Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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No Natanz attack
No nuclear attacks
Yeah it’s as I have said maybe in a few hours we will find out what happened but the Israelis attacked hit anything in iran escalation is what iran promised.
according IRIB akhbar (state tv)

2 small drones neared a airbase (in esfahan)

1 was shot down , 1 crashed near a building, only damage " some broken windows "

the "explosion" people heard was anti air towards the small drones.

either the weakest "retaliation" in history, or somekind of israeli terror failure
Lmao so far it looks like the zionist did a very silly and pitiful "attack" if you can even call it an attack. Attack was made with quadcopters and multiple suicide drones has been intercepted. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......How freaking pathetic. Watch and Learn arab world and the subservient traitors.
I personally would trust the Iranian rather than the dude who posted Marco Rubio as his source lmao

Rubio is on the Senate Intel Committee, so he has insight into all Intel matters.
Rubio is on the Senate Intel Committee, so he has insight into all Intel matters.

Rubio is also the one who classified ALL Palestinians as terrorists during the 2016 presidential debate. Don’t force me to bring the receipts out, I have all of them. Little Marco can go and get more money from his AIPAC lobbyist masters but nobody fooling me here.
Their plan has always been to use penetrators/bunker buster bombs on Iran's nuclear facilities. Why do you think they procured thousands from the US years ago? To use against Hamas!?
well honestly if you have read previous assessments which you might have but forgot those bunker buster bombs would be mainly useless, honestly you have to watch how effective they have been on Hamas bunkers/tunnels
Great post, despite our disagreements which is natural, but what is better not attacking civilian infrastructure and rather “scaring them into shelters” or bombing civilian infrastructure for 6 months straight? Don’t want to divert this conversation there so you don’t have to respond if you don’t want to.
To truly defeat the enemy, you must break his will to wage war, which is the civilian front, AND you must break his ability to wage war, which is the military front. In other words, kill the civilians AND the soldiers. WW II is the example here. Not only did we destroyed German tanks, we also destroyed the ballbearing factories that contributed to the manufacture of the tanks.

But...What about Desert Storm where the US did not really hit Iraqi civilians to the same degrees as WW II? Fair question.

Because we did not WANT to break the Iraqis the way we, meaning the Allied, wanted to break the Germans and the JPNese. So in the process of 'nation building' later, the US paid serious human cost.
Does Iran have that real capability other than activating the proxies?

Their main method will be a massive missile foray, proxy activation, cyber attacks, naval interference w/trade ships. Their air force capabilities are too weak to operate inside Israel.

Some members here have claimed Iran has nukes, I personally doubt it. However, none of us truly knows, but I think it's more likely they don't have it.
according IRIB akhbar (state tv)

2 small drones neared a airbase (in esfahan)

1 was shot down , 1 crashed near a building, only damage " some broken windows "

the "explosion" people heard was anti air towards the small drones.

either the weakest "retaliation" in history, or somekind of israeli terror failure
It was all just for show. Iran was pre-warned to prevent an accidential escalation.
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