case for Israel, in a Iran war.

The worst: Complete wipe out.
It's USA and Europe actually. Israel is nothing on her own.
😂😂 Iran will hit back, whilst Iran's air force isn't great, it has built up its defence behind a massive stock of drones and missiles, it will target any base or presence of any enemy state and wipe them out in the middle east

Israel itself is tiny, it only has a limited amount of power, water or any other infrastructure, attacking those targets is a war crime, but if the enemy makes the mistake of targeting inside iran then Iran can only respond
Maybe Iranian missiles are not so good like a F35.

But we must keep something in mind: Launch missiles and drones can be securely done with no risk for soldiers, unlike pilot a F35.

Besides you should keep in mind religion beliefs. Iranian soldiers are muslim people with less fear to death than Israeli atheists.

F35 pilots are brave overflying beggars, but it wont be the case in a Iran war, they will feel fear.
Probably hit Israel with chemical or biological weapons and the world can end


Israel is slowly going to be swallowed up by the PALESTINIANS demographic advantage anyway
How will it deliver those? Rockets? Those are useless, we saw it. And Israel will target sites having rockets.
Fighter jets? Iran does not have any good ones.

As far as being swallowed goes. Israel is currently destroying that demographic advantage by killing children. ugh. The worst kind of crime one can do.
They saw installation of Imran Khan as a weakling backed by a cabinet that served Musharraf, pretty much gave them the opportunity to question Pakistani deterrence.

Can other countries no fire thousands of missiles?

What exactly did they hit in Zion? The Zionists killed their Generals, what did the Iranians kill? Their own public/international shame of having their Embassy taken out 4 years after their Army Chief was taken out?

What happened to the so called deterence that Iran had supposedly established in January 2020?
Bhai, Khuda ka waasta hai, thodi to sharam karo.
How will it deliver those? Rockets? Those are useless, we saw it. And Israel will target sites having rockets.
Fighter jets? Iran does not have any good ones.

As far as being swallowed goes. Israel is currently destroying that demographic advantage by killing children. ugh. The worst kind of crime one can do.
It's not useless.
one million dollars in Iranian missiles needs one billion dollars in israeli defenses to be stopped.
1 to 1000 war budget. in the end Iran wins.
Maybe Iranian missiles are not so good like a F35.

But we must keep something in mind: Launch missiles and drones can be securely done with no risk for soldiers, unlike pilot a F35.

Besides you should keep in mind religion beliefs. Iranian soldiers are muslim people with less fear to death than Israeli atheists.

F35 pilots are brave overflying beggars, but it wont be the case in a Iran war, they will feel fear.
No. Rockets can be seen being moved from sky and with bombs can be taken out. Not to mention Israel operates lots of drones for survelliance too. And now they must also be getting American and European satellite images as well. They see anything suspecious being moved, they drop the bomb on it. Iran has no real defence against Israel's air raids.
It's not useless.
one million dollars in Iranian missiles needs one billion dollars in israeli defenses to be stopped.
1 to 1000 war budget. in the end Iran wins.
This is false. Its more like one million dollars in Iranian missiles need 30 million dollars in Israeli defence. The ratio is about 10-30 not 1000.

And that makes an offensive position even more necessary. It makes destroying Iran's capability to attack more necessary. Because a war of attrition with Iran is not economically viable.
Good. About time.
Iran has been hiding behind proxies and using civilian population like Palestinians as sacrificial lambs for achieving its political goals. Now they have to face the music. No more firing from safe distances.
No. Rockets can be seen being moved from sky and with bombs can be taken out. Not to mention Israel operates lots of drones for survelliance too. And now they must also be getting American and European satellite images as well. They see anything suspecious being moved, they drop the bomb on it. Iran has no real defence against Israel's air raids.
no risk for soldiers, if they launch something, it can be foresee with enough time to escape, and once in position, the launch is done remotely electronically.

there is no need bravery to launch missiles and drones from Iran against Israel.

but Israel will need brave fighter jets pilots, and most of Israeli people are atheist with fear to death.
no risk for soldiers, if they launch something, it can be foresee with enough time to escape, and once in position, the launch is done remotely electronically.

there is no need bravery to launch missiles and drones from Iran against Israel.

but Israel will need brave fighter jets pilot, and most of Israeli people are atheist with fear to death.
If Israel wants to kill Iranian soldiers, it can hit Iranian bases too. And please! sitting in F-35 attacking a country that has nothing better than F-14 is not bravery. Nothing like that. Israel can bomb Iran out of existance.
How will it deliver those? Rockets? Those are useless, we saw it. And Israel will target sites having rockets.
Fighter jets? Iran does not have any good ones.

As far as being swallowed goes. Israel is currently destroying that demographic advantage by killing children. ugh. The worst kind of crime one can do.

Yeah missiles and rockets and drones, all you saw was a small sample and EVEN them Israel required the U.S, U.K and France and Jordan to help

All the drones did was force Israel to waste its Air defence missiles, whilst doing this Israel had direct hits, it could do nothing about

If Iran really wanted to target Israel, it would simply increase the number and involve more proxies

After the nakba in late 1940s most Palestinians were refugees outside of Palestine, and they were never allowed to return

But because the Palestinians birth rate was so high gradually the population kept growing

Now in 2024 the Arab/Palestinian population is equal to the Jew population in the area, BUT the average age of the Palestinians is 19
the average age of the Jews is 43 in Israel and 49 across the world

so the pool.of PALESTINIANS heading towards marriage and family is far far larger then the Jews, so the Arab/Palestinian population will gradually keep growing whilst the Jew population will gradually keep getting older

That's why Israel is so eager to ETHNICALLY CLEANSE the Palestinians, but it can't do so
It's murderous but it will have no effect and has only sealed its own fate

Seems like someone ejected their brain when they posted this comment.
Why? What do you think will Pakistan do if it is overwhelemed? Will it not deploy its nuclear weapons?

Why do you think Israel will not do the same?
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