Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

This isn't about how much have hit, but how much missiles were launched

Just everything but 300 missiles, next they will claim that Iran has launched 50000 missiles on Israel
Yeah I know what the topic was about just a side thing I wanted to add
one video showed 5 impacts and another video showed 4 impacts

9 hits like I said

the crater shown was tiny but they also quickly paved over another impact on the runway

The ones with the freshly dug earth heaps on the side looked purely fake . It seemed like they were showing the wrong locations of impact sites.

if your theory was correct we would see something from the satellite imagery

My theory is that ~30-40 missiles at best were fired, probably even fewer, out of which 9 impacted the targets as we saw in videos, where they impacted exactly is not clear because Israeli showed craters looked fake. The success rate for the BM strikes was much higher so Israeli/US pushed the 300 projectile narrative and IRGC for whatever reason stayed quite which I believe was some understanding between the two sides.
Some news (Make of it what you will)

- BT saying there are currently ~8 x Yak-130s inside Iran, and the number may go high. Iran is paying 15 Mln USD per airframe. The procurement might kill Yasin AFT's program altogether (along with Kowsar) because, despite the price, the reliability of Yak-130 is much higher.

- SimpleFlying Report said Russia will produce only 8-10 x SU-35S this year and same for next year, both orders are by RuAF. IRIAF might get its first batch in 2026-27 at the earliest.
9 hits like I said
but not in "one area in one single frame" like you said

My theory is that ~30-40 missiles at best were fired, probably even fewer, out of which 9 impacted the targets as we saw in videos, where they impacted exactly is not clear because Israeli showed craters looked fake. The success rate for the BM strikes was much higher so Israeli/US pushed the 300 projectile narrative and IRGC for whatever reason stayed quite which I believe was some understanding between the two sides.
iran said it targeted the air bases but satellite imagery showed only 1-2 material impacts. others likely missed and landed in the desert. what happened in the Golan is less clear
Hey Dr Mason

You are not the one who makes the law here and for propaganda, you are made a lot. Just for many Kowsar built, you made do with a dusty Wikipedia page. You want to influence the moderators telling you that YOU, you tell the truth, YOU do the best analysis but it is completely false!

Your budget business for the IRIAF is pure speculation and does not match the facts. The sadness is to think you are more informed than others by reading Wikipedia pages. What I say here from the other forum, I strongly assume it. I follow the Iranian military affairs of 2013. I have more than 1255 photos in the bank, some videos, articles, so stop thinking that you are better than everyone else. You have nothing to do with a PeeD that I liked

In which way is to possess "more than 1255 photos in the bank, some videos, articles" relevant when you follow blindly stupid propaganda and cannot connect the dots correctly?

In fact I'm following China and Chinese military aviation and have a collection of several 10,000s of "photos in the bank, some videos, articles," - I think I understand a bit on this topic but still I'm wrong with my conclusions!

But to believe that nonsense you claim when you follow Iranian military aviation since decades tell me only that "you know nothing"!

As such as a new member calm down, do not insult others, learn and earn a bit of reputation while in parallel give respect to those who know.
Some news (Make of it what you will)

- BT saying there are currently ~8 x Yak-130s inside Iran, and the number may go high. Iran is paying 15 Mln USD per airframe. The procurement might kill Yasin AFT's program altogether (along with Kowsar) because, despite the price, the reliability of Yak-130 is much higher.

- SimpleFlying Report said Russia will produce only 8-10 x SU-35S this year and same for next year, both orders are by RuAF. IRIAF might get its first batch in 2026-27 at the earliest.

Iranian air force always likes foreign planes. If they truly thought Yasin or Kowsar were fantastic planes then they would have gave the much needed r&D team money. Instead they are stuck tinkering around with prototypes until a country (or a military branch in Iran) throws them cash for a real contract.

Sadly I think it’s more likely you see a CAS type fighter from IRGC than IRIAF anytime soon. I remember 5+ years ago that IRGC announced they were working on a CAS plane to replace their SU-25’s and from lessons learned in syria using Russian air support.

As for BT’s claims, I think 8 frames is high, but based on the recent Russian plane that arrived that only does deliveries to major countries, it’s likely more than 2 Y-130’s exist. 15M per plane is not bad if for example Yasin costs 7-8M.

