Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Israeli nuclear attack will create a massive nuclear arms race in the region. It will have the opposite effect of what Israel hope to achieve.
Assessed that in this thread:


Relevant systems: Arrow-2/3, Patriot PAC-2 and THAAD. Conservative estimates (from Iran's perspective) therefore suggest a total number of 278 ABM interceptors (134 Arrow-2/3 + 48 THAAD + 96 Patriot PAC-2) deployed by Israel to counter Iranian MRBMs.

Assuming Israel fires 2 interceptors per 1 MRBM detected = can attempt to intercept c. 140 MRBMs at once. If we assume no THAAD and 3 PAC-2 batteries instead of 4, this becomes c. 100 MRBMs.

600-700 MRBMs from Iran would mean Israel has to fully reload all such systems 4-6 times over. At that point (in reality, likely well before this point), Israeli ABM capability would likely be seriously degraded with inventories depleted (even accounting for US transfer of additional supplies).
Are the Iranian MRBMs made of cardboard or something?

They seem to give an impression Iran has more MRBMs than rest of the world combined.
Psychological impact: “Frustration, sadness, heartbreak, anguish, anger, pain … but there is also hope because we are able to withstand these attacks. I’m trying as best I can to not only hold my breath that there should not be anymore terrible attacks, but that one day this will be put in our past and there will be peace”.

The ability for a response is what maintains deterrence.

Now that Iranian revenge attack is done and we are all anticipating Israeli counter attack, what defense Iran has to protect Ayatullah and his gang when Israeli missils and plans show up over their heads ?

That is a valid question, that is what the new equation is in new middle East.

Iran does not have the capacity to engage F35s which will spearhead any kinetic strike over Iran but what will be the consequence after that another 5 hour strike on Israel cost upwards of 10billion US$ and if strait of hormuz gets blocked.

in new equation Israel cannot do kinetic strike on Iran - stakes are too high and cost is unbearable.

i am starting to think that whole Iran Embassy attack was to lure the Hizbullah that was the calculation by israel. Iran did what they did not thought. now Hizbullah is intact, Iran can produce atleast 2-3 waves of 5 hours missile strikes.

economically unbearable in any scenrio. its a chess game and unfotunately or fortunately - Iran has checkmated Israel.

There is a reason that Iran did not take precautions after the missile offensive. no rationing of fuel - no closure of airspace - no open order to High alert, no combat flying of airforce - nothing!

Very well calculated move!
That is a valid question, that is what the new equation is in new middle East.

Iran does not have the capacity to engage F35s which will spearhead any kinetic strike over Iran but what will be the consequence after that another 5 hour strike on Israel cost upwards of 10billion US$ and if strait of hormuz gets blocked.

in new equation Israel cannot do kinetic strike on Iran - stakes are too high and cost is unbearable.

i am starting to think that whole Iran Embassy attack was to lure the Hizbullah that was the calculation by israel. Iran did what they did not thought. now Hizbullah is intact, Iran can produce atleast 2-3 waves of 5 hours missile strikes.

economically unbearable in any scenrio. its a chess game and unfotunately or fortunately - Iran has checkmated Israel.

There is a reason that Iran did not take precautions after the missile offensive. no rationing of fuel - no closure of airspace - no open order to High alert, no combat flying of airforce - nothing!

Very well calculated move!
In January 2020, a nuclear power droned the Iranian Army Chief in Iraq.

In January 2024, a nuclear power launched retaliatory air strikes in Iranian Sistan-Balochistan province.

In April 2024, an alleged nuclear power attacked an Iranian Embassay in Syria.

Is this becoming a new normal?
Now interesting to see next Israel move and much more to analyze on political and defense front. It more interesting because one Iran a country who faced all type of sanctions for over 40 years and challenge the hegemony of economic and defense powerhouses of the world.
In January 2020, a nuclear power droned the Iranian Army Chief in Iraq.

In January 2024, a nuclear power launched retaliatory air strikes in Iranian Sistan-Balochistan province.

In April 2024, an alleged nuclear power attacked an Iranian Embassay in Syria.

Is this becoming a new normal?

A great friend had predicted that "Nuclear weapons" or the deterence is obsolete now.

you have to see the history - this was started internationally from Subcontinent when IAF bombed Balakot in KPK Pakistan, both nuclear powers in 2019

that 24 hrs made the nuclear deterrence obsolete!
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