Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions

Just ignore him. He is delusional. Fanboy of the biggest order.

I am just concerned, why are we producing such delusional characters in bulk now? This baseless self-boosting, propoganda, and lies, creating a false sense of achievement has never been part of the Iranian mentality. Have these kids learned this behaviour from Salami, Vahidi, Bagheri type characters who "Mass produce" 5th gen fighters and take "Revenge" from Israel+US daily through press releases?

Hey Dr Mason

You are not the one who makes the law here and for propaganda, you are made a lot. Just for many Kowsar built, you made do with a dusty Wikipedia page. You want to influence the moderators telling you that YOU, you tell the truth, YOU do the best analysis but it is completely false!

Your budget business for the IRIAF is pure speculation and does not match the facts. The sadness is to think you are more informed than others by reading Wikipedia pages. What I say here from the other forum, I strongly assume it. I follow the Iranian military affairs of 2013. I have more than 1255 photos in the bank, some videos, articles, so stop thinking that you are better than everyone else. You have nothing to do with a PeeD that I liked

I am just concerned, why are we producing such delusional characters in bulk now? This baseless self-boosting, propoganda, and lies, creating a false sense of achievement has never been part of the Iranian mentality. Have these kids learned this behaviour from Salami, Vahidi, Bagheri type characters who "Mass produce" 5th gen fighters and take "Revenge" from Israel+US daily through press releases?

Try to act your age!
I am just concerned, why are we producing such delusional characters in bulk now? This baseless self-boosting, propoganda, and lies, creating a false sense of achievement has never been part of the Iranian mentality. Have these kids learned this behaviour from Salami, Vahidi, Bagheri type characters who "Mass produce" 5th gen fighters and take "Revenge" from Israel+US daily through press releases?

They are just fanboys who cannot tolerate criticism or anything negative. “Everything is awesome” crowd. If you ever wondered who believes General Salami’s sandwhich propaganda, it’s these guys.

So when you give them doses of reality they lose it.

It’s just like some of the delusional fanboys of other countries like Pakistan or India that think their country is the most important military power on the planet and that no one dares to make a move against them. When reality is they are not geopolitically important for the great power games.
I am just concerned, why are we producing such delusional characters in bulk now? This baseless self-boosting, propoganda, and lies, creating a false sense of achievement has never been part of the Iranian mentality. Have these kids learned this behaviour from Salami, Vahidi, Bagheri type characters who "Mass produce" 5th gen fighters and take "Revenge" from Israel+US daily through press releases?

Of course what you say has merit, however, caution you are also attracting Zionia loving flies. So your role HERE is NOT simply posting 'logic and truth' but also deflecting our opponents which is a far more difficult thing to do. Sounds like you are an engineer. If so, please grow out of the stereotype and don't allow your dogma be run over by your karma.
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Hey Dr Mason

You are not the one who makes the law here and for propaganda, you are made a lot. Just for many Kowsar built, you made do with a dusty Wikipedia page. You want to influence the moderators telling you that YOU, you tell the truth, YOU do the best analysis but it is completely false!

Your budget business for the IRIAF is pure speculation and does not match the facts. The sadness is to think you are more informed than others by reading Wikipedia pages. What I say here from the other forum, I strongly assume it. I follow the Iranian military affairs of 2013. I have more than 1255 photos in the bank, some videos, articles, so stop thinking that you are better than everyone else. You have nothing to do with a PeeD that I liked
well i didn't see any of those kowsar in production line patrolling our air . so he is right in that regard and specially if you look at air force budget and then look at the circus they had to keep flight-worthy m you understand why today our air force is such mess
This is the false sense of security we are living in right now. Who could have predicted 10-15 years ago that one day IRGC's installations will come under regular IAF's attacks in Levant or that IAF will dare to get into Iraqi airspace to attack Iranian land with ALBM? They have escalated to direct military attacks on Iranian soil using their airforce + assassinations and sabotages and "we are not that desperate for fighter jets"? Since when has Iranian blood become so cheap that our response to Israeli bombing of IRGC's bases in Levant or on Iranian soil will just be press releases?

