Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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The attack is so so weak that instead of establishing deterrence this just exposed how scared and silly and powerless Israel is. HAHAHAHA. This just shows how pathetic and cowardly the SUBSERVIANT have been.

This was a lame response maybe with Quadcopters but Iran will respond.
Whats funny is that unlike us the zionists dont and wont have any videos of strikes, or of missiles and drones flying in. Nothing really. How freaking pathetic. Total Joke.
yaar recognized or not, honestly not in mood for any trolling but its just stupid to see people with decent post history making stupid arguments, you know my disagreements with Iran, but should I undermined the fact that Iran only country in years to dare not only lift a finger but shove some missiles up Israel's a$$, if not for entire US armada and AD units Israel would've faced much destruction, on top of that we have boot lickers leaders like Jordan's b!atch who are as we say in Urdu " Shah se zayda Shah ke wafadaar ". look at those BSDK Arab nations, fancy weapons at display but G@nd mai 2 paise ka dum nai.

Bro 100% agreed with everything you said. Despite our disagreements on certain things, geopolitical facts are facts and you have said nothing wrong.
whatever it is, it warrants a massive reponse from iran… western media is bent upon information war that israel has attacked iran
Iranian media are saying this was a quadcopter attack, other sources say the attack came from Iraqi Kurdistan not Israel. Whatever this is, it wasn't worth waking up to.

Yeah man that's what I'm reading all over X that it was nothing but a bunch of quadcopters lmaooo! If true holy crap what a disgrace those demon zionist! 😂😂😂

Jackson Hinkle big time Iran fan.

Its a very common problem among people that they do not see second and higher order effects.

Israel and its allies spent 1 billion dollars to stop missiles and drones. But had those drones hit, what would have been loss? What would be loss of one air base hosting F-35s and its support structure? What would be loss of all economic centers? What would be effect on morale of fighting forces and civilians in general?

Those S2A missiles was money already spent for a purpose. To defend. And that purpose they served. And in serving that purpose, they saved way more than their cost.
Some of those did hit multiple Israeli bases. Israel spent over a billion and couldn't stop many of Iran's older tactical ballistic missiles from hitting their targets! All while the U.S, U.K and France were actively helping Israel!!!
Its a very common problem among people that they do not see second and higher order effects.
No, you got that wrong, and I say that kindly.

On this forum, if someone mocked US for spending $1,000,000 to destroy a $10,000 truck, that mocking is more a coping mechanism for personal frustration that once again, the US got the better of 'me' and 'my people'. So might as well make fun of the US even though that changes nothing in the long term.

Israel is fully ready now.

You can make them wait until Rafah front is open.
You win I lose.
That is not my goal in participation in this forum. Just a reminder, if I comment about something and/or respond to someone, it has more to do with the unknown number of silent readers out there who are looking for alternative views. So I say this kindly, to me, they are more important than you, even though I maybe talking to you directly.

Have a great weekend in advance.
You 2.
One ballistic missile and quadcopters? Go drown in the Dead Sea fitna. No videos no evidence but I DID see missiles raining over israel and your parliament. I have always said Israeli army is an army of teenagers and reservists who are NOT battle hardened. They haven’t gone up against real men yet, atleast in modern times.
If it's true that they really were missiles. Why are media either citing no one, or "unnamed officials?"
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