Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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There will be no Reply I have said this few hours after the night of the attack.. The Americans know whats up because if an escalation happens it could prove to be Israel's last war and they could get eliminated from the area
Calm down boy
Israel is not going anywhere neither Iran.
Things have de-escalated i guess.

Iranian Currency has already got a hit after the strike.Both countries have much to lose.So Iran response was calculated enough not to start a regional war.
Have you noticed something throughout the years? Every single time the US tries to tackle China something else comes in between...
Its not a coincidence , US being a global superpower, is involved in many theaters. However, Iran and Russia are regional nuisances rather than rivals to U.S. global domination. Only China poses a serious threat, so it needs to focus its military might in the Far East.
Best defence Iran can have is Hezbollah fully entering the way plus opening Syrian front


Because the Americans know it won't be some bullshxt I shoot you and you shoot from distance stuff.. This will go conventional immdiately. Israel wants none of this smoke and the Americans told them this will become a conventional warfare. No response will come from Israel
Its not a coincidence , US being a global superpower, is involved in many theaters. However, Iran and Russia are regional nuisances rather than rivals to U.S. global domination. Only China poses a serious threat, so it needs to focus its military might in the Far East.
Ironically Israel chew much of America's military attention to Indo-Pacific region including the iron dome slated to defend Guam.
Best defence Iran can have is Hezbollah fully entering the way plus opening Syrian front
Remember Beirut Explosion?

IDF can do preemptive strikes on their ammunition depots and whole Lebanon will be shocked with Explosions.

I still don't think this will escalate further.
It's such a big disaster that Israelis are laughing and don't even care, that the thousands of pounds of bombs are still pounding Gaza and Israel is playing around with talks of striking Iran like its a game.

Sectarian comment

This Israeli-lover / Iran-hater is having some serious cramps since Iran attacked Israel.

It's so satisfying to see pityful condition of these zionist pets. Iran became the only nation in today's world and in foreseeable future that can put Israel at its place. Rest of regional countries are just weak puppets of the US.

If you want to gauge the success of Iranian operations, read below detailed post:

Today was a bad day for Iran-haters & Israeli fan boys.

The only thing that matters is mission objectives. Interception rate is NEVER a criteria for mission success. Infact intercepting low cost drones with expensive missiles is double failure of israelis today. Its not sustainable in any logistical sense. Israelis were completely confused today.

Iran's Objectives:
First we need to determine, was Iran looking to escalate it way too much Or was Iran trying to give a response that do not warrants a counter-response. I think we can agree that Iran didn't wanted to escalate. Iran wanted to attack Israel, but not a full scale war, it wanted to hit a military target but nothing out of proportionate. Out of 100s projectiles it fired, Iran never intended all those to impact and cause wide scale destruction. Iran sent these 100s intentionally as decoys to confuse Israeli AD to make way for select few BMs. This is as simple as anything. Israeli AD with most expensive missiles foolishly engaged all those cheap drones. In a way its another success of Iran to deplete Israeli stocks of expensive missiles with its cheap drones.

Israel's objectives:
Israel's first objective was to keep the status-quo and make Iran back off. They did full psychological warfare for weeks saying that Israel will instantly respond to Iran with full scale and what not. Israel wanted that deterrence to maintain. This first objective failed.
Israel's second objective was under worst case scenario, if Iran did attacks and violates Israel's airspace then to repel each and everything. It had weeks of preparation, it has US / UK allies with it fully committed. The last thing they wanted was to let their military base hit by Iranian missiles. This objective also failed for Israel.

What happened:
Now Iran's challenge was to pass through that thick layer of AD, which has GPS Jamming, EW and every sort of missiles. and guess what Iran succeed. Iran sent 100s of slow moving projectiles as decoys that were intended to confuse Israeli AD, while atleast 8 fast moving BMs did hit the military base. Objective complete. Mission success. Its not about firing 100s or 1000s or intercepting 1000s, its about the mission criteria.

Iran's timing of missiles was nothing short of perfect, it's missiles precision was nothing short of perfect. We need to understand, we are talking about ranges in excess of 1000 Kms. Iran sent the waves with exact timings, the drones sent hours before the CMs & BMs but all made entry into Israel at exact same moment. Also it shows that Iran was well aware of Israeli AD, that's the only reason they sent so many drones as decoys. Iran sent multi-layered attack against Israel's multi-layered defense.

Lastly. people who are dumb enough to make a foolish point of 'interception rate' needs to ask themselves that what really were they expecting?? Were they expecting that Iran fired those 300+ projectiles all to hit Israel and cause mass level destruction across Israel? I mean if yes, then you need to understand basics of modern warfare. It was never the goal of Iran at first place. Iran wanted most of these low cost drones to be intercepted with expensive israeli AD, so missiles with intended targets can pass through. These low cost drones were meant to be intercepted and confuse Israeli AD along with US / UK / Jordanians. It was Iran against all and it successfully achieved its goals. Israel is humiliated and it can't do much now. This is the reality of today.

I think below video summarizes the total success of brilliant Iranian strike, how most expensive israeli missiles are engaging cheap decoys and while the missiles with real target pass through all the defensive layers. A 10/10 perfect attack.

Note, this is a small demo that Iran has presented. It has proved that Israel is well in range of its missiles, it has proved that Israel can be paralyzed & crushed if attacked with full force, it has proved it's missiles are accurate despite all those GPS / EW jamings. Last century's world order is crumbing & crushing with every year passing.

Whoever is from islamic world but still having cramps, well your country would never in its entire life will stand up to Israel / US / UK. Forget directly firing missiles to their territory ever. Know your place, before making joke of others.
Any credible source for your assumption that israel has exhausted all its defence stock ?
Also in case of attack by US/ Israel who will save Iranian assets ?
All is something that I didn't say.

Hypersonic warhead (not to be confuse with HGV) does pop up manuveour prior to impact

See, I told ya. Israel lacks the guts to attack Iran by itself. Nothing happened, they have backed off as soon as US says they will not participate in any offensive operation.

Also, dunno if it were you or others I had to convince that Israel can never dare to nuke Iran. Israel is not the god of the earth. One iranian strike and everything is becoming clear now. It was mostly israeli's psychological ops. That all are collapsing once the status-quo is dismantled. and this is why the iranian strike was so important. It had to be attack from Iran itself to Israel.
Israel will retaliate soon most likely with Jericho 2 and Popeye SLBM Cruise missiles from Indian Ocean.

Things will escalate, getting ready for WW3 everyone, most of the folks in this forum, most likely wont make it in next 10 years..
Yeah send McKenzie for administrating Irán after invasion ...
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