Iranian Chill Thread

my dear are you cherry picking the data......5 million are LEGAL afghans...12 million includes illigals that poured in after Raisi oppend the 12 million is 1/3 of afghan sit in England reading Islamic Republic propaganda..I talk to Iranian that come from Iran....Iranians inside Iran are the ones who suffer not me or you,..
12 million is a speculative number with no evidence only shared by ultra nationalist racists that serve Israel's agenda of inciting violence and division inside Iran. Show evidence for that number or stop falsely propagating the enemy's narratives.

and avoid personal attacks while sitting in Canada and not knowing anything about me, thanks.
12 million is a speculative number with no evidence only shared by ultra nationalist racists that serve Israel's agenda of inciting violence and division inside Iran. Show evidence for that number or stop falsely propagating the enemy's narratives.

and avoid personal attacks while sitting in Canada and not knowing anything about me, thanks.
I will provide the exact count as soon as Islamic republic finishes their count..I am sure these illegals are very anxious to be found and counted by the authorities .
I will provide the exact count as soon as Islamic republic finishes their count..I am sure these illegals are very anxious to be found and counted by the authorities .
that's great and once you have some real numbers feel free to share, until then you will not share exaggerated numbers with no evidence made up by ultranationalists which only serve to incite violence within Iran

IRI has been woefully incompetent in controlling Iran's borders, and it is indeed likely to overall number of Afghans inside Iran is well above 5 million. but I do not tolerate racist demonisation of any group. 5 million Afghans are inside Iran legally. others are inside Iran illegally and the primary fault for this lies with the IRI for failing to defend Iran's borders. yes these people should be identified, monitored, and expelled unless they have something to offer Iran or would be at risk of death in Afghanistan.
12 million is a speculative number with no evidence only shared by ultra nationalist racists that serve Israel's agenda of inciting violence and division inside Iran. Show evidence for that number or stop falsely propagating the enemy's narratives.

and avoid personal attacks while sitting in Canada and not knowing anything about me, thanks.
In tir of 1402 vahidi said our estimation is around 5 million Afghan leave in Iran
But it's last year there are report that each day around 10,000afgjan enter Iran
In tir of 1402 vahidi said our estimation is around 5 million Afghan leave in Iran
But it's last year there are report that each day around 10,000afgjan enter Iran
how exactly do they know how many enter per day when they clearly do not monitor it in any professional or competent way?

I don't deny it is possible the number is as high as some speculate, but we should be responsible before spreading made up numbers
how exactly do they know how many enter per day when they clearly do not monitor it in any professional or competent way?

I don't deny it is possible the number is as high as some speculate, but we should be responsible before spreading made up numbers
In statistics we sometimes build models and based on those models we reach conclusion . While counting all people are ideal but those models that are Based on counting part of the target population are fairly accurate
In statistics we sometimes build models and based on those models we reach conclusion . While counting all people are ideal but those models that are Based on counting part of the target population are fairly accurate
based on what method can they count number of people per day but not total number of people?
based on what method can they count number of people per day but not total number of people?
They don't count all number , they count the ones they find . And then apply them in models . These models assume there is a fairly homogenous distribution, they count part of it and then they can guess fairly well what the total number is.
Now if you do it for a short period of time the number can be off but if you prolong the observation the number get more close to real number.

To be honest I'm not the best person to explain it but when I wrote my thesis when we were concerned about the number of data Statistic specialist that was helping me in the project used such models to compensate for shortage of data in some fields
no it's not. it's just the number spread by ultra nationalist racist iranians on twitter (fuelled by Israel-funded Iran International which tries to fan these flames of racism and violence inside Iran, while Afghan International highlights Iranian abuse of Afghans in Iran to make Afghans hate Iran too - they play both sides and some idiots fall for their evil games)
It’s not about race bro. Nationalism has been mentioned here over the past days. Nationalism doesn’t mean racial supremacy. It has nothing to do with which race is superior, Iranian vs Afghan or Arab. It has to do with serving Irans interest and only Iran. Iran should come first, always. Serving Iran means better future for us and the next generation. We certainly do not want to end up like some of our neighbors.

Currently the country has no vision. Are we on a warpath with the west? If we are, then why are we so shy of conflict? If we are not, then why are we unnecessarily making sure we get sanctioned and boycotted so our economy becomes smaller than UAE? Are we going to go to war for Palestine and Lebanon? Is that in Irans interest? What will we do about water almost running out completely?

There are so many more things to say that I don’t want to get into now.
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It’s not about race bro. Nationalism has been mentioned here over the past days. Nationalism doesn’t mean racial supremacy. It has nothing to do with which race is superior, Iranian vs Afghan or Arab. It has to do with serving Irans interest and only Iran. Iran should come first, always. Serving Iran means better future for us and the next generation. We certainly do not want to end up like some of our neighbors.

Currently the country has no vision. Are we on a warpath with the west? If we are, then why are we so shy of conflict? If we are not, then why are we unnecessarily making sure we get sanctioned and boycotted so our economy becomes smaller than UAE? Are we going to go to war for Palestine and Lebanon? Is that in Irans interest? What will we do about water almost running out completely?

There are so many more things to say that I don’t want to get into now.
I agree with the gist of your message but there is definitely a racist undertone to some of the rhetoric about Afghans in iran. inflating the numbers and calling it an invasion etc is standard racist rhetoric
I agree with the gist of your message but there is definitely a racist undertone to some of the rhetoric about Afghans in iran. inflating the numbers and calling it an invasion etc is standard racist rhetoric
I am glad you agree. Unfortunately, racism exists in all societies, that is just how it is. The immigration itself is not our biggest concern. The policies disserving Iran that led to it is the concern. The things I mentioned in my previous post is a concern. Add all that in and mix it together with immigration and all the countless lists of mismanagement, then you have a guaranteed recipe for disaster. There is a saying that goes like “you can’t pour from an empty cup” We are pouring and pouring and about to become the empty cup.
While we are talking about illegal Afghans the problem is no going away...They are still coming over and symbllic little barriers do not stop them...Turkey build a real wall on the Iranian border to Turkey to stop them going to Europe..So now every one of these illegals stays in Iran and becomes another body that our mis managed economy has to support....

And by the way I also did statistics and probability in my university days and as @Hack-Hook mentioned also some quick sampling of the job sites or places that these illegals stay will be able to tell you an approximate (+/_ 20%) of the number of these illegals..IR knows the number but remember gangs that bring them in make lots of $$$ from them so you can guess why IR is not doing anything serious on the issue.


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