Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Factions in the US have been calling for war with Iran for decades. This attack was cathartic release for them. Finally hitting the nuclear sites they have been thinking about for decades.

Heck the plans were publicly discussed 15 years ago.

btw, a VERY VERY informative document about how a war with Iran could go down is the 2009 Brooking document “Which path to Persia”

Speaks out all the options and how to sell the war to the American people.

back in 60's and even 70's there was a balance in US foreign policy wrt to Israel and Palestine, now US is literally acting like support of a bully who is literally causing disruption of an entire region. US logic is Israel can bomb any country as pre-emptively as " self defense " but no other country has the right to even respond after their strike, This is just literally Stupid behavior and USA knows this very well and yet they are supporting this unhinged behavior of a genocidal country with maniac ruling elite with twisted disgusted religious ideology, and then we hear lectures from US about tolerance, human rights and separation of church and state.
US just today Veto a resolution to adopt accepting Palestine as a permanent member of UN, why did US veto it ? what national interest does it serve ? But at least I am glad that US is now in open for the world to see the hypocritical behavior, they will level entire Middle East for Israel, and mark my words if Israel manage to remove every Palestinian from the land and declare whole land as Israel they will later invade parts of Jordan, Syria and Egypt with similar pretexts like Terrorism and self defense, their disobedience and intrusion have no bounds and US hypocrisy has no limits.
Iran downplaying attack doesn't mean they won't respond. They'll do a assessment of what happened on the ground and downplaying is to make sure enemy gets no details of any kind.
Off topic but modern christians defending Judaism when according to them they “crucified “ Christ is like saying ghazni and khiljis descendants saying Hindus have a right to defend themselves lol that’s crazy work.

They are the stupidest followers of any organized religion I've seen, bar none. The father sends his only begotten son as a sacrificial lamb for humanity's sin. Now, picture the God of creation, needing flesh and blood to wipe away sin. The more you dig, the more stupidity of its theology comes out. Some Christians have gone as far as to say that Jesus didn't have his godly powers active at the time, and after being on the cross and dying, he activated his powers; Power Rangers shit right there.

But let's leave this for another time and thread.
Iranian spokesperson earlier today - "if the Israeli regime foolishly attacks Iran, immediate action will be taken and at a maximum level!"
Love it! Now go smack 'em in the face!

the genocidal bastards should be taught a lesson, the chosen gods zionists should be sent to hell, so jewish religion can be saved from hijacking from these bastards zionists
back in 60's and even 70's there was a balance in US foreign policy wrt to Israel and Palestine, now US is literally acting like support of a bully who is literally causing disruption of an entire region. US logic is Israel can bomb any country as pre-emptively as " self defense " but no other country has the right to even respond after their strike, This is just literally Stupid behavior and USA knows this very well and yet they are supporting this unhinged behavior of a genocidal country with maniac ruling elite with twisted disgusted religious ideology, and then we hear lectures from US about tolerance, human rights and separation of church and state.
US just today Veto a resolution to adopt accepting Palestine as a permanent member of UN, why did US veto it ? what national interest does it serve ? But at least I am glad that US is now in open for the world to see the hypocritical behavior, they will level entire Middle East for Israel, and mark my words if Israel manage to remove every Palestinian from the land and declare whole land as Israel they will later invade parts of Jordan, Syria and Egypt with similar pretexts like Terrorism and self defense, their disobedience and intrusion have no bounds and US hypocrisy has no limits.

Brother I hope you’re doing well, your posts are very informative and sometimes go unrecognized. I read each and every one of them when I get time with full interest.
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Israel can do one or two airstrikes on Iran, we all knew that. Question is, are the US, Israel and more nations planning to execute a larger attack under guise of deception. Israel lacks capability but US has it. US has been giving mixed signals and doing opposite of what it's saying.

Now what happens if Iran responds ? Israel cannot do immediate strikes on Iran in response. It would consult with the US to try to organize a response by a US led coalition.

Still wouldn't be in US interests. It's in everyone's interest to end the genocide in Gaza as long as possible.
Iranian media are saying this was a quadcopter attack, other sources say the attack came from Iraqi Kurdistan not Israel. Whatever this is, it wasn't worth waking up to.
Guess who supports Iraqi Kurds, I’ll give you a hint it starts with a T and ends with a Y
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Dear sir, by that logic israel has not been able to break the will of Palestinians in gaza.
Not because Israel cannot, but WILL NOT. And everyone knows it.

Hence I disagreed with your point. From the medieval times and even before that there have always been “chivalry”, “rules of war” if we start killing innocents then why blame terrorists. By that logic they killed in lesser quantity and us in more and their logic also is to “defeat the will”.

Kind regards
If you want to get into the current understanding of the rules and conduct of war, then terrorism is about getting straight to the will to fight and not confronting the ability to fight. The current rules and conduct of war expects the opposite, meaning it is army vs army. After the mass destruction, including nuclear, and horror of WW II, there is a tacit understanding that if an army is losing, its civilian leadership would do everything possible to avoid the wining army reaching the civilians, and once that is evident, there is a losing country of that war.

Now, whether any country is willing to abide by that formula, we have yet to see.
Not because Israel cannot, but WILL NOT. And everyone knows it.

If you want to get into the current understanding of the rules and conduct of war, then terrorism is about getting straight to the will to fight and not confronting the ability to fight. The current rules and conduct of war expects the opposite, meaning it is army vs army. After the mass destruction, including nuclear, and horror of WW II, there is a tacit understanding that if an army is losing, its civilian leadership would do everything possible to avoid the wining army reaching the civilians, and once that is evident, there is a losing country of that war.

Now, whether any country is willing to abide by that formula, we have yet to see.

Sir, let’s agree to disagree at this point. You win I lose. Have a great weekend in advance.
Brother I hope you’re doing well, your posts are very informative and sometimes go unrecognized. I read each and every one of them when I get time with full interest.
yaar recognized or not, honestly not in mood for any trolling but its just stupid to see people with decent post history making stupid arguments, you know my disagreements with Iran, but should I undermined the fact that Iran only country in years to dare not only lift a finger but shove some missiles up Israel's a$$, if not for entire US armada and AD units Israel would've faced much destruction, on top of that we have boot lickers leaders like Jordan's b!atch who are as we say in Urdu " Shah se zayda Shah ke wafadaar ". look at those BSDK Arab nations, fancy weapons at display but G@nd mai 2 paise ka dum nai.
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