Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

He said that about Solemani
He said that about April 2020
in both times iran responded against USA and Israel directly

and this time they will do the same

the bottom line is that pursuing a direct war with USA is not a sane decision, and Iran's responses have to be calibrated accordingly

Did everyone forget his and IRGC promise to attack everyone involved with that strike? They continue promoting propaganda videos against Trump and Pompeo and others when we all knew Iran would never attack a US official (former or current) as that is a great way to get a healthy dose of “freedom” delivered to your nuclear facilities.

But everyone forgot those empty threats.
was that Khamenei or other officials and did he say militarily or legally because as far as I know the official line is legally and they are doing this (futile exercise)

This country lost its way when Israel covertly bombed Natanz, not once (centrifuge workshop) but twice (main hall). I don’t care if it was clandestine or not.

What country in the world would allow another country to covertly or overtly blow up its nuclear facilities? You think if Iran covertly kinetically attacked Dimona that Israel would say “gee you did covertly so I guess I have to take it” ???

Come on now.
for various reasons, some of which outside Iran's control (e.g., size of borders), Iran cannot retaliate to Israeli subterfuge in kind and has to resort to massive missile volleys to hit anything in Israel. this is a big advantage for Israel and it will keep playing this card because it knows it has the advantage here
Iran has been far too passive in the face of repeated direct attacks from Israel and the United States. Khamenei's strategic patience has achieved nothing but an increase in casualties. Israel has not only conducted assassinations but also repeated large-scale terrorist attacks under the guise of ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians. The Iranian regime's extreme passiveness has perplexed American officials, who have expressed to the media in the past that they do not know where Iran's red lines are. This has led to an expansion of unchecked surprise attacks by Israel and the United States. I expect Iran to continue its pattern of responses. It seems that as long as the regime is maintained, they are content with any number of casualties.
Iran has been far too passive in the face of repeated direct attacks from Israel and the United States. Khamenei's strategic patience has achieved nothing but an increase in casualties. Israel has not only conducted assassinations but also repeated large-scale terrorist attacks under the guise of ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians. The Iranian regime's extreme passiveness has perplexed American officials, who have expressed to the media in the past that they do not know where Iran's red lines are. This has led to an expansion of unchecked surprise attacks by Israel and the United States. I expect Iran to continue its pattern of responses. It seems that as long as the regime is maintained, they are content with any number of casualties.
and what do you think the casualties will be if iran starts a war with Israel or the USA
The game being played at the strategic chess board is far bigger than Iran and Israel and the players involved are far more powerful than both ....Israel and Iran are nothing more than glorified pawns ......face saving is being worked out for Iran ... accept the face saving and get off the chess board ..... you don't need to say thank you to China and Pakistan
The game being played at the strategic chess board is far bigger than Iran and Israel and the players involved are far more powerful than both ....Israel and Iran are nothing more than glorified pawns ......face saving is being worked out for Iran ... accept the face saving and get off the chess board ..... you don't need to say thank you to China and Pakistan
You are absolutely right. We do not need to say thank you to Pakistan, at all!!!
The game being played at the strategic chess board is far bigger than Iran and Israel and the players involved are far more powerful than both ....Israel and Iran are nothing more than glorified pawns ......face saving is being worked out for Iran ... accept the face saving and get off the chess board ..... you don't need to say thank you to China and Pakistan
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Iran is a paper tiger. They requested Russia to intervene in Syria against rebels with no air force and air defence and you think they can go head to head with USA? I have no doubt isis will be fighting inside iran borders now if US didn't stop them when they were outskirts of Baghdad.

Israel knows iran is a paper tiger and that why they will keep crossing every red lines. Iran only hope not to be invaded is nukes
in both times iran responded against USA and Israel directly

Token strikes with days of telegraphed intentions. And Al-Assad was an Iraqi base that housed US personnel. Not even a pure US base.

Zero deaths. Iraqi militias firing homemade rockets get more lucