Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

and a question
did Iran at the time had any airplane capable of such mission and carrying anti radiation missiles?

AGM 54 and 78 was launched from F-4s and Iran was an operator.
Was this Jimmy Carter who refused? Because Iran had AGM 45 and AGM 78 during the war.
Iran never received the AGM-45 Shrike or the AGM-88 Harm missiles. That is why we lost a lot of Phantoms to Iraqi SA-2s,SA-3s and SA-6 Radar guided SAMs.
Iran never received the AGM-45 Shrike or the AGM-88 Harm missiles. That is why we lost a lot of Phantoms to Iraqi SA-2s,SA-3s and SA-6 Radar guided SAMs.

Ah right, maybe we didn't get enough because wiki says we did have the 45 but only a few got delivered until the order got cancelled in 1979. Agm-88 was in service from 1985 so Iran probably wouldn't have got that.
The Su-35 would be a big capability boost once it gets integrated into Airforce
The Su35 Chinese Air Force just bought a squadron as a contingency before the J-20 failed to be mass-produced. I originally wanted to buy two squadrons, but after I came back, I was beaten 1:18 in a simulated battle with the J10-C, so I didn't continue to buy it; within the Chinese Air Force, this thing is only used for long-range patrols. Anyway, the radar parameters are public and the performance is not very good. Counting on the Su35, the Iranians might as well count on those F-14s.
China doesn’t even offer Iran military grade pencils let alone fighter jets.

It’s annoying when other members show up and make such [obvious] suggestions as if Iran couldn’t think to ask China. Iran has already gone the China route with regards to fighter jets and it was not satisfactory for various reasons.

Xi Xi is another Putin who rather be a lone wolf with no true military Allies (other than I guess Pakistan). He is too in love with the Arabs and relations with the West to jeopardize that over major arms deal with Iran. The last major arms deal between China-Iran was the C-802 transfer in early 2000’s and that was a semi disaster. Today, China mostly provides Iran with components and raw materials in this day age rather than any finished high grade weapon systems.

Baring a major shift in Xi Xi’s thinking and China’s strategic thought process, Iran and Chinese military relations will remain strained and at arms length.

IRGC thru it’s economic arm controls up to 40% of a 700B-1T economy (depending on what metric you use).

Thus there is no way you are staging a coup in a country that has a military paramilitary force with social, economic, and military arms embedded into every facet of its society.

Even if Iran’s traditional military (the Artesh) were to miraculously side with anti IR groups, they wouldn’t stand a chance against IRGC + Basij and the political opponents that back them. Not to mention many Artesh commanders are former IRGC commanders.

It’s more likely that China or Russia will have changes of government than Iran. That’s how difficult it is to remove IRGC from power.
This is real. After all, China has huge trade with the United States and the European Union. It is impossible to fall out with them because of Iran.
The only thing that unites the Iranian diaspora is their strange hatred of Islam/Muslims and love of Israel

They are totally leadership and divided. Better change of the Taliban conquering Islamabad than the (mostly American) diaspora achieving anything good for Iran (other than lobbying within the US for more sanctions against Iranians and for war)
Because Israel kill arabs, no need to go further to understand

The Iranian diaspora is the biggest shame ever saw, they supported Talibans, were happy when ISIS did terror attacks, support anyone against Iran from Talibans to Salafi shills, they are in this same spiral of "Kourosh e Bozorg was our father" "We are sons of Cyrus" "We are zoroastrian not dirty muslims" (when they don't know a damn thing about zoroastrianism) "We'ere not muslim arab subhuman" "99% of Iranians wants IR gone trust me bro" "Iranians are okay for bombing only the bad guys"

The support towards Israel is simple, they kill arab, diaspora shills ejaculates seeing it and bring false claims rewrite history making people think Iran was an eternal ally of the Jews and Israel

Probablt Israeli shills are mixed with them on the internet, they also want a Kurdish autonomous state inside Iran and smells pankurd from 100km

I don't know why but Kurds are obsessed with Israel and the US, you give them an inch of land, the first thing they will do even before making sewers is to call the US and Israel to build bases and oil/gas stealing sites and put consulates there
The Shah basically had full access to everything and anything in US inventory - Iran is still the ally the US most wishes for because of its near perfect geopolitical location and resources z
This is false

