Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Dear sir, what you are describing goes against alot of human right laws and could be classified as some sort of a version of genocide. That being said, actually what can I even say to this lol.
The point was that to truly defeat an enemy, you must break BOTH his will and ability to wage war. In the current conflict between Israel and Iran, neither could do that to the other. But Iran is at a significant, not slight, technological disadvantage and when Iran cannot cross troops overland to Israel, technology is the only avenue left.
2 airports have been shut down for precautions and the western airspace has been shut down also for precautions. Iran making all the right moves so far.

Brother I hope Iran retaliates more harshly and forcefully than before and leaves the evil fitna disabled this time so they are not able to take innocent lives anymore. InshAllah.
Does Iran have that real capability other than activating the proxies?
stop embarrassing yourself man, accept that Iran (despite my religious/geopolitical) differences with them has shown more b@lls than Turkey/Pakistan and entire Arab world combine to at least launch a strike against Israel, so I can understand many in Turkey may wants to do the same what Iran did but your govt can't even stop supplying resources to Israel which are used to massacre children, honestly a brotherly advice just sit down with your head in shame like almost every Muslim country is doing.
Will they be able to afford another missile attack provided they will be intercepted and bring in more retaliatory attacks upon themselves?
Which planet do you live on? More retaliatory attacks via a few quadcopters? LMAO. Are you kidding me or being serious? You know what? the way you were stating that the arabs and muslims shud just stand down and keep being subservient just to save their own lives shows why you cant relate to the mentality of those who actually want to confront the evil zionists.

You simply wont get it unless you change this subservient perspective.
seems like iran will retaliate massively againdt israel .. seems like israel tried to climb the escalation ladder but failed.. i feel bad of israel
According to the Iranian sources, their nuclear facilities haven't been attacked....

If true, it could be a way to say these cities (which house the nuclear facilities) can be hit if they had wanted to, probably theatrics insisted upon by the US. It could also be heavy jamming, but I think the first hypothesis is more likely.
The point was that to truly defeat an enemy, you must break BOTH his will and ability to wage war. In the current conflict between Israel and Iran, neither could do that to the other. But Iran is at a significant, not slight, technological disadvantage and when Iran cannot cross troops overland to Israel, technology is the only avenue left.

Dear sir, by that logic israel has not been able to break the will of Palestinians in gaza. Hence I disagreed with your point. From the medieval times and even before that there have always been “chivalry”, “rules of war” if we start killing innocents then why blame terrorists. By that logic they killed in lesser quantity and us in more and their logic also is to “defeat the will”.

Kind regards
You got to love western media. We have videos proving we hit their air bases, they still claim 99% was intercepted. I am not saying Israel didn't hit anything with this attack, but there is so far not a single video or any kind of proof of that, yet all western media are already writing how many sites were hit and what buildings were damaged.
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What is the value of a private? Of a hardened senior NCO? Of an academy trained captain? Different, of course. But they all crossed the same bridge on the way to the front. If we can somehow sum it all up, that bridge's value is inestimable for what it did. $10 mil is paltry.
Its a very common problem among people that they do not see second and higher order effects.

Israel and its allies spent 1 billion dollars to stop missiles and drones. But had those drones hit, what would have been loss? What would be loss of one air base hosting F-35s and its support structure? What would be loss of all economic centers? What would be effect on morale of fighting forces and civilians in general?

Those S2A missiles was money already spent for a purpose. To defend. And that purpose they served. And in serving that purpose, they saved way more than their cost.
Their main method will be a massive missile foray, proxy activation, cyber attacks, naval interference w/trade ships. Their air force capabilities are too weak to operate inside Israel.

Some members here have claimed Iran has nukes, I personally doubt it. However, none of us truly knows, but I think it's more likely they don't have it.
Well capability definitely and again know one knows what has or hasn’t been hit yet but I think Iranians are going to calculate it’s better to have the bomb than not, they are already sanctioned through and through by western nations , they get sent to the security council russia for sure will block a worldwide sanctions. Correct Air Force weak as hell honestly it needs to rebuilt from top to bottom but iran has naval assets. And the missiles they shot at Israel from all the reports are a lot of older ballistic missiles. Hezbollah should be activated let’s see if the Israelis truly can handle 3 or 4 hot zones at a time im going to say that is why they have left Gaza for the most part and moved most of their troops north readying for Hezbollah, Gaza will now just face drone attacks mainly
Brother I hope Iran retaliates more harshly and forcefully than before and leaves the evil fitna disabled this time so they are not able to take innocent lives anymore. InshAllah.

100% bro! Leave them crippled for good! It's the only language these demonic criminals understand.
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