Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Remember the F-14 is one of the last fighter aircraft to have a second seat dedicated to the radar operator, hence the backseater is called the RIO (Radar Intercept Officer) not a WSO. Even the F-15E variants can basically be flown with just the pilot, the WSO has little to no role in air-to-air combat and was always meant to reduce pilot workload in air-to-ground missions.
They are the same thing, except for one difference. When I was on the F-111, the WSO is a pilot but for the USN, the RIO is not a pilot. But in the cockpit, RIO and WSO have the same responsibilities, which is to operate the jet's weapons system and let the pilot do the flying. On the F-4, the WSO is usually not a pilot, although some pilots have sortied as RIOs when the situations needed. On the F-111, a pilot may sortie on the left seat on Monday, then be a WSO on Tuesday. Same for the F-15E.

On the EF-111, there are no controls on the right seat, so only the pilot can do all that piloting shid. However, when I was stationed at RAF Upper Heyford, I knew pilots who can do both jobs on the Sparkvark. As a side note, the EWO's job is more stressful than the WSO's job.

An electronic warfare officer (EWO) was given six months of specialised further training on top of that received for the navigator role. Former EWO Jim Howard recalled: “In the EF-111A, EWOs were expected to know everything about airplanes that the pilots knew, but pilots were not expected to know as much about electronic warfare as an EWO. To be fair, many EF-111A pilots studied until they were equal to their EWOs in technical EW knowledge, but this wasn’t required.”

Now, on the (retired) F-111 and the (current) F-15 two-seater, often a person could be so proficient at one job that he will be scheduled to fly that job most of the time. Nothing wrong with that.

Bottom line is that RIO is a USN label and WSO is a USAF label. But they do the same job. The USN seems to be more strict regarding responsibilities while the USAF is more flexible regarding platforms, meaning if the jet can be flown by either seat, front/aft or left/right, then there is nothing to prevent any pilot from doing both.
Please stop right there. And drop the matter.

Here we go. Grandpa and his war stories again.

BVR ineffectiveness and IFF reliability especially in a integrated IADS (ex. patriot and allied airforce coalition circa 2003) is documented for you to see from non biased sources.

This is without US (and NATO) being in a major war let alone aerial war since pre Soviet collapse. It’s fine if you don’t agree. Time will tell, especially if Russian-Ukraine theater or China-Taiwan theater get hotter.

I assume in next major (aerial) war you will see many more friendly fire instances between friendly jets, air defense forces on the ground, etc.

You have generation(s) of pilots who have never faced an enemy in the air other than a balloon or a slow unmanned drone/CM.
Manned weaponary is what it’s pummeling Ukraine everyday dropping Cruise missiles, glide FABs, air launcher BMs, etc

And soon to be regularly operating those exact "unmanned" platform in Loyal Wingmen.

To your point regarding IFF reliability (or lack thereof) we actually used to be on an Iranian Defense Forum back in 2009-2013/14 until it closed shop. But there was this great guy named Chogy who used to fly the F-15 for the US & NATO missions out of Germany back in the 80's and we used to talk shop up the wazoo with him since he was really outgoing and enjoyed talking about these things.

We were discussing BVR combat tactics and it took us to in the direction of IFF and he said that in his F-15C, he would often have a difficulty most of the time getting any solid return signals whenever he would activate his interrogator, it would get all jumbled or something to that effect to the point where most of his squadron would just bag the process and rely on AWACs.

I'm willing to be that with all systems improvements we've seen in the past 10 years alone, let alone 30+, IFF systems have much improved since. But like anything comms systems related, there's always a chance of signals & waves etc. of breaking up.
Manned weaponary is what it’s pummeling Ukraine everyday dropping Cruise missiles, glide FABs, air launcher BMs, etc

Iran would need 1M+ missiles to match the amount of ordnances Russian airforce has dropped on Ukraine.

Anyone tells you manned weaponary is useless, lives in a fairytale Hollywood call of duty world.

It will be another 20 years before fighter jets are as good with an AI pilot than a human one.
I honestly don’t see the RuAF as even flying anymore! And the Ukrainian AF ceased to practically exist 2 years ago. Two weeks ago a RuAF Tu-22M3 Backfire tried penetrating Ukrainian defenses with a belly full of cruise missiles and it was quickly shot down. Shoot down vid was captured on camera. Been a good year since talk about transferring used Danish/Dutch F-16’s to Ukraine with uki pilots being ‘constantly’ trained by NATO have not materialized. There was an article posted recently on the Ukrainian military realizing the absolute futility of having any semblance of an AF anymore. Three days ago Ru aur defenses downed all the recently delivered ATACMs launched at Ru targets.

I don’t see the RuAF as a viable force today. And I certainly don’t see anyone in Iran yelping to get their hands on dem Su-35’s either.
And soon to be regularly operating those exact "unmanned" platform in Loyal Wingmen.

Wingmen is far from being able to carry out tasks you think it can. Right now F16 with AI algo is dogfighting US pilots, but it’s still very early stages. Will take time to mature the platform.

To your point regarding IFF reliability (or lack thereof) we actually used to be on an Iranian Defense Forum back in 2009-2013/14 until it closed shop.

I was on that forum as well
But there was this great guy named Chogy who used to fly the F-15 for the US & NATO missions out of Germany back in the 80's and we used to talk shop up the wazoo with him since he was really outgoing and enjoyed talking about these things.

We were discussing BVR combat tactics and it took us to in the direction of IFF and he said that in his F-15C, he would often have a difficulty most of the time getting any solid return signals whenever he would activate his interrogator, it would get all jumbled or something to that effect to the point where most of his squadron would just bag the process and rely on AWACs.

US coalition feared Patriots during Iraqi war because of the IFF system. There were several close calls/shootdowns including a British Tornado. The blame game happen, some say British Tornado transponder malfunctioned others say Patriot identified it as foe. Pilots were avoiding anywhere patriots were deployed.

Now remember this is 2003 with a decrepit virtually non existent Iraqi Air Force. What do you think would happen against a near peer adversary like China in heavy air war with heavy jamming/electronic warfare on both sides?

Even Iran had issues with air defense teams locking on to friendly jets during peace team and sometimes even firing on them. There was an article a few years back that talked about those instances in the last decade. Lastly we all remember the TOR-M1 fiasco in 2020.

My point being anyone who thinks during a major war that there would not be friendly fire when systems are being more and more automated by the day are living in delusional land.

I'm willing to be that with all systems improvements we've seen in the past 10 years alone, let alone 30+, IFF systems have much improved since. But like anything comms systems related, there's always a chance of signals & waves etc. of breaking up.

True, but the era of EW/ECW is now much stronger and sophisticated than early 2000’s or 90’s. I mean early block F-22’s are set to be decommissioned this year because their electronics are so obsolete in this day and age. It would be too costly to upgrade them to even the later variant F-22s.

IFF is still an imperfect system, air defense systems typically will look at a objects speed/movement plus its radio signature (IFF) to determine if it matches a databank of known objects then it will label it foe. This is all down in seconds and many systems fire automatically rather than waiting for human intervention.

You can see how this information can be manipulated especially in today’s digital and AI age. Without some type of quantum entanglement based system, you will never know for such if the object is friendly or foe using current systems especially during fog of war. This is without even taken into account something that naturally happens in war - human error.

Just this week an Israeli tank was caught in ambush and went out of its zone of authority and shot at a building - ended up being full of IDF soldiers killing 2 soldiers. Fog of war and human error go hand in hand.

Then there is the issue of BVR and it’s reliability which is completely separate from this matter although overlap can exist.

I honestly don’t see the RuAF as even flying anymore!

Then you aren’t following the war. TU bombers and MIG-31’s are up every week launching payloads. Russian fighter jets have taken their Cold War era of FABs and attached JDAM kits and are bombing the living daylights out of Ukraine front line positions by releasing payloads from 30-40KM away. This is versus the early war where they needed to basically dive bomb to get any reliable accuracy as FABs are non guided bombs.

And the Ukrainian AF ceased to practically exist 2 years ago.

They still exist, a recent fighter jet was hit alongside a S-300 system past month. They fly extremely low and pop to fire anti radiation missiles and flee. They are used very precisely these days.

Two weeks ago a RuAF Tu-22M3 Backfire tried penetrating Ukrainian defenses with a belly full of cruise missiles and it was quickly shot down.

False, TU doesn’t need to penetrate Ukraine airspace as Russian large bombers release their payloads from Russia or Belarus airspace.

The incident you refer to was likely that a Ukrainian S-200 was somehow smuggled to the border area and hit the bomber inside its own/friendly airspace.