A huge investment in IRIAF was made already when IAIO was upgraded to the point that these people could manufacture an upgraded F-5E in the early to mid 90s from scratch, the Azarakhsh fighter under Project Silk Route I could rival the capabilities of a MIG-21-93. The majority of countries around Iran in that time could not even produce the fuselage of a fighter jet on their own let alone create a fighter at home with local copies of weapons and avionics. The government was blindly putting money in the Aerospace sector but because of corrupt and stupid commanders, the real capabilities were overshadowed by mismanaged parallel projects and propoganda. These stunts and lies of few overshadowed the real domestic capability IAIO achieved in this timeline that it can produce a local AWACS/Maritime petrol, a local 4.0 gen fighter with its own LIFT/AT, a local attack heli, MALE/HALE UCAVs, weaponry, avionics etc. Now that the capability is achieved, the government is no longer allocating money to these people because the same money given to IRGC can result in some iron dome dodging MaRV-MRBM or a Cruise missile.

The real culprit is the culture of political appointments in IRIAF, even if budget of IRIAF is increased to 2.5 Bln USD a year the force will still remain behind other branches of military because of incompetency at administrative levels. IRIAF needs a surgery done by IRGC.
Spare me from the non sense that you spew in the first section of Your comment. There was no ALBM launch at Iran and that from Iraq. That bullsbit invented by your kind had no evidence and not even that Israeli mouthpiece @Immortals could provide us with any evidence for it.

The moment any country on the Planet dares to do something like that even if the US, Iran will respond in kind let alone that little Zionist cancer.

There is no corruption in IRIAF leaxership, after revolution this military branch lost its priority for certain reasons. First because of losing most of its airworthy planes to sanctions and lack of required technology to compensate lack of spare parts with help of local industry.

All the budget that they received was spent on upgrading technology and R&D phase and the personnel.

IRIAF will one day rise from its own ashes. That day is not too far,
technology+investment=local fighter
Spare me from the non sense that you spew in the first section of Your comment. There was no ALBM launch at Iran and that from Iraq. That bullsbit invented by your kind had no evidence and not even that Israeli mouthpiece @Immortals could provide us with any evidence for it.

The moment any country on the Planet dares to do something like that even if the US, Iran will respond in kind let alone that little Zionist cancer.

There is no corruption in IRIAF leaxership, after revolution this military branch lost its priority for certain reasons. First because of losing most of its airworthy planes to sanctions and lack of required technology to compensate lack of spare parts with help of local industry.

All the budget that they received was spent on upgrading technology and R&D phase and the personnel.

IRIAF will one day rise from its own ashes. That day is not too far,
technology+investment=local fighter
wasn't there some remains of Israeli air launched missile at Iran - Iraq border , i recall seeing some here the day after the attack.
when there was discussion about radar site in Isfahan
wasn't there some remains of Israeli air launched missile at Iran - Iraq border , i recall seeing some here the day after the attack.
when there was discussion about radar site in Isfahan

I believe it was all 3 missile 1st stages were recovered within hours of attack.

Meanwhile 5 months later still no proof of Iranian 300 missiles. Maybe they want into another dimension? Maybe Avengers destroyed them?
I believe it was all 3 missile 1st stages were recovered within hours of attack.

Meanwhile 5 months later still no proof of Iranian 300 missiles. Maybe they want into another dimension? Maybe Avengers destroyed them?
300 projectiles total, mostly drones and Cruise missiles. It was reported that Iran had launched 100 Ballistic Missiles but less than 20 boosters where ever found from what I recall.
I believe it was all 3 missile 1st stages were recovered within hours of attack.

Meanwhile 5 months later still no proof of Iranian 300 missiles. Maybe they want into another dimension? Maybe Avengers destroyed them?
Yeah I think vast majority were drones and cruise missiles that move slowly and had half a dozen air forces and many air defenses taking them out before arriving to Israel to be fair what would have happened if Israel alone had to fend them off without a 2 week advance notice.
300 projectiles total, mostly drones and Cruise missiles. It was reported that Iran had launched 100 Ballistic Missiles but less than 20 boosters where ever found from what I recall.