Shah wanted to buy Lance BM, they didn't acepted (a 100km range BM) because it would "threaten Israel"

Shah ordered E-2 and E-3, they didn't accepted because they are "offensive aircrafts"

Israel scammed Shah by giving the leftover weapons from 1973 in exchange of massive oil discount

Today Iran has a massive part of what the US didn't wanted to deliver to Iran, BMs and if god wants a mini AWACS prototype with Simorgh
This is false

Shah wanted to buy Lance BM, they didn't acepted (a 100km range BM) because it would "threaten Israel"

Shah ordered E-2 and E-3, they didn't accepted because they are "offensive aircrafts"

Israel scammed Shah by giving the leftover weapons from 1973 in exchange of massive oil discount

Today Iran has a massive part of what the US didn't wanted to deliver to Iran, BMs and if god wants a mini AWACS prototype with Simorgh
Which was the one that crashed? Was that the Iraqi Adnan that collided with the F-4?
This is real. After all, China has huge trade with the United States and the European Union. It is impossible to fall out with them because of Iran.

I cannot say the China stance is illogical. I get it: Arab oil, EU/US trade, avoiding sanctions is all worth more to China than a $10B arms deal. China isn’t cash strapped nor a pariah like Russia and North Korea.

But the problem with China is they cannot accept the writing on the wall. That is the West is slowly pulling Taiwan away (just like it did Ukraine) and slowly tightening the noose around China trade and strategic investments. I said this about Russia and everyone laughed at me how Putin and Russian army could ever be challenged by West when Russia has nukes and is the 2nd greatest military power. Well guess what happened?

Now the west is merely waiting for China to have its own Ukraine moment and then the noose will fastened tight and you will see how fast China goes from “trade partner” to “obstacle towards peace and freedom”. Western companies will be ordered to abandon China and the sanctions regime will be turned on even at the expense of pain for its own citizens, the West will do anything to achieve a unipolar world —even if it means the threat of nuclear war. Russia, China, and Iran are the last obstacles toward complete Western domination for the next 1000 years.

Hitler could only dream of such as a Reich.
I cannot say the China stance is illogical. I get it: Arab oil, EU/US trade, avoiding sanctions is all worth more to China than a $10B arms deal. China isn’t cash strapped nor a pariah like Russia and North Korea.

But the problem with China is they cannot accept the writing on the wall. That is the West is slowly pulling Taiwan away (just like it did Ukraine) and slowly tightening the noose around China trade and strategic investments. I said this about Russia and everyone laughed at me how Putin and Russian army could ever be challenged by West when Russia has nukes and is the 2nd greatest military power. Well guess what happened?

Now the west is merely waiting for China to have its own Ukraine moment and then the noose will fastened tight and you will see how fast China goes from “trade partner” to “obstacle towards peace and freedom”. Western companies will be ordered to abandon China and the sanctions regime will be turned on even at the expense of pain for its own citizens, the West will do anything to achieve a unipolar world —even if it means the threat of nuclear war. Russia, China, and Iran are the last obstacles toward complete Western domination for the next 1000 years.

Hitler could only dream of such as a Reich.
China is not actually unprepared for war. This time, nine 055s were launched again, adding one intercontinental missile brigade a year - this is what the Americans said. In addition, we are still waiting for the Fujian aircraft carrier and the supporting carrier-based aircraft---this is a true aircraft carrier for China. Foreign trade dependence is too high, and we have to wait for Trump to help China reduce it to less than 10%. All this takes time. You have to believe that Russia will betray China immediately if possible. Therefore, China does not have many choices.
As I said, who knows what they might be made capable of?
We know. Nothing. Let's not discuss meaningless possibilities based on sheer improbabilities.
We know. Nothing. Let's not discuss meaningless possibilities based on sheer improbabilities.

I can only wait and watch.
AGM 54 and 78 was launched from F-4s and Iran was an operator.
I knew no AGM-54 if you mean AIM-54 i guarantee it can't be fired from f-4
by agm-74 if you mean agm-78 its believed it was used it in iran-iraq war

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