These are very rare occurances, but show how vulnerable AWACs, bombers, tankers are in modern warfare.

Danish/Dutch F-16’s to Ukraine with uki pilots being ‘constantly’ trained by NATO have not materialized.

They are coming, but won’t make a huge difference. f-16 has a frontal RCS of 1-3M2 and likely higher if fully loaded (weapons and drop tanks) so it won’t help against S-400/S-300 deployed. These aren’t my own words just read US pilots talking about limitations of platform near Ukrainian frontlines.

People (mostly on Twitter) seem to think F-16 is an F-35 or something. Far from it. Just because it’s been used in Jihadi-Stan conflicts and by Israel to bomb Palestinians doesn’t mean much. Much like Abrams and Leporads didn’t change the war. Or Excalibur and SDBs didn’t change the war. Or storm shadows didn’t change the war. F-16’s won’t either.

Now if Urkaine got their hands on F-35 then maybe you could see some tactical battlefield changes. They wouldn’t win the war, but they would certainly bring pain to Russian frontlines and forward operating bases

I don’t see the RuAF as a viable force today.

You are misinformed as Russian losses don’t even total 10% of their total airforce. And Russia continues to add SU-35’s and SU-57’s to its fleet. The factories are still working, Russia deploys a fraction of its airforce to the Ukraine warfront.

And I certainly don’t see anyone in Iran yelping to get their hands on dem Su-35’s either.

Everyone in Iran would love SU-35. It’s a great defense fighter to complement Iran’s air defense teams and protect the skies.

Yes, if you trying to use it to invade Israeli airspace or Saudi Airspace that is not wise, but using it in a defensive role to protect Iranian assets and IADS is very smart. Much better than relying on F-5/Mig-28/and the few flying F-14’s that are still airworthy.
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I honestly don’t see the RuAF as even flying anymore! And the Ukrainian AF ceased to practically exist 2 years ago. Two weeks ago a RuAF Tu-22M3 Backfire tried penetrating Ukrainian defenses with a belly full of cruise missiles and it was quickly shot down. Shoot down vid was captured on camera. Been a good year since talk about transferring used Danish/Dutch F-16’s to Ukraine with uki pilots being ‘constantly’ trained by NATO have not materialized. There was an article posted recently on the Ukrainian military realizing the absolute futility of having any semblance of an AF anymore. Three days ago Ru aur defenses downed all the recently delivered ATACMs launched at Ru targets.

I don’t see the RuAF as a viable force today. And I certainly don’t see anyone in Iran yelping to get their hands on dem Su-35’s either.
Lil cuh you'd rather have a Su-35 up there defending dem skies over flying scrap metals. Trust me when I tell you da Eyeraanians would love em! It's not an F-22, but it's smthin!
Lil cuh you'd rather have a Su-35 up there defending dem skies over flying scrap metals. Trust me when I tell you da Eyeraanians would love em! It's not an F-22, but it's smthin!

F-22 would be detrimental to Iran and most militaries outside of US or China.

F-14 back in late 90’s had $20-30K/hr operating cost! Now adjust that for inflation. F-22 operating cost certaintly is not cheaper than F-14. And at any point 20-50% of the fleet would be grounded for maintenance. It was so bad at one point that an airbase was hit by a hurricane and the F-22’s that were grounded suffered damage.

So only massive budget militaries like US war machine or China can afford such systems.

SU-35 is not cheap to operate, but certain cheaper than next gen platforms. Rumors were Iran had to halt its F-14 upgrade program because it was costing over $10M per plane to upgrade to a standard that was only marginally better.

Iran mothballing F-14 in favor of SU-35 would actually SAVE it money. People don’t understand how much costs maintaining the F-14 has on IRanian airforces limited budget. It’s a 50 year old aircraft that was costly to maintain 30 years let alone today!
F-22 would be detrimental to Iran and most militaries outside of US or China.

F-14 back in late 90’s had $20-30K/hr operating cost! Now adjust that for inflation. F-22 operating cost certaintly is not cheaper than F-14. And at any point 20-50% of the fleet would be grounded for maintenance. It was so bad at one point that an airbase was hit by a hurricane and the F-22’s that were grounded suffered damage.

So only massive budget militaries like US war machine or China can afford such systems.