If you subtract the impact strikes (less than 7 I forgot the number) you had 1 or 2 stages in Jordan and a few in Israel and that’s it. And these aren’t tiny stages they are absolutely massive.

And the video of cruise missiles was even less I only saw 2-3 civilian videos. And launching cruise missiles in a highly GPS jammed environment doesn’t make sense unless Iran is using a form of TERCOMM in its cruise missiles (possible but never shown).

In the end it was a lie that both sides didn’t expose.

No videos from Iranian side showing 300+ projectiles. No civilian videos of people living close to them between Iran and Iraq.

No major videos from the west showing them shooting them down.

Conclusion: Fake news

Yeah I think vast majority were drones and cruise missiles that move slowly and had half a dozen air forces and many air defenses taking them out before arriving to Israel to be fair what would have happened if Israel alone had to fend them off without a 2 week advance notice.

No proof of 300 projectiles, no proof of even 100 projectiles (drone, CMs, and BMs). This wasn’t a katushya attack that you say it’s hard to find these impacts or capture video. Every fighter jet has video and everyone in Middle East has a smart phone and access to internet.

Yet we saw proof of less than 50 projectiles maybe even less than 30.
If you subtract the impact strikes (less than 7 I forgot the number) you had 1 or 2 stages in Jordan and a few in Israel and that’s it. And these aren’t tiny stages they are absolutely massive.

And the video of cruise missiles was even less I only saw 2-3 civilian videos. And launching cruise missiles in a highly GPS jammed environment doesn’t make sense unless Iran is using a form of TERCOMM in its cruise missiles (possible but never shown).

In the end it was a lie that both sides didn’t expose.

No videos from Iranian side showing 300+ projectiles. No civilian videos of people living close to them between Iran and Iraq.

No major videos from the west showing them shooting them down.

Conclusion: Fake news

No proof of 300 projectiles, no proof of even 100 projectiles (drone, CMs, and BMs). This wasn’t a katushya attack that you say it’s hard to find these impacts or capture video. Every fighter jet has video and everyone in Middle East has a smart phone and access to internet.

Yet we saw proof of less than 50 projectiles maybe even less than 30.
It was more convenient for both side to exaggerate the extent of attack.
Iran could say the retaliation was big.
Israel could say their defensive measures was successful
wasn't there some remains of Israeli air launched missile at Iran - Iraq border , i recall seeing some here the day after the attack.
when there was discussion about radar site in Isfahan
These photos are the same possible remnants of an Israeli missile. You can surely understand they are Iraqi forces and Iraqi locals gathered around that piece.

First of all there is no evidence suggesting that it was an Israeli missile, probably its one of cruise missiles that Iran had fired during the True Promise OP and western jets and ADs in Iraq tried to intercept it.

A fighter jet goes to Iraq from above Syria or Jordan and finally no one notices it, could one of the funniest jokes of this century. How could they pass over while non of Syrian or Iraqi radar systems noticing it?

There were small explosions in Isfahan, its true. As usual sabotage done by sell outs. Using small drones like the Haniyeh scenario.
These photos are the same possible remnants of an Israeli missile. You can surely understand they are Iraqi forces and Iraqi locals gathered around that piece.

First of all there is no evidence suggesting that it was an Israeli missile, probably its one of cruise missiles that Iran had fired during the True Promise OP and western jets and ADs in Iraq tried to intercept it.

A fighter jet goes to Iraq from above Syria or Jordan and finally no one notices it, could one of the funniest jokes of this century. How could they pass over while non of Syrian or Iraqi radar systems noticing it?

There were small explosions in Isfahan, its true. As usual sabotage done by sell outs. Using small drones like the Haniyeh scenario.
View attachment 61296View attachment 61297View attachment 61298
when Iraqi air defense tried to intercept anything from iran
and which Iranian cruise missile look like that
and you expect jordan tell us of Israeli force using their space ?
and you think Israel can't jam Iraqi radars if there be any ?

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