- SimpleFlying Report said Russia will produce only 8-10 x SU-35S this year and same for next year, both orders are by RuAF. IRIAF might get its first batch in 2026-27 at the earliest.

Is that site anti-Russia? I have seen already many SU-35’s and even a few SU-57 deliveries. But I didn’t count how many.

I put a grain of salt in those that say Russia cannot produce fighter jets in large numbers due to sanctions and Western war on its sovereignty.

Also didn’t Russia recently unveil an AESA radar at an arms expo for use in SU-35S or SU-57? Maybe Iran is waiting for that to be production ready.

Wishful thinking by me of course.
En quoi posséder « plus de 1255 photos en banque, quelques vidéos, des articles » est-il pertinent quand on suit aveuglément une propagande stupide et qu’on ne sait pas relier les points correctement ?

En fait, je suis la Chine et l'aviation militaire chinoise et j'ai une collection de plusieurs dizaines de milliers de « photos en banque, quelques vidéos, articles » - je pense que je comprends un peu ce sujet mais je me trompe toujours dans mes conclusions !

Mais croire à ces bêtises que vous prétendez lorsque vous suivez l'aviation militaire iranienne depuis des décennies, dites-moi seulement que « vous ne savez rien » !

En tant que nouveau membre, calmez-vous, n'insultez pas les autres, apprenez et gagnez un peu de réputation tout en respectant en parallèle ceux qui savent.
By the way, I'm not new, I come from the old forum that I've been following for a few years.

I know a lot more than you think and time will prove me right. Do you understand the word moderation? I've been a moderator in other places and that's not how it works. You say that I'm making stupid propaganda but you can't prove it because only time will answer my claims.

Don't worry about my synthesis skills, my sense of cross-checking information, it's very good on several subjects. What stupidity is that? Asking you to calm me down when you're not calm with me, talking about insults when you do it on me.

I have no reputation to gain in the eyes of people who do science from old Wikipedia pages and who speculate on knowledge that they don't have themselves. How do you know that people know more than me here???

I strongly stand by my statements about Kowsar and IRIAF. What will you do if I am right about my predictions? Will you apologize? What if the propaganda came from a few people here who play sophistry to confuse people? Isn't that a possibility?

So let time provide the answers and you can tell if I know nothing or the opposite. I am not responsible for the IRIAF announcement process. Be patient and we will see in the end who is the most sincere and logical here.

PeeD's analysis was superior on the other forum and I also like Amir Patriot even if sometimes I disagree with him.
I strongly stand by my statements about Kowsar and IRIAF. What will you do if I am right about my predictions? Will you apologize? What if the propaganda came from a few people here who play sophistry to confuse people? Isn't that a possibility?

Yes and surely I will, but will you do the same or will this "time will prove me" be valid for ever?

Really, to think "The new Kowsar is a mix of generation 4+, 4++ and 5th generation elements and it is quite easy to understand", "Kowsar becomes a unique aircraft that mixes the categories of 4, 4+, 4++ and 5th generation" and "The f-313 drone and manned aircraft version will confirm Iran's surprising technological advances." are just laughable!

Never ever will the f-313 be a true fighter nor Kowsar a unique aircraft that mixes the categories of 4, 4+, 4++ and 5th generation, that's plain impossible for a F-5-based fighter regardless what you claim! It's like claiming the sun is raising in the West.
Yes and surely I will, but will you do the same or will this "time will prove me" be valid for ever?

Really, to think "The new Kowsar is a mix of generation 4+, 4++ and 5th generation elements and it is quite easy to understand", "Kowsar becomes a unique aircraft that mixes the categories of 4, 4+, 4++ and 5th generation" and "The f-313 drone and manned aircraft version will confirm Iran's surprising technological advances." are just laughable!

Never ever will the f-313 be a true fighter nor Kowsar a unique aircraft that mixes the categories of 4, 4+, 4++ and 5th generation, that's plain impossible for a F-5-based fighter regardless what you claim! It's like claiming the sun is raising in the West.
Your opinion is not a fact! One thing is clear, the Kowsar has passed the 4th generation stage. And for the F-313 you are speculating, you know nothing about it. We will see when the IRIAF makes a big announcement and it is coming soon
Iranian air force always likes foreign planes. If they truly thought Yasin or Kowsar were fantastic planes then they would have gave the much needed r&D team money. Instead they are stuck tinkering around with prototypes until a country (or a military branch in Iran) throws them cash for a real contract.

