Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

1 rocket fired after 48 hours by Hamas in retaliation for Haniyeh killing. Yeah, Hamas is fully functioning :)
Hamas is clearly severely degraded and weakened, and anyone who denies this is engaging in serious copium. it's important to be objective and observe developments as they are, not as you want them to be.

although Hamas is clearly severely degraded, in the medium to long term it can rebuild its forces and rocket stockpile.
And yet Israel still hasn't beaten Hamas on the ground in Gaza!

Very difficult to beat a grass roots insurgency especially when they have legitimate cause (independent state demands). Having the ability to blend back into civilian life and wait out the occupation makes it very difficult.

Iran hasn’t been able to beat PJAK/PJJ or Balouchi separatists in 30 years. They still wage larger scale attacks on Iran.

Hamas military capability has been sent back 20 years. It’s entire military leadership is dead and it’s political leadership in shambles.

The state of Islamic Jihad (a closer group to ties to IRGC Quds Force) is also unclear.

So Hamas has to reorganize and rebuild from the ground up. That will take years to get back to pre 10/7 and might never happen depending on what the final outcome is for Gaza (permanent occupation or Arab peacekeepers).

The Hamas that fired thousands of rockets at Israel in a week no longer exists and the one that did 10/7 no longer exists either.

This is NOT Hezbollah 2006 where HZ walked away victorious and had a few scratches. Hamas [the organization] got obliterated. Now it’s just merely a loose semi cohesive cell network of insurgents.
They planted a bomb inside a industrial desk years ago and had it bought and moved inside a Natanz nuclear centrifuge workshop that was then blown up.

They planted a bomb inside a hall in deep underground Natanz nuclear enrichment hall.

They used a AI powered satellite equipped turret on the back of a Iranian truck to kill the father of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

But planting a bomb in a villa in Tehran is unbelievable? Keep coping

New details revealed by the representative of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas in Tehran, “Khaled Qaddoumi,” about the treacherous Zionist operation that targeted the great jihadi leader, martyr Ismail Haniyeh.

Al-Qaddoumi: At 1:37 a.m. the building shook; I immediately left the room and saw heavy smoke. After that, I learned that Hajj Abu Al-Abd (Haniyeh) was martyred.

- Due to the strong vibration of the building, I thought there was an earthquake or a sound of thunder. I opened the window but there was no rain or thunder. The weather was hot. We went to the fourth floor, where the martyr's room was. I saw the wall and ceiling of the room collapse.

- From the condition of the attack site and the body of the martyr Haniyeh, it became clear that this attack was carried out by an air or missile shell.
Anyway, I don't want to go into more details; Because the technical and specialized groups of our brothers in Iran are conducting research and the results will be announced later.

- Israel was the designer and executor of this operation and carried it out with the knowledge and approval of the Americans.

The American government is an accomplice in this crime, and during his visit to Washington, [Biden] allowed him to commit this crime.

Al-Qaddoumi criticized the “distorted narratives” of the American and Israeli newspapers about placing a bomb under the bed of the martyr Haniyeh. He stressed that the facts on the ground contradict the narratives of the New York Times and the spokesman for the Israeli enemy army. The purpose of these narratives and statements is to evade Israel from direct responsibility so that it does not face the consequences of this crime.
Very difficult to beat a grass roots insurgency especially when they have legitimate cause (independent state demands). Having the ability to blend back into civilian life and wait out the occupation makes it very difficult.

Iran hasn’t been able to beat PJAK/PJJ or Balouchi separatists in 30 years. They still wage larger scale attacks on Iran.

Hamas military capability has been sent back 20 years. It’s entire military leadership is dead and it’s political leadership in shambles.

The state of Islamic Jihad (a closer group to ties to IRGC Quds Force) is also unclear.

So Hamas has to reorganize and rebuild from the ground up. That will take years to get back to pre 10/7 and might never happen depending on what the final outcome is for Gaza (permanent occupation or Arab peacekeepers).

