Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Russia did warn the USA that it would warn the enemies of America after America armed Ukraine

But I wonder what they are sending. Looks like EW equipment mostly (e.g., Murmansk-BN). Air defences like s-400 would be useful but very unlikely. Too short notice for su-35 too.
Caution. It could be Iranian transferred to Russia. That is more probable to me.
Go play the useless gaming video because analyzing a complex multi-front attack is not for you.
“gaming video” - very clever response buddy. Defending the old incompetent leadership isn’t going to help Iran in the long run.

If the leadership had a database of scenarios the response wouldn’t have take this long. Now, the American military and Zionist allies are synchronizing their defence against any attack toward Israel (basically, the repeat of April attack). You watch, damages on Zionist will be minimal again like April.
“gaming video” - very clever response buddy. Defending the old incompetent leadership isn’t going to help Iran in the long run.

If the leadership had a database of scenarios the response wouldn’t have take this long. Now, the American military and Zionist allies are synchronizing their defence against any attack toward Israel (basically, the repeat of April attack). You watch, damages on Zionist will be minimal again like April.
There would be no Axis of Resistance without the "old incompetent" leadership!
The US, Israel and company can prepare as they want but a multi-front and super complex attack will embarrass them a lot. Iran has already produced advanced electronic warfare technology and with Russian equipment, it will be such a powerful cocktail. Many different electromagnetic signals, jamming, pulsation of waves of all kinds.

I think that the US planes and company will see things appear on their radar that will make them very nervous. For their fleets at sea too. Let's see the rest

If it’s Russia to Iran then it’s ECW equipment, ,c&c equipment, and additional ammo for S-300’s.

It appears Iran is preparing to heavy jam it’s airspace if things get hot to make Israeli PGMs lose accuracy.
Well Il96 are commercial planes. They are like the A-340, four long range commercial airliner. It is not an Il-76 with cargo ramp for heavy vehicles, so you can be sure it is not heavy equipment like SAM400 TEL or radars or command posts. Might be light equipment.
lol Iranian response time is comical. So much incompetence in every aspect of Iranian leadership. Response time should be within hours not days and weeks.
For a good 4 of July you need weeks. Here it is the same.
Time is money,

Iran is delaying the counterattack and the more delay we see. The less value of the revenge

If Iran truly has a Nuclear bomb, this is the perfect time to do nuclear test and shut everyone up. This way they don’t even have to attack Israel leading to a full fledged war
Time is money,

Iran is delaying the counterattack and the more delay we see. The less value of the revenge

If Iran truly has a Nuclear bomb, this is the perfect time to do nuclear test and shut everyone up. This way they don’t even have to attack Israel leading to a full fledged war
That’s honestly the worst thing we could do. Israel won’t stop attacking us, but if test a nuke it means we can never attack them, as any missile we launch at them could be mistaken for a nuke.

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