SU-35 is not cheap to operate, but certain cheaper than next gen platforms. Rumors were Iran had to halt its F-14 upgrade program because it was costing over $10M per plane to upgrade to a standard that was only marginally better.

Iran mothballing F-14 in favor of SU-35 would actually SAVE it money. People don’t understand how much costs maintaining the F-14 has on IRanian airforces limited budget. It’s a 50 year old aircraft that was costly to maintain 30 years let alone today!
Just out of curiosity, what makes you say that Chinese airforce is capable of fighting F-22 in the air?

You always dismiss Russian jets, why? Budget wise, design wise, technology wise, I'd say that Su 57 is the only hope against F-22
Just out of curiosity, what makes you say that Chinese airforce is capable of fighting F-22 in the air?

You always dismiss Russian jets, why? Budget wise, design wise, technology wise, I'd say that Su 57 is the only hope against F-22
China has hundreds of 5th generation J-20, how many Su 57 does Russia currently have?
Lil cuh you'd rather have a Su-35 up there defending dem skies over flying scrap metals. Trust me when I tell you da Eyeraanians would love em! It's not an F-22, but it's smthin!
Bhai 4 days ago a massive $100 million dolla Tu-22M3 was downed with a hand me down PAC-2 over da Donbas. With its full array of SPS-172 steerable Sorbitsiya noise jammers, Avtomat 3 Radar Warning Receiver, AG-56 automated noise generator. L-082 MAK-UL (MAWS). Many times the ECM any Su-35 can carry.

It was also carrying the older Rezeda jamming pod in a bid to deceive/Jam the uki communications…..😝

Very desperate attempt at penetration/daring to be able to launch its Kh-55’s/101’s after target acquisition/ lock to beat ALCM warning time.

Pretty safe to say that even Russian strategic aviation is in a bind now.
China has hundreds of 5th generation J-20, how many Su 57 does Russia currently have?
Considering industrial capacity and quantitative measures, China stands above even the US.

But SU 57, it was able to drop free canards
Here we go. Grandpa and his war stories again.
And what do you have? Besides ignorance and REFUSAL to do basic research?

In what context do you mean by 'unreliability'? I will give you one example that most likely you did not considered: interference.

In an IFF transponder system, a valid interrogator signal is of the correct format for an interrogator signal and thus can be processed to generate a valid decode of the interrogator signal. Similarly, in an IFF interrogator system, a valid reply signal is of the correct format for a reply signal and thus can be processed to generate a valid decode of the reply signal. In any case, a valid signal, such as a valid interrogator signal or a valid reply signal, is of the correct format and will generate or otherwise result in a valid decode of the signal that can be properly processed by the IFF system. Conversely, the non-valid signals are signals that are not of a format supported or otherwise understood by the IFF system (e.g., signals that include pulses intentionally designed to jam a communication system or any other pulses that are not part of a valid decode format.) For example, interference may occur as a result of a high volume of signals (e.g., interrogation signals or reply signals) overlapping, thus causing the IFF system to receive non-valid signals which it is unable to use. Such non-valid signals are of a format that cannot be properly decoded by the IFF system and thus, will not generate or otherwise result in a valid decode of the signal that can be properly processed by the IFF system. Using such discounted pulse rate (e.g., pulse rate resulting from the jamming pulses) to detect pulse jams results in a reduction in false pulse jam indications, thereby reducing the unnecessary desensitization of the receiver and/or generation of false pulse jam indications.​

Worst case scenario is that of deliberate interference, aka 'jamming', but most, more like %90+, of IFF interogator interference came from excessive queries, basically, too many guys wanting to know who is out there at any time. See the highlighted? The IFF system current DESIGN configuration is proven for decades. The best we can do is improve the discriminator part of the receiver, but basically, there is nothing we can do regarding EXTERNAL sources of signals, whether those signals are just noise residuals from other forms of transmissions that are not of IFF transmissions, or that of deliberate interference, or that of simple volume queries.

Today I stand corrected! 🫡

Hack hook was one of em, when he used to say what he did 15 years ago. God knows where de others have moved onto?
one accusing me of praising IRGC , another one accuse me of hating it and say everything it do is bad.
wonder what sort of enigma I have become
one accusing me of praising IRGC , another one accuse me of hating it and say everything it do is bad.
wonder what sort of enigma I have become
Curious minds like to know. Clarify and be free of enigmas!

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