The Hamas that fired thousands of rockets at Israel in a week no longer exists and the one that did 10/7 no longer exists either.

This is NOT Hezbollah 2006 where HZ walked away victorious and had a few scratches. Hamas [the organization] got obliterated. Now it’s just merely a loose semi cohesive cell network of insurgents.

Hamas, PIJ, and other resistance factions also crippled the IOF. The occupation army is facing equipment shortages due to the attrition they faced in Gaza, and their ground forces can't wage invasion against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon due to the huge human casualties and the fatigue they faced in Gaza.

The only thing that made difference to the occupation army is the continuous arms supplies and aerial surveillance that they're receiving from their Western allies.

That being said, despite the enormous challenges, the Al-Qassam Brigades is not dead as an organization. The military leadership may have been martyred, but their military units are operating independently in those tunnels and are gradually carrying out their jihad duties. The IOF leaders were recently complaining that the tunnels in Gaza are too complex, and they're limited in knowing all of them. They estimated at least 60% of those tunnels are still operational.

In early 2002, everyone claimed the Afghan Taliban to be a dead organization. In August 2021, they seized the whole of Afghanistan after they evicted NATO. The resistance in Gaza faced terrain challenges and blockade from land, sea, and air, but as once can see after 10 months of fighting, the mujahideen are still resisting in Gaza. Let us see in 20 years time, if we're alive by that time, where things stand.
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Iranian Defence Ministry asked Iranians not to publish videos of military assets moving on the roads

Hamas fired 20+ rockets today, most in a while

Most people seem to expect a response today or tomorrow evening. I stick with 2am local time. I hope this is correct. Any later and the effectiveness diminishes.
Hamas, PIJ, and other resistance factions also crippled the IOF. The occupation army is facing equipment shortages due to the attrition they faced in Gaza, and their ground forces can't wage invasion against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon due to the huge human casualties and the fatigue they faced in Gaza.
huge human casualties is an interesting debate

in absolute numbers the casualties are c. 1700 killed in total, with 15,000 wounded. numbers are significantly higher than the 1967 war but around half the 1973 war.

adjusting for population is a better benchmark. that's the equivalent of the USA suffering c. 70,000 deaths and c. 600,000 wounded.

Very difficult to beat a grass roots insurgency especially when they have legitimate cause (independent state demands). Having the ability to blend back into civilian life and wait out the occupation makes it very difficult.

Iran hasn’t been able to beat PJAK/PJJ or Balouchi separatists in 30 years. They still wage larger scale attacks on Iran.

Hamas military capability has been sent back 20 years. It’s entire military leadership is dead and it’s political leadership in shambles.

The state of Islamic Jihad (a closer group to ties to IRGC Quds Force) is also unclear.

So Hamas has to reorganize and rebuild from the ground up. That will take years to get back to pre 10/7 and might never happen depending on what the final outcome is for Gaza (permanent occupation or Arab peacekeepers).

The Hamas that fired thousands of rockets at Israel in a week no longer exists and the one that did 10/7 no longer exists either.

This is NOT Hezbollah 2006 where HZ walked away victorious and had a few scratches. Hamas [the organization] got obliterated. Now it’s just merely a loose semi cohesive cell network of insurgents.
Wow. Anything else you want to throw into that awfully jumbled kitchen sink?
huge human casualties is an interesting debate

in absolute numbers the casualties are c. 1700 killed in total, with 15,000 wounded. numbers are significantly higher than the 1967 war but around half the 1973 war.

adjusting for population is a better benchmark. that's the equivalent of the USA suffering c. 70,000 deaths and c. 600,000 wounded.


Sniping operations alone killed 100s of Zionist invaders. Here is a collections for some those sniping operations.

In the constant fighting fighting that took place over 10 months in addition to mortars & rocket attacks + IEDs, the child killing Zionist army suffered huge casualties. In January 2014, they acknowledged 12,500 soldiers who were recognized as disabled That is January. This is what they acknowledged and everyone knows they suppress the real casualty figures.

Their real casualties is at least 4 times of what they acknowledged.

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