Iranian Chill Thread

Source is telling the truth this time , members of hashd alshaabi are actually studying in Tehran university

Feel free to follow and defend anti-Iran and Zionist sources.
It is almost 4 years since Raisi regime promised the following to the people of Iran to elect him and some of us remember those promises ..lets see how he did:

1- 4 million low cost housing... delivered : 0.2 million delivered in all 4 years!:unsure:

2- Auto production increase of 300% from 1 million to 3 million: ... only 3% production increase (1.3 million):confused:

3-Abundant Electrical power with exports planned!!... .. massive shortage of electricity in Iran and closure of many heavy industries:mad:

4- Qeshm Persian gulf Bridge construction: ... not a single brick was done.:oops:

5- Space launches every few months..... less than 3 was done as far as I remember:confused:

6-Chahbahar space port Phase one.. nothing yet still waiting:cautious:

7- Low inflation: ...still at around 40% people can not even buy basic commodities to eat:cry:
8- Strong national comment!:LOL:

Now Raisi delivered one thing that he did not promise.....12 million uneducated Afghan refugees ..:eek:

So now you can add all these promises to the biggest promise of all "Big revenge" bal blah blah....all false promises to stay in power one more day and steal Iranian wealth one more $$$..:mad:
Feel free to follow and defend anti-Iran and Zionist sources.

That's the irony and double standards of the opponents of IRI like Hack, like Immortal, like Aryobarzan and Darius the Great, when they accuse us of siding with the enemy and hating Iran.
The issue of 12 to 15 million Afghan illigals that were imported by Riasi regime is now hot topic issue in the regime parlement..The MP from Isfahan say it well in this video..Regime fanboys in this forum will get some education listening to this.:eek:....

Afghans attacking Iranian border soldiers and see the rest.. meanwhile Islamic Republic interior minister says "Afghans should consider Iran as their second home!!"
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I went for a haircut yesterday and the saloon was owned by a iranian guy.
So after a while, the owner suddently started speaking farsi with me. As i couldnt respond back in Farsi, i said (in norwegian) i cant speak farsi. Then he asked me (in norwegian) which language i speak. Assuming he was curious about my ethnicity, I said my mother language is bengali.

Thereafter the guy who was cutting my hair said i looked like a iranian singer. I said «Oh» and asked which singer. He said the singer «Arash». I responded that i had many iranian friends during teenage years and i remember them listening to a lot of iranian pop songs. But cant remember who was who. He said i looked 80% like Arash. Btw he did a very good job and i was very satisfied with the result.

Afterwards we greeted farewell.

Iranians quite possibly are the most soft voiced and gentle speech people i have come a across. Just pleasant to be around.

I was wondering if this must be a strong cultural trait and something iranians get imprinted in your upbringing. Does iranian parents consciously teach their children to speak softly and have gentle manners?
Is this number really accurate?
The last number I saw was by an Iranian member of Parliament that mentioned 12 million the start of invasion Raisi foreign minster (abdolahian!) mentioned" we now have 5 million registered afghans"..Just like US we now have registered and non-registered afghans and as usual non registered are way higher so I take the 12 million estime as most accurate,
I went for a haircut yesterday and the saloon was owned by a iranian guy.
So after a while, the owner suddently started speaking farsi with me. As i couldnt respond back in Farsi, i said (in norwegian) i cant speak farsi. Then he asked me (in norwegian) which language i speak. Assuming he was curious about my ethnicity, I said my mother language is bengali.

Thereafter the guy who was cutting my hair said i looked like a iranian singer. I said «Oh» and asked which singer. He said the singer «Arash». I responded that i had many iranian friends during teenage years and i remember them listening to a lot of iranian pop songs. But cant remember who was who. He said i looked 80% like Arash. Btw he did a very good job and i was very satisfied with the result.

Afterwards we greeted farewell.

Iranians quite possibly are the most soft voiced and gentle speech people i have come a across. Just pleasant to be around.

