Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Time is money,

Iran is delaying the counterattack and the more delay we see. The less value of the revenge

If Iran truly has a Nuclear bomb, this is the perfect time to do nuclear test and shut everyone up. This way they don’t even have to attack Israel leading to a full fledged war

Detonating a nuclear device will raise the complexity level of trying to limit the present crisis manifold, and perhaps irreversibly. All sides may not want that at the moment, including Iran.
Time is money,

Iran is delaying the counterattack and the more delay we see. The less value of the revenge

If Iran truly has a Nuclear bomb, this is the perfect time to do nuclear test and shut everyone up. This way they don’t even have to attack Israel leading to a full fledged war

Time is definitely Money, hence Iran should drag its coming response a bit longer. Let the Zionists sweat a bit & their financial backers at stock exchanges across the world lose their stock/share values.
That’s part of the pressure too.

About the Nukes issue, those who need to know, know it well. Testing Nukes would simply tie Iran’s hands & reduce the freedom/flexibility of its current policy.
Time is definitely Money, hence Iran should drag its coming response a bit longer. Let the Zionists sweat a bit & their financial backers at stock exchanges across the world lose their stock/share values.
That’s part of the pressure too.

About the Nukes issue, those who need to know, know it well. Testing Nukes would simply tie Iran’s hands & reduce the freedom/flexibility of its current policy.
Yeah, time goes both ways. Albeit obviously frustrating, there's no issue with taking time.

This channel it is good informed. Seems that Mr Iran Eye is right. Murmansk BN system has been deployed in Iran.
It gives Israel more time to prepare and US and allies time to mobilize their forces to help shoot down our drones and missiles. Just like last time.
it feels like IRI wants to give Israel and CENTCOM time to get ready so they can intercept 99% of the weapons again. just means we need to use more weapons to reach the desired objective. I hope we don't see another sham operation that embarrasses us.
it feels like IRI wants to give Israel and CENTCOM time to get ready so they can intercept 99% of the weapons again. just means we need to use more weapons to reach the desired objective. I hope we don't see another sham operation that embarrasses us.
They will make the plan. They will hide their advanced weapons, go under bunker and wait for Iran to complete its operation.

It is up to Iran how they plan the operation and surprise the world in direct conflict

This channel it is good informed. Seems that Mr Iran Eye is right. Murmansk BN system has been deployed in Iran.
Very interesting deployment, it's a very powerful EW system with range upto 8000km. Zionist UAVs can get fried and all of their asset's electronic emissions recorded and used against em.

This channel it is good informed. Seems that Mr Iran Eye is right. Murmansk BN system has been deployed in Iran.
Are the pictures shown from Iran or Russia? I don't understand what make them say that Iran has bought and fielded this
it feels like IRI wants to give Israel and CENTCOM time to get ready so they can intercept 99% of the weapons again. just means we need to use more weapons to reach the desired objective. I hope we don't see another sham operation that embarrasses us.
They have been hyping this up a lot, as if they are going to demonstrate some new game-changing technology. But I doubt it.
They have been hyping this up a lot, as if they are going to demonstrate some new game-changing technology. But I doubt it.
hypersonic more than Mach 20 IRBM ?
it feels like IRI wants to give Israel and CENTCOM time to get ready so they can intercept 99% of the weapons again. just means we need to use more weapons to reach the desired objective. I hope we don't see another sham operation that embarrasses us.

Risk of war was non existent last time. Now it’s highly likely. Thus you need to get your entire armed forces into preparation and that takes time. Air defense crews and full mobilization of critical personnel.

Israeli leadership has their command and control bunkers already ready and going into hiding.

This is very unlikely Al Assad 2020 and April 2024 when both sides agreed that Iran gets to have a proportionate response.

Gloves are off now it’s time to put or shut up for the Republic.

No more strategic patience
No more threats of tomorrow or soon
No more bombastic statements how you will cut the hand off the enemy who attacks

Its the 11th hour and war is inevitable.

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