Iranian Chill Thread

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. you’ve never heard an Iranian say they are Muslim? That’s strange.

How is it fluff? All the events I mentioned took place. And you know very well the majority of the Muslim population do not look at Iran or Iranians favorably. But let’s just agree to disagree.
Nope. Not strange to Iranians. We know.
As I said, history has shown our very own Muslim brothers have always backstabbed us when they got the chance, and they will again. So I don’t trust them. There’s nothing distasteful about saying this.
Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraqi PMU (among others) are brethren of Iranians and fight alongside Iranians, not against Iranians.

You are right that Iran is generally disliked in the Muslim world but that is because of racial and ethnic hatred not religion. Muslims generally are not united but that does not mean Iranians (including Iranian Muslims) should be.
Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraqi PMU (among others) are brethren of Iranians and fight alongside Iranians, not against Iranians.

You are right that Iran is generally disliked in the Muslim world but that is because of racial and ethnic hatred not religion. Muslims generally are not united but that does not mean Iranians (including Iranian Muslims) should be.
I have to disagree with you here. They are fighting alongside us because they need us. The same Iraqis were gassing us not so long ago.

I am not saying religion is the cause. I agree that the hatred is racial and ethnic. That’s why I don’t believe in an “islamic unity”
And if it wasn’t clear, when I say “Islamic unity” I don’t mean Muslims inside Iran. Of course all Iranians should be united regardless of what religion or ethnic group they belong to.
I have to disagree with you here. They are fighting alongside us because they need us. The same Iraqis were gassing us not so long ago.

I am not saying religion is the cause. I agree that the hatred is racial and ethnic. That’s why I don’t believe in an “islamic unity”
And if it wasn’t clear, when I say “Islamic unity” I don’t mean Muslims inside Iran. Of course all Iranians should be united regardless of what religion or ethnic group they belong to.

No it was not Shia Iraqis that were gassing us! Please don't tar all Iraqis with the same brush, and try to be more accurate. Islam is meant to rise above race and nationality, but it's human nature to want to be disunited based on race which is something you yourself are calling for, and that's odd for someone who claims to be a Muslim. Also the reason why Iran is hated is not solely based on race but also on sectarian grounds as well, and the racial hate is a two way street especially from the pro west librals and shahis. If there was a day when someone did unite the Muslims into one Caliphate would you be for it or against it?
I have to disagree with you here. They are fighting alongside us because they need us. The same Iraqis were gassing us not so long ago.

I am not saying religion is the cause. I agree that the hatred is racial and ethnic. That’s why I don’t believe in an “islamic unity”
And if it wasn’t clear, when I say “Islamic unity” I don’t mean Muslims inside Iran. Of course all Iranians should be united regardless of what religion or ethnic group they belong to.
Needless to say….

Uh huh. ‘History’. Another fluff term. BTW, I’ve never heard an Iranian say they are ‘muslim’. Mo”men or not. I find it unlikely you’re Iranian. If you are you have been hogwashed by instagram.
Can't answer that too.
And you who never lived in Iran begin to decide who is iranian
No it was not Shia Iraqis that were gassing us! Please don't tar all Iraqis with the same brush, and try to be more accurate. Islam is meant to rise above race and nationality, but it's human nature to want to be disunited based on race which is something you yourself are calling for, and that's odd for someone who claims to be a Muslim. Also the reason why Iran is hated is not solely based on race but also on sectarian grounds as well, and the racial hate is a two way street especially from the pro west librals and shahis. If there was a day when someone did unite the Muslims into one Caliphate would you be for it or against it?
60% of saddam army were Shia if you are not aware . They never sided with Iran in all of war . It was secular Kurdistan who sided with Iran it was secular Syria who side with Iran. Palestinian well they sided with Iraq and after all help Iran gave them Arafat went said Iran is friend but Iraq is brother.
You guys may forget but I still remember late king of Jordan personally participated in shelling Iranian cities (and Iraq went and live broadcast it so please try not to say it didn't happens) didn't PGCC sided with Iraq. aren't Shia called Deviant in Malaysia. can you guys point me to a single instant that one Muslim country refused to sign Arab countries demand that Iran gave its island in Persian Gulf to UAE (that include Iraq, Syria and lebanon).
Didn't Hamas sided with nusra front , didn't they abandoned us when Arab countries start to gave them money?
60% of saddam army were Shia if you are not aware . They never sided with Iran in all of war . It was secular Kurdistan who sided with Iran it was secular Syria who side with Iran. Palestinian well they sided with Iraq and after all help Iran gave them Arafat went said Iran is friend but Iraq is brother.
You guys may forget but I still remember late king of Jordan personally participated in shelling Iranian cities (and Iraq went and live broadcast it so please try not to say it didn't happens) didn't PGCC sided with Iraq. aren't Shia called Deviant in Malaysia. can you guys point me to a single instant that one Muslim country refused to sign Arab countries demand that Iran gave its island in Persian Gulf to UAE (that include Iraq, Syria and lebanon).
Didn't Hamas sided with nusra front , didn't they abandoned us when Arab countries start to gave them money?
Nonesense! Saddam was a sunni and his Baath party were secular/socialist. Bring me evidence that the ones who orchestrated the chemical attacks were shia. Stop moving goalposts, resist the urge if you can for once in your life.
Nonesense! Saddam was a sunni and his Baath party were secular/socialist. Bring me evidence that the ones who orchestrated the chemical attacks were shia. Stop moving goalposts, resist the urge if you can for once in your life.
He is right. I don’t know if the number is accurate. But a significant portion of saddams army were Shias. I think especially the Air Force had lots of Shias if I am not mistaken here.

Being Shia doesn’t mean anyone loyal to Iran, same way being Sunni doesn’t make anyone loyal to Saudi or even Turkey for that matter. If that was the case, why is Azerbaijan hosting mossad agents and more favorable towards turkey than Iran?

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