I was wondering if this must be a strong cultural trait and something iranians get imprinted in your upbringing. Does iranian parents consciously teach their children to speak softly and have gentle manners?
Iranian culture is the culture of poetry and science and not wars and violence.. Persian empire was ruled not by force but by consensus of its many nations and that is why it lasted long and to this day 400 million people use this culture and celebrate Norooz as their new year.
Is this number really accurate?
no it's not. it's just the number spread by ultra nationalist racist iranians on twitter (fuelled by Israel-funded Iran International which tries to fan these flames of racism and violence inside Iran, while Afghan International highlights Iranian abuse of Afghans in Iran to make Afghans hate Iran too - they play both sides and some idiots fall for their evil games)
no it's not. it's just the number spread by ultra nationalist racist iranians on twitter (fuelled by Israel-funded Iran International which tries to fan these flames of racism and violence inside Iran, while Afghan International highlights Iranian abuse of Afghans in Iran to make Afghans hate Iran too - they play both sides and some idiots fall for their evil games)
Before the afghan invasion of Iran went into full swing and official number in that time: Currently 1/3 of Afghanistan population is in Iran as refugee.:eek::eek: a Gift from Islamic republic!

"In April 2022, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said 1 million Afghan men, women and children had entered Iran since August 2021, bringing Iran's official number of refugees and economic migrants to 5 million."
A monthly magazine in Tehran recently published an article suggesting that Afghan migrants are considering running for seats in the Iranian parliament. The magazine argued that "given their growing population, Afghans believe they should be entitled to a share of rights and privileges in this country."

Lawmaker Mohsen Pirhadi

Recently, Iran's education minister made an unsupported claim that 600,000 “foreign” students are enrolled in Iranian schools. Iranian authorities and some media usually refer to Afghan immigrants and refugees as “foreign nationals.” Rezamorad Sahraei’s remarks have triggered various speculations about the Afghan population, ranging between five and 15 million.

Another statistic causing concern among Iranians is the illegal arrival of approximately 10,000 Afghans to the country per day.
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Before the afghan invasion of Iran went into full swing and official number in that time: Currently 1/3 of Afghanistan population is in Iran as refugee.:eek::eek: a Gift from Islamic republic!

"In April 2022, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said 1 million Afghan men, women and children had entered Iran since August 2021, bringing Iran's official number of refugees and economic migrants to 5 million."
afghanistan population = 40 million.

5 million = 12.5%. not 33%.

I accept the 5 million official number, I do not accept the spread of speculations of 15 million by racist idiots used as tools by Israel to divide Iranians. you sound like the racist MAGA morons in the USA speaking about a migrant 'invasion'. that racist rhetoric that seeks to incite violence and division within Iran will not be tolerated here.
My dear you
afghanistan population = 40 million.

5 million = 12.5%. not 33%.

I accept the 5 million official number, I do not accept the spread of speculations of 15 million by racist idiots used as tools by Israel to divide Iranians. you sound like the racist MAGA morons in the USA speaking about a migrant 'invasion'. that racist rhetoric that seeks to incite violence and division within Iran will not be tolerated here.
my dear are you cherry picking the data......5 million are LEGAL afghans...12 million includes illigals that poured in after Raisi oppend the 12 million is 1/3 of afghan sit in England reading Islamic Republic propaganda..I talk to Iranian that come from Iran....Iranians inside Iran are the ones who suffer not me or you,..
The issue of 12 to 15 million Afghan illigals that were imported by Riasi regime is now hot topic issue in the regime parlement..The MP from Isfahan say it well in this video..Regime fanboys in this forum will get some education listening to this.:eek:....

Afghans attacking Iranian border soldiers and see the rest.. meanwhile Islamic Republic interior minister says "Afghans should consider Iran as their second home!!"
And 60 millions of Afghans while we're at it
And 60 millions of Afghans while we're at it
Do not address me again ...You are not Iranian ..these are internal issues of Iran and have nothing to do with you coming from...!!...yes that

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