Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

IIAF F-4Es were capable of firing AGM-45 shrike missiles.
Iran never received the AGM-45 Shrike or the AGM-88 Harm missiles. That is why we lost a lot of Phantoms to Iraqi SA-2s,SA-3s and SA-6 Radar guided SAMs.
AGM-45 had a 16km range
by the way blame the ones who cancelled the order in 1981 before the start of the war with iraq

and Harm designed in 1983
honestly what is this nonsense
Shah ordered E-2 and E-3, they didn't accepted because they are "offensive aircrafts"
those are not offensive by the way apparently they had no problem iran have f-16 or f-15
I knew no AGM-54 if you mean AIM-54 i guarantee it can't be fired from f-4
by agm-74 if you mean agm-78 its believed it was used it in iran-iraq war

I meant Agm-45, and I did say Agm-78, not 74 which I don't think exists.
those are not offensive by the way apparently they had no problem iran have f-16 or f-15
They refused an E-3 order

It introduces a highly advanced system with great offensive capability into the region. Everybody talks about this being a defensive system. That talk is misleading, AWACS can go both ways with equal capability. Go to any U.S. A ir Force briefing on the subject and you can learn all about its force multiplier capabilities. And its sophistication would require the pres ence of American support personnel for many years to come. If we are to have a policy th at approves sales only in exceptional cases, as the President announced, it makes little sense to me to turn around, before the in k is dry on that piece of paper, and exempt Iranfrom these guidelines.

AWACS has a potent offensive capability as an airborne command and control center, which Secretary Brown has called a “force multiplier” for the effectiveness of tactical air forces. *AWACs can be used in an offensive mode just as much as a defensive mode. You can site enemy targets and call in your aircra ft on them. If you are Iraq or you are Saudi Arabia, India or Pakistan, tha t isoffense. Mr. Chairman, we have sold I ran 209 F-4s, to Iran, 153 F-5s, 80 F-14s—30 delivered, a most sophisticated high-powered tactical air force capability. All you have got to do is put those forces up there and tell them from AWACS what to go after. Don’t accept this de fensive-only label. AWACS can be an air defense system, but AWACScan be an offensive force multiplier every bit as much
Consequently , it would be im practic al an d im pr ob able th at Ir an could use AW AC S offensively.
In short, they told themselves that it would improbable that Iran could use AWACS for offensive purpose, thus not selling them as they saw no use in doing that

They refused Lance BM deal also
Russia recently delivered not only SU-35, but even SU-57 to its airforce. So production is rolling along just fine.

Plus there is the former Egyptian SU-35’s that we do not know what Russia is gonna do.

At the very least an encouraging sign would have been to deliver more Yak-130’s. We see no evidence besides the initial 2 test planes that were delivered.
Russia won't sell you any offensive/significant weapons as it is firmly under zionist grip just like the west.
Russia recently delivered not only SU-35, but even SU-57 to its airforce. So production is rolling along just fine.

Plus there is the former Egyptian SU-35’s that we do not know what Russia is gonna do.

At the very least an encouraging sign would have been to deliver more Yak-130’s. We see no evidence besides the initial 2 test planes that were delivered.
too much pressure from Israel not to deliver SU35 to Iran.
AGM-45 had a 16km range
by the way blame the ones who cancelled the order in 1981 before the start of the war with iraq

and Harm designed in 1983
honestly what is this nonsense
The War started on Sept 22 1980. Not sure how they cancelled the contract in 1981 "Before the start of the war"?

Regardless, the point of the discussion was to disprove the notion that the Shah's regime was allowed to purchase anything it wanted from the U.S and the better example is the case of the Lance tactical Ballistic missiles that tsunset has mentioned above.
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The War started on Sept 22 1980. Not sure how they cancelled the contract in 1981 "Before the start of the war"?

Regardless, the point of the discussion was to disprove the notion that the Shah's regime was allowed to purchase anything it wanted from the U.S and the better example is the case of the Lance tactical Ballistic missiles that tsunset has mentioned above.
By the way they still have the Shah's payments worth billions that are frozen into US banks since 1980
By the way they still have the Shah's payments worth billions that are frozen into US banks since 1980
by the way blame the ones who cancelled the order in 1981 before the start of the war with iraq
Do you Hack-Hook believe that the U.S would have ever honored those contracts after the Islamic revolution considering that they held on to the payment even though I.R of Iran cancelled the massive arms deals of the Pahlavi regime?
Do you Hack-Hook believe that the U.S would have ever honored those contracts after the Islamic revolution considering that they held on to the payment even though I.R of Iran cancelled the massive arms deals of the Pahlavi regime?
no they didn't honour it , but if Iran didn't cancel them Iran didn't had pay money to usa
By the way they still have the Shah's payments worth billions that are frozen into US banks since 1980
they were released in obama time

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