Iranian Chill Thread

Nationalisem was what made Iran an empire and kept this land together...Islamic Republic has been systematically destroying "Iranian identity" and replacing it with Arab imported " islamic identity"...that is why IR is called second Arab invasion of Iran..doomed to fail again...Iranian identity will again remove these foreign pests from the land..
I don’t have any problem with promoting Islam within Iran as long as we keep our Iranian identity. The problem is a lot of Iranians have been brainwashed into believing that they should put Islamic unity above all. They are not aware that if needed, our own axis of resistance would slaughter every single Iranian they see. For instance in the case of a possible revolution. I wonder then if they would side with Iranians or with the unity.
Nationalism puts the country’s interests above all. Islamic unity puts Islam above all. Therefore they cannot coexist. Just because someone is a Muslim doesn’t mean he cares about your country, your people, your history, your culture. Remember Daesh and when our very own HAMAS joined them? What happened to Muslim unity then? It’s all Muslim unity until they no longer need you or see another opportunity. Do you really think any of our “allies” care about Iranian lives? Do you think they care about you or your family in Tehran?

You completely sidestepped my practical evidences of why nationalism is a failure and why Islam has been successful, and you give me your own theory. If God created everything, then it would be better to put God above all things. However when Islam is followed properly it allows for some national pride which we all have naturally. However this far right nationalism which you're emulating from the west is going over that red line into intolerance and arrogance which, I repeat again to you, has ended up in failure in every corner of the globe it has been implemented in. If you're an atheist/commie then I can't help you here, but Iran has always chosen to put God as number one priority and everytime it slipped away from this the revolutions and defeats became more frequent.

Also don't pretend Daesh was something Islamic, because it wasn't. And you're strawmanning my position about the absence of Islamic unity today. In this day and age everyone cares for their own national interests so you're the one barking up the wrong tree if you're relying on "allies" to care for families in Tehran. I personally don't see how you can't put Islam first and also care for your own people and interests at the same time, because they're not mutually exclusive.
"Islamic unity" is a buzz word for a bunch of free loader foreigners from shit holes of this planet to use Iranian resources free of charge....we have few of them in this forum that I do not
"Islamic unity" is a buzz word for a bunch of free loader foreigners from shit holes of this planet to use Iranian resources free of charge....we have few of them in this forum that I do not

Are you imagining things again?
I do not have to..they introduce themselves via their writings..

I dont think there are any immigrants living in Iran on this forum, theyre too busy trying to survive or have better things to do. So yeah you're definitely imagining things. Also from your low level Trumpian language i assume you are referring to those from Iranic nations which come to Iran i.e. Tajiks, Afghans, Kurds it has nothing to do with "Islamic unity" but "Iranic unity". So if there is an immigration problem in Iran the root cause is more in the shape of race and nationality, than anything religious. So yet again Islam gets scapegoated. Islam judges based on conduct, not the colour of your skin which is obviously a superficial and shallow way of looking at things.
Nationalism in Iran is frowned upon because Islamic unity is promoted. It’s a nice thought, but it’s not sustainable.
It’s sustainable to those who matter. The others are simply noise and unimportant whining. The fall of the entitled.

That’s where this great country is heading. Come on board, get off, or just get out of the way.
It’s sustainable to those who matter. The others are simply noise and unimportant whining. The fall of the entitled.

That’s where this great country is heading. Come on board, get off, or just get out of the way.
Right. Like when Hamas became opportunistic, joined Daesh and fought us. Or after that when Turkey backed terrorists started killing our generals. Or when Taliban burnt our diplomats alive. Or when the Iraqis gassed us.

What a great sustainable unity
I don’t have any problem with promoting Islam within Iran as long as we keep our Iranian identity. The problem is a lot of Iranians have been brainwashed into believing that they should put Islamic unity above all. They are not aware that if needed, our own axis of resistance would slaughter every single Iranian they see. For instance in the case of a possible revolution. I wonder then if they would side with Iranians or with the unity.
I don’t have any problem with promoting Islam within Iran as long as we keep our Iranian identity. The problem is a lot of Iranians have been brainwashed into believing that they should put Islamic unity above all. They are not aware that if needed, our own axis of resistance would slaughter every single Iranian they see. For instance in the case of a possible revolution. I wonder then if they would side with Iranians or with the unity.
Iranian identity’ is a fluff term. What you see today IS the Iranian identity’. An amalgam of religion and historic broadly spanning culture ranging from language to sport to war.

The seeneh zanee and the kam hejabi are all on the same train. They may not see each other (like you for example) but they live and die together. That is the .Iranian identity’, not some half ass foreign propaganda notion that we see polluting the waves. Not some romantic picture of past glory that has forfeited and forgeries and future.

And certainly not some jingoistic MIGA version driven by the undereducated.
Right. Like when Hamas became opportunistic, joined Daesh and fought us. Or after that when Turkey backed terrorists started killing our generals. Or when Taliban burnt our diplomats alive. Or when the Iraqis gassed us.

What a great sustainable unity
? Scattered thinking? Jump to ‘Hamas’’?

That’s classic non sequitur.

Iranian identity’ is a fluff term. What you see today IS the Iranian identity’. An amalgam of religion and historic broadly spanning culture ranging from language to sport to war.

The seeneh zanee and the kam hejabi are all on the same train. They may not see each other (like you for example) but they live and die together. That is the .Iranian identity’, not some half ass foreign propaganda notion that we see polluting the waves. Not some romantic picture of past glory that has forfeited and forgeries and future.

And certainly not some jingoistic MIGA version driven by the undereducated.
Lol. I am not discussing whether Islam is a part of Iranian identity or not. I am Muslim myself. I am saying that we can’t trust foreigners just because they are Muslim. As we have witnessed hundreds of times before. Our own Muslim brothers have always backstabbed us whenever they got the chance.
Lol. I am not discussing whether Islam is a part of Iranian identity or not. I am Muslim myself. I am saying that we can’t trust foreigners just because they are Muslim. As we have witnessed hundreds of times before. Our own Muslim brothers have always backstabbed us whenever they got the chance.
‘Foreigners’. That’s classic MIGA.

Solve your own problems. Don’t blame your deficiencies on some third party. Not Iranian behavior at all. As an Iranian I find your tone foreign and distasteful.
‘Foreigners’. That’s classic MIGA.

Solve your own problems. Don’t blame your deficiencies on some third party. Not Iranian behavior at all. As an Iranian I find your tone foreign and distasteful.
As I said, history has shown our very own Muslim brothers have always backstabbed us when they got the chance, and they will again. So I don’t trust them. There’s nothing distasteful about saying this.
As I said, history has shown our very own Muslim brothers have always backstabbed us when they got the chance, and they will again. So I don’t trust them. There’s nothing distasteful about saying this.
Uh huh. ‘History’. Another fluff term. BTW, I’ve never heard an Iranian say they are ‘muslim’. Mo”men or not. I find it unlikely you’re Iranian. If you are you have been hogwashed by instagram.
Uh huh. ‘History’. Another fluff term. BTW, I’ve never heard an Iranian say they are ‘muslim’. Mo”men or not. I find it unlikely you’re Iranian. If you are you have been hogwashed by instagram.
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. you’ve never heard an Iranian say they are Muslim? That’s strange.

How is it fluff? All the events I mentioned took place. And you know very well the majority of the Muslim population do not look at Iran or Iranians favorably. But let’s just agree to disagree.

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