Iranian Chill Thread

The worms have crawled out of the rocks again. 😀

Same despair. Same shrill of continuous loss.

Same whine.
I asked which shia group in Iraq wants to gas Iranians today? You can't even read straight let alone think straight.
did you?

What matters is that no true Iranian would gas other Iranians regardless of who gives the order. However, your dear Iraqis gassed your own brothers and sisters, and you are bending left and right trying to find excuses for them.
The order to gas Iranians didn't come from them. You will have to show evidence of this. It came from Saddam and probably US.

No they didn't, and why should they if their lives were at risk. Would you risk your life? No. So why do you expect them to? Try to look at it from their perspective. I do accept though that they carry some guilt, but to say the shia of Iraq want to gas Iran is not accurate at all. So if he allowed the the army to use them, he becomes the enabler. You answered your own question. Without that there would be no gassing. Also something as severe as WMD use like chemical warfare comes from the commander in chief, i.e. Saddam, not arbitrarily by field commanders. So special authorisation would have to have come from him.
If only you had defended your own people as enthusiastically as you defend the people who gassed your own
did you?
View attachment 59387

What matters is that no true Iranian would gas other Iranians regardless of who gives the order. However, your dear Iraqis gassed your own brothers and sisters, and you are bending left and right trying to find excuses for them.

Yeah I did, here is the actual quote, not some screenshot:

"They gassed us" is both inaccurate and simplistic. Hence why it needs to be explained further. Which shia group in Iraq would gas Iran? What are you talking about?

So please answer this and stop sidestepping. And no you said the shia in Iraq gassed Iran then you said they'd do it again. So please give evidence.
If only you had defended your own people as enthusiastically as you defend the people who gassed your own

No I am not a nationalist, i deal with what's just and factual. Something which you're proving to be an opponent of. I have family members who faught and died in that war, and have argued many times with nationalist Arabs about the war.

So to use your cartoonish logic, Islam invaded Iraq in 2003 because some Muslims were in the US army. Arabs also invaded Gaza because some Israeli Arabs serve in the IDF. Pure absurdity! Now let's look at what you're really defending. You're defending the same ideology that gave birth to zionism and its crimes, the gassing of Iranians and the holocaust. All crimes of nationalist governments that are either finished or in the process of being finished. Nationalism will cement the same reality for Iran, just like all of those who chose that path before it. So I do wonder if people like you really care about Iran when it is common knowledge what will happen to it if it chose nationalism?
May I remind you that my country of birth is under occupation of foreign aligned morons and you are yourself a foreign agent ( your flags used to be Australia now it is Romania.. so who are you) that makes you a mercenary at the payroll of occupation Khalifa...sorry I had to expose your cover
I could tell from the way he is always laughing at and ridiculing Iranians. It’s another user too. Foreigners pretending they are Iranians.
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I could tell from the way he is always laughing at and ridiculing Iranians. It’s another user too. Foreigners pretending they are Iranians.
There are few more..I will expose them when the time is right...take care and I feel the pain of my countrymen...we will take our country back.
There are few more..I will expose them when the time is right...take care and I feel the pain of my countrymen...we will take our country back.
I’m not much into politics. I just lurk here from time to time when things are happening. So I am not familiar with this concept. However, it was very easy to spot at least two of these accounts. What’s the goal of these users? Spy on Iranians?
I have to disagree with you here. They are fighting alongside us because they need us. The same Iraqis were gassing us not so long ago.
the past is a foreign country

many of these Resistance groups genuinely adore and respect Khamenei, that's not purely a relationship of dependence
please avoid personal attacks
Illegals have till the end of the year to leave Iran

Hope they follow on it and it don't remain just some talk
Mr zarif answer to the people who talked nonsense after he left cabinet and dreamed of a rift between Mr. Pezeshkian supporters
the past is a foreign country

many of these Resistance groups genuinely adore and respect Khamenei, that's not purely a relationship of dependence
That is true. But you can be catholic and love the pope more than anything in the world. It doesn’t make you care for Italy or Italians.

You can witness this even from some users here. They laugh and mock Iranians who are suffering. Calling them entitled, worms etc. They mock any part of our history and culture which is not Islamic.
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That is true. But you can be catholic and love the pope more than anything in the world. It doesn’t make you care for Italy or Italians.

You can witness this even from some users here. They laugh and mock Iranians who are suffering. Calling them entitled, worms etc. They mock any part of our history and culture which is not Islamic.
Not mocking history. Mocking those that only cling to history and forget the road ahead. A disease that needs to be eradicated.

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