Iranian Air Defence Systems | News and Discussions

Mersad tied to modern radars can still be deadly against 4th Gen fighters. Just look at what Ukraine has been able to shoot down with older air defense systems.

The key is detection and where the system is relative To the fighter jet. While more modern systems can pull higher G forces and maneuvering to counter the pilot maneuvering, Mersad tied to Iranian air defense network can still be deadly as a plug for less important areas and holes in the network.
Mersad tied to modern radars can still be deadly against 4th Gen fighters. Just look at what Ukraine has been able to shoot down with older air defense systems.

The key is detection and where the system is relative To the fighter jet. While more modern systems can pull higher G forces and maneuvering to counter the pilot maneuvering, Mersad tied to Iranian air defense network can still be deadly as a plug for less important areas and holes in the network.
Yeah. Even the FC radar seems to have a IR detector. That´s make it suitable for tracking and attacking in Golestan, Khorasan and other provinces with no so demanding top notch SAM systems.
Shahab Taqeb/Ya Zahra sam components

New upgrades perhaps?
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where is the rest of battalion ?
i doubt it is fully deployed , it seems that its more like in the process of being deployed
and I like to see one in makran area that's the least protected area in Iran

I’m sorry Google wasn’t looking for Iranian air defense system when it flew overhead.

If you would like to pay a sat provider to take pictures you have coordinate.

But yes I agree Bavar is not being “mass produced” yet. And that was my whole point with lack of images of Bavar. It has been in R&D for a long time (15 years). Which makes sense given the complexity of such a system for a first time builder. I expect full deployment closer to 2030.
Heres an interesting one.
Its the shorter variant of the sayyad which showed up a while back





Sayyad like patriot and S-300/400/5000 can have different canisters. That way one TEL has both short range and long range missiles. This helps versatility and survivability of the TEL.

It’s just usually you see these in a standardized configuration that’s all.

Is Majid (SHORAD mounted on Aras) just 4 HQ manpads put on Aras jeep like Strela for Russia, or is it a completely different thing with its very own weapon and radars?

Is Majid (SHORAD mounted on Aras) just 4 HQ manpads put on Aras jeep like Strela for Russia, or is it a completely different thing with its very own weapon and radars?
Sadly just 4 man-pad (instead of 12 or 16 of them) plus the optical and infra red cameras for detecting targets
Sadly just 4 man-pad (instead of 12 or 16 of them) plus the optical and infra red cameras for detecting targets
Majid is not a Manpads and just because only 4 missiles have been seen so far mounted per launcher does not mean that 4 is the limit that can be carried!
Majid is not a Manpads and just because only 4 missiles have been seen so far mounted per launcher does not mean that 4 is the limit that can be carried!
stretched up man pad bundled with electro optical control unit that can optionally get info from kashef radar.
the range is 8km and altitude is 6km pretty much a man-pad
for comparison same sized Crotale have the range of 16km and altitude of 9km in latest models which is quiet decent .

the engine on majid need improvement if it want to be anything but a glorified man-pad
Sadly just 4 man-pad (instead of 12 or 16 of them) plus the optical and infra red cameras for detecting targets

12 or 16 are you crazy??? Do you realize the lightweight truck carrying them does not have that towing capacity!!

It’s cheaper to have a 6 launcher configuration x 3 trucks. Than one truck having 12-16!

Majid works by combining multiple vehicles with launcher in a spread out configuration avoid a bottleneck scenario.

Look at US vampire SAM used in Ukraine…an even cheaper less capable version of Majid

12 or 16 are you crazy??? Do you realize the lightweight truck carrying them does not have that towing capacity!!

It’s cheaper to have a 6 launcher configuration x 3 trucks. Than one truck having 12-16!

Majid works by combining multiple vehicles with launcher in a spread out configuration avoid a bottleneck scenario.

Look at US vampire SAM used in Ukraine…an even cheaper less capable version of Majid

The chassis of Aras tactical vehicle was developed out of the F-4. 5 Toyota chassis. This car can withstand 1,450 kg on the front axle and 2,700 kg on the rear axle. The suspension of this car in the front part is of all-float roller spring with a three-lever mechanism, and in the back part is of all-float spring with a five-axis mechanism.
Majid is on ARAS-2 which is more powerful and can carry more

Aras 2 was unveiled in 2019 in the presence of the then Minister of Defense Brigadier General Amir Hatami and the Commander of Army Ground Force Brigadier General Kiumars Heidari.

There, General Hatami enumerated some of Aras 2 features, including high mobility in impassable areas, installation of weapons and military equipment with increased weight, having increased power and torque, high strength to weight ratio compared to the previous generation in terms of engine, high operational radius (750 km), lower fuel consumption, emission standard, acceleration, load-carrying capacity.

The Ministry of Defense's access to the knowledge of manufacturing and production of these vehicles is an essential step in providing advanced vehicles manufactured by only a few countries.

Aras 2 is a joint production of Iran's Defense Industries Organization and knowledge-based companies. It is the upgraded version of Aras 1. With a powerful 200 hp and 470 Nm of torque, Aras 2 has 50% more power and torque than Aras 1.

the problem is beside Aras-2 the missile also is installed on Iveco daily 4x4 truck which even can carry more but again its photo show 4 missile

and don't talk about 4 is enough , its how they are gonna launch drone in future wars

how many Majid with 4 launcher you need to defend against it?
you need three with 16 launcher and 4 with 12 launcher and well 12 with 4x launcher , i knew according to you build 12 electro/optic camera and 12 Aras-2 is cheaper than building 3 or 4 aras-2 and 3 or 4 Electro/Optic camera

and for the record its the specification of AD-08 missile
AD-08 missile:
Length: 2.67 meters
Diameter: 156 mm
Warhead weight: 14 kg
Missile weight: 75 kg
Range: 8 km
altitude of fire: 6 km
Guidance: Passive IR homing
Speed: more than Mach 2

75kg each let say 100 and let say the launching system is 1000kg (its not) well 12 or 16 of it are well within tolerance of ARAS-2 let not talk about IVECO truck that come in two version a 3.5t and a 5.5t

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