Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Just find this on X-not an official proposal however
Amazing. At this rate we might have 50 of them by the year 2100.
Well to be fair testing and redesign of aircraft’s isn’t that simple again not an aerospace engineer here but agree hope it’s a small batch thing and than they move on at least they are getting the experience……….also if anything I want to se a gunship version of it like the Spanish version c2something 😂 to lazy to look it up but same size can be done I think they would get more use out of it that way than a troop transport or firefighting aircraft
They are doing a good job with the various maquettes of the "single engine tomcat".
As I type this, it occured to me that it might even be the same model, just repainted in the various pictures; in fact there is a picture of a white one that was quite popular back in 2010 in the old Irandefence . net forum from Sukhoi30
Well to be fair testing and redesign of aircraft’s isn’t that simple again not an aerospace engineer here but agree hope it’s a small batch thing and than they move on at least they are getting the experience……….also if anything I want to se a gunship version of it like the Spanish version c2something 😂 to lazy to look it up but same size can be done I think they would get more use out of it that way than a troop transport or firefighting aircraft
Agreed. It is not so simple. You must do some thousands hours flight tests. Check the fissures and fatigue, test engine, avionics and airframe fatigue test in land. After all systems on board have been tested and taken to their limit you must make compatability test with airfields and land logistics (electric power stations, loader/unloader equipment and associated tools for repairing engines, etc).
All of those require at least three flying aircraft and another for land tests.
Just find this on X-not an official proposal however
View attachment 59726

If you are going to make that many changes - you may aswell buy a new plane ?

Engine changes are rare as they are fundamental to the design of the plane and i dont see that happening in any upgrade as that would change the flight characteristics of the plane which means the flight control system would need to change. I dont see that happening.

Avionics - yes, makes sense but not much else.
Basically swap everything but the shell. Nonsense.
Adquiring/manufacturing, testing and certifying all this avionics and engines in those old airframes are probably much more costly than just adquiring any new aircraft. So don´t pay too much attention in this.
Adquiring/manufacturing, testing and certifying all this avionics and engines in those old airframes are probably much more costly than just adquiring any new aircraft. So don´t pay too much attention in this.
Just find this on X-not an official proposal however
View attachment 59726

Iran as a country, does not have the political will or devotion to maintain a proper airforce otherwise if we go by pure technical capability, Iran can produce a better version of every single component for such an upgrade, except for the turbofan, even that is possible with mild level collaboration.

Weak, immature, and nonserious leadership has ruined the following programs with a lack of budget (400-600 mln for IRIAF) and political appointments such as incompetent Vahedi.

-Kowsar, a light 4.0 Generation CAP+interceptor, 5 produced in 6 years. Realistically the program should have concluded by 2025 with 70 initially planned fighters, with small RCS, long tracking range radar, FBW, avionics, a light BVR/All-aspect WVR, data linking, etc. A hard to defeat fleet inside IADS that data linked with UCAVs+LORADS/SHORADS would have produced a nimble layer of air defense. This would have allowed IADS and other interceptors to breathe but no $$$ put in = the program is dead. This fleet would have been a perfect complement to the incoming Su-35S.

- Yasin-AFT, still flying on non-afterburning J-85/Owj, 2 produced of which one is flyable now. Its lack of induction tells us the Kowsar program is dead just like before it, SaegheI/II died with 6 abominations. Yasin AFT uses the same modern avionics package as Kowsar so if Yasin is not being produced or inducted then it means Kowsar, any local F-4/14 upgrade plan has died as well. SAIRAN produced avionics for 4.0 to 4+ generation fighters that we have seen in unveilings have gone to waste.

- F-14AM upgrade could have given Iran a long-range BVR interceptor to thwart IAF's large RCS attack fighters such as F-15I over Iraq or Saudi Airspace, but barely 15-18 aircrafts underwent depot level upgrade, rest of the fleet (42 airframes in total) is not even seen anymore on CAP or parades let alone on QRA/FMC duties. IAF fighters can easily deploy ALBMs over Iraq, nothing is there to thwart them. They can easily come deep into Iraqi airspace, deliver lofted Apogee ALBMs on Bavar/S-300PMu2/Khordad/OTH sites, and return. Once the IADS is injured, the tactical and dare I say strategic sites can be taken out. Maghsoud LRBVR is not delivered to F-14AM fleet so this tells us the fleet may retire. LR-BVR thwarts enemy missions esp the ones that need the enemy attack aircraft to come into a predictable zone with known speed, altitude etc. Such is how ALBM is launched. Not to mention the huge RCS of ALBM carrying aircraft. Israel will not risk losing fighters over Iraq so suddenly the equation changes but leadership is focused on hanging 15 year old girls.

- MIG-29 9.12 lacks ARH BVR, its radar is barely tracking a 4th-generation fighter at 50 KM. It has no SAR or ECCM package. F-4E/D Dowran still lacks BVR and modern HOBS WVR. Why they are still flying Mirages, F-7, F-5 crap? Just recently some stupid commander of a base hosting Mirages was talking about "Habibi Upgrade" of using Fakours SARH and SAIRAN radar/avionics package on Mirages, a project which may cost 200 mln USD to bring 2 squadrons to life. but in reality, Mirages lack pylons.

- Azarakhsh WVR is being shown as SAM but is not deployed on IRIAF aircraft. It's an all-aspect high HOBS weapon with a Contrast Imaging seeker but IRIAF still uses Shahi AIM-9J (non-all aspect) with deformed paint. Local AIM-7M equivalent "Arash-Light BVR" was shown twice but like Maghsood it's gone too.

....... List goes on. IRIAF needs to be given to IRGC-AF otherwise the branch is done. IRGC will turn IRIAF into an efficient force like other branches.

Developing a fighter whose fuselage is 50 years old is a bad investment, especially since Iran does not have the ability to extend the life of the fuselage in a real way. Iran had the opportunity within 40 years to reproduce the F-4 aircraft after developing and redesigning it with the help of China or to produce the design of the F-14 aircraft by reverse engineering with the help of China, but it did not want to do that at all or even buy a project from China or Russia, so it began developing it within what it did in Pakistan with the JF-17 aircraft, but Pakistan allocates all its desires for the JF-17 aircraft to match the performance of the Swedish JAS-39E aircraft, but Pakistan provides the minimum defensive capability with a local product with imports from China for other aircraft. Iran relies on ballistic missiles and drones, but this is not enough. Countries have integrated systems and do not rely on only one weapon, and the effectiveness of ballistic missiles in traditional Russia is limited in its destructive capacity, so countries like the Kurtin develop their ballistic missiles with destructive warheads weighing 2.5-4.5 tons because the Russians' destructive effectiveness of 500-1000 kilograms is limited and may in some cases be ineffective for large targets, and Iran cares about range at the expense of destructive capacity.


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