Nothing to do with local vs foriegn. They just like the American/western planes, hate the Chinese and dislike the Russian ones. IRIAF commanders rejected J-10A/C in favor of SU-35S. Hypothetical Shahi AF in modern times would be flying F-35 and Rafales.

As for Yasin+Kowsar combo, the same article says that Yasin's lifeline is probably Saljut AL-222-25 Turofan LP inside Iran and that equal chances exist that Yasin and Yak-130 will form two branches of ATs in IRIAF in the future. Yak-130 will train pilots for SU-35S, MIG-29SMT, SU-24MK2 fleet, assuming procurements and upgrades happen on time. Yasin AT will be giving out pilots for Kowsar-I and other local upgraded fighters because they all use local weaponry and avionics.

My take: There is a mature lobby within IRIAF/IAIO favoring Yasin that would not let the project die for a simple reason, they do not want to be solely dependent upon unreliable Russians again. I am saying this because plane was given out-of-ordinary media coverage despite being a CAS/AT at best and it always has a place in Iranian section in foriegn military expos. No other local project has ever been given this much attention that a new modern turbofan with local production has been discussed for it. If Yasin survives, so will the local fighter program. As a matter of fact if Russians want to destroy the local Iranian aviation sector and by that I mean everything including local engine, weapons, avionics etc they just have to make sure IRIAF has enough Yak-130s so that bulk of pilots being trained on them can go to Russian planes only. Iran will keep buying parts from them and will be dependent upon Russia for its entire manned combat aviation capability. Its nothing bad if Russianiazation of IRIAF is a thorough one with 100+ SU-35S/SU-30SM/MIG-29SMT/SU-24MK2s. But no country on earth is doing that anymore, everyone has a local program as well. Iran needs to do the same.

Sadly I think it’s more likely you see a CAS type fighter from IRGC than IRIAF anytime soon. I remember 5+ years ago that IRGC announced they were working on a CAS plane to replace their SU-25’s and from lessons learned in syria using Russian air support.

I think the limited SU-22M3/M4 fleet of IRGCAF tells the other side of the story. They dont seem that much interested in manned combat aviation. Iran has ~42 SU-22 airframes but IRGC-AF only upgraded 1 squadron and they had two crashes (plane survived) in their short career. Had they been actually interested there would have been a fleet of 42 upgraded SU-22 shooting ALBMs/PGMs considering how in-depth the upgrade program was, IMO better than Dowran F-4E/D, but we did not see the fleet expansion showing IRGC-AF's lack of interest.

Capability-wise, if Yasin or Kowsar is transferred to IRGC-AF they will turn them into combat-ready platforms for Advanced training, CAS, CAP, Interception, and e-warfare duties. IRIAF is just the weakest branch of forces in Iran.

As for BT’s claims, I think 8 frames is high, but based on the recent Russian plane that arrived that only does deliveries to major countries, it’s likely more than 2 Y-130’s exist. 15M per plane is not bad if for example Yasin costs 7-8M.

Well he gave serial numbers too! he has gone total traitor these days licking Israeli azz 24/7 but most of his (not all) inside scoop is true.

Yasin costs 7-8 Mln with local Owj/J-85II-G13 nonafterburning turbojets. If the AL-222-25 turbofan news is true and they plan on arming the plan for CAS duties its cost will be 12-15 Mln as well.

Is that site anti-Russia? I have seen already many SU-35’s and even a few SU-57 deliveries. But I didn’t count how many.

I put a grain of salt in those that say Russia cannot produce fighter jets in large numbers due to sanctions and Western war on its sovereignty.

Also didn’t Russia recently unveil an AESA radar at an arms expo for use in SU-35S or SU-57? Maybe Iran is waiting for that to be production ready.

Wishful thinking by me of course.

Well the news says they are producing SU-30SM2, SU-57, SU-34 as well so there might be a tactical-level production rate adjustment. 8-10 airframes a year is still OK number for Russia itself.

Russia, considering its own needs, will prioritize Ru-AF order over the IRIAF one so 2026 is a believable year for the first delivery. AESA radar will be a better news, IRBIS-E is from 80s and does not suit the 4+ generation 100 Mln USD price-tagged fighter.
Kowsar a unique aircraft that mixes the categories of 4, 4+, 4++ and 5th generation, that's plain impossible for a F-5-based fighter regardless what you claim! It's like claiming the sun is raising in the West.

Regardless of whatever stupid stuff is being spread here by immature members, the plane is like 4.0 Generation at best just like F-20 was. Especially if we consider its fairly modern avionics and flight control systems.

No F-5 based fighter can go 4.0 gen without significant physical re-design and by that I mean larger airframe with new turbofan(s), more hardpoints, possible further RCS reduction etc.

Such older design airframes with modern systems and suites are always confusing when it comes to assigning them a generation. What generation is Kfir-Block 60 ? A Mirage-5 rebuilt modernized airframe with avionics that can parallel Mirage-2000-9, may be even better in some ways.
As for Yasin+Kowsar combo, the same article says that Yasin's lifeline is probably Saljut AL-222-25 Turofan LP inside Iran and that equal chances exist that Yasin and Yak-130 will form two branches of ATs in IRIAF in the future. Yak-130 will train pilots for SU-35S, MIG-29SMT, SU-24MK2 fleet, assuming procurements and upgrades happen on time. Yasin AT will be giving out pilots for Kowsar-I and other local upgraded fighters because they all use local weaponry and avionics.
I this the most reasonable idea I´ve read until now.

Yasin+Kowsar let enough autonomy to integrate weapons, test equipment, avionics and tactics. Depending on Russian aircraft will kill or at least finish the aeronautical industry after years of truly economic yihad. Even Russia are right now turning into iranian aeronautical industries to keep up their airbus. Russian aircraft will give enough air power to answer any US or israeli adventure. I am suspicious that the lack of response of Iran at Israel is related to real air and naval power to escalate any conflict after first and second missiles answers.

But that is another issue.

Everybody here agree that IRIAF needs desperately a good aircraft as soon as possible.

Developing Yasin+Kowsar Iran should be the second priority.
Nothing to do with local vs foriegn. They just like the American/western planes, hate the Chinese and dislike the Russian ones. IRIAF commanders rejected J-10A/C in favor of SU-35S. Hypothetical Shahi AF in modern times would be flying F-35 and Rafales.
J-10c never offered
As for Yasin+Kowsar combo, the same article says that Yasin's lifeline is probably Saljut AL-222-25 Turofan LP inside Iran and that equal chances exist that Yasin and Yak-130 will form two branches of ATs in IRIAF in the future. Yak-130 will train pilots for SU-35S, MIG-29SMT, SU-24MK2 fleet, assuming procurements and upgrades happen on time. Yasin AT will be giving out pilots for Kowsar-I and other local upgraded fighters because they all use local weaponry and avionics.
funny as time of mig-35 you guys talk about 20 year old su-35 and 25 year old mig-29smt you guys even dont talk about newer mig-29m2 that
Regardless of whatever stupid stuff is being spread here by immature members, the plane is like 4.0 Generation at best just like F-20 was. Especially if we consider its fairly modern avionics and flight control systems.

No F-5 based fighter can go 4.0 gen without significant physical re-design and by that I mean larger airframe with new turbofan(s), more hardpoints, possible further RCS reduction etc.

Such older design airframes with modern systems and suites are always confusing when it comes to assigning them a generation. What generation is Kfir-Block 60 ? A Mirage-5 rebuilt modernized airframe with avionics that can parallel Mirage-2000-9, may be even better in some ways.

Exactly, but that’s the point: Iran has not the capability, even more so since it makes no sense to develop the old F-5 into something upscaled and even if, it remains at best a 4th whatever type but never a 5th generation fighter.

Otherwise this 4, 4+ or 4++ is more PR gimmick since there is no such standards
J-10c never offered

funny as time of mig-35 you guys talk about 20 year old su-35 and 25 year old mig-29smt you guys even dont talk about newer mig-29m2 that

F-16 is also 40+ year old

F-22 is 30+ year old

What’s your point? An F-16 from 1980 And an F-16 latest block are very different planes.

And when we mention SU-35 we are implying modernized not the one they made 30 years ago. That is common sense.

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