Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Hoping for minimal civilian casualties. Iran was naive to think their attack would go unanswered. Hopefully their nuclear facilities and other malicious sites are blown to smithereens ✌️

This member called “Jew” is hoping for minimal civilian casualties while massacring 33k gazans in his backyard is like a kid ripping the head of a toy off but saying I hope the body is fine. F off with this hasbara bullshit.
If Mike Tyson gave you a concussion, broken nose, jaw, and several ribs. Are you going to laugh at him because he spent millions in training over the decades just to beat you up in a few seconds?
Indeed! If a wooden bridge is being used to bring troops to fortify an area, will you use a $10 million missile to destroy it? Even if it costs just $100,000 to build? Hell Yeah!
It's still early but so far this seems incredibly underwhelming. I hope I didn't wake up from sleep for a nothing burger.
Looks like America can't put a leash on its rabid Dog (Israel) Its sad to see America becoming SPSN = Super power slave nation, a country who's senators are becoming mouthpieces of foreign govt and lobbying firm, spending resources in Billions of a satellite nation which is only and solely responsible for the mess in ME, yet Millions in America sleep in tents, suffer from mental health and can't afford basic groceries to feed their families, for some reasons Americans always have money to bomb innocent children, Pathetic state of affairs from US Govt meanwhile people who are fed up of their sons/daughters going overseas fighting for Israel and Oil tycoons, and many come back in body bags and rest come back with PTSD and often ends up putting a bullet in their own heads.
Factions in the US have been calling for war with Iran for decades. This attack was cathartic release for them. Finally hitting the nuclear sites they have been thinking about for decades.

Heck the plans were publicly discussed 15 years ago.

btw, a VERY VERY informative document about how a war with Iran could go down is the 2009 Brooking document “Which path to Persia”

Speaks out all the options and how to sell the war to the American people.

Thank you Jordan for shooting down Iranian hostile projectiles and allowing IAF to use airspace to target their nuclear facilities. Jordan has a promising future in the region.
Was Oscar rescue ranger can you guys take care of this hasbara troll
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