Iranian Chill Thread

Ahhh. ‘Historical fact’ again. Fuzz unbecoming of a ‘moderator’.
Jack sentiment in a nutshell
Never learn from past mistakes , repeat them again and again and again
Nonesense! Saddam was a sunni and his Baath party were secular/socialist. Bring me evidence that the ones who orchestrated the chemical attacks were shia. Stop moving goalposts, resist the urge if you can for once in your life.
Surry if I hurt your bubble of Shia people around the world are loyal to Iran and all sunni are against Iran
Again sorry that I don't believe in religion sectarianism .

And sorry if I still remember saddam Shia airforce bombed my school or saddam Shia majority army shelled my hometown either mortars and cannon or saddam majority Shia army used chemical weapon against our cities.
In Iraq it was mandatory to serve in army it was not somethingto discuss it with authority and i never heard any large scale draft dodging at the iran-iraq era time, there was no such thing as I'm Shia and don't want to fight my Shia brothers
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Surry if I hurt your bubble of Shia people around the world are loyal to Iran and all sunni are against Iran
Again sorry that I don't believe in religion sectarianism .

I just deal with facts, something which you're yet again side stepping from providing. At no point did I say all Sunnis are against Iran, but to think that those that are against Iran are that way inclined purely based on race shows just how clueless you really are. Saddam who ordered the attacks was a sunni who ran a socialist party, so your nonesense about shia being responsible for it is just that, nonesense.
He is right. I don’t know if the number is accurate. But a significant portion of saddams army were Shias. I think especially the Air Force had lots of Shias if I am not mistaken here.

Being Shia doesn’t mean anyone loyal to Iran, same way being Sunni doesn’t make anyone loyal to Saudi or even Turkey for that matter. If that was the case, why is Azerbaijan hosting mossad agents and more favorable towards turkey than Iran?

At no point did I say there were no shia in his army. Strawman fallacy at full display here. Please read carefully what I wrote: I asked who ordered the attacks. It was Saddam.

Your second paragraph is irrelevant to anything I said. However Saddam who ordered the attacks was a sunni and was supported by Saudi Arabia. Many sunnis support Saddam because of this. Try to think more linearly.
Thanks very much for destroying sectarian bubbles that some of our younger brothers live in

What sectarian bubble?! Your friend said that the shia of Iraq orchestrated and ordered the chemical attacks which is pure bollocks! Then you again build a strawman about shia being in the army which has no relevance to who orchestrated and ordered these attacks. You're trolling at this point.
I just deal with facts, something which you're yet again side stepping from providing. At no point did I say all Sunnis are against Iran, but to think that those that are against Iran are that way inclined purely based on race shows just how clueless you really are. Saddam who ordered the attacks was a sunni who ran a socialist party, so your nonesense about shia being responsible for it is just that, nonesense.
Saddam was sunni , the ones who executed it were not. They didn't care that if we are shoa or sunni , human or not , children. Women or man .
They just executed those orders without any care. That's a fact and these posts from @mangekyo also proved that my statement was pure fact



Saddam was sunni , the ones who executed it were not. They didn't care that if we are shoa or sunni , human or not , children. Women or man .
They just executed those orders without any care. That's a fact and these posts from @mangekyo also proved that my statement was pure fact
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Stop spamming the same article. You really aren't fit to be a member let alone a mod. Those soldiers were merely following orders, not that you know what percentage of those that carried out the attacks were of what sect. Regardless, they neither orchestrated nor ordered the attacks which is what matters. If they didn't follow orders they would be killed. Have some compassion!
Stop spamming the same article. You really aren't fit to be a member let alone a mod. Those soldiers were merely following orders, not that you know what percentage of those that carried out the attacks were of what sect. Regardless, they neither orchestrated nor ordered the attacks which is what matters. If they didn't follow orders they would be killed. Have some compassion!
The fact remain they wete Executing a war crime while didn't care they execute those war crime on people who are shia like them .

And for the record in today word the search and look for grannies who when they were 16, around 75 years ago and then try them for warcrime.
The fact remain they wete Executing a war crime while didn't care they execute those war crime on people who are shia like them .

And for the record in today word the search and look for grannies who when they were 16, around 75 years ago and then try them for warcrime.

Irrelevant, go back to the point I already made that they were following orders and would have been killed if they didnt. They neither orchestrated nor ordered it, so the root cause comes from Saddam and not them, regardless of the fact they would share some guilt in carrying out the attack according to some interpretations of international law.
What sectarian bubble?! Your friend said that the shia of Iraq orchestrated and ordered the chemical attacks which is pure bollocks! Then you again build a strawman about shia being in the army which has no relevance to who orchestrated and ordered these attacks. You're trolling at this point.
I didn’t say they orchestrated and ordered the chemical attacks. I said they gassed us, which they did. And they would again if they could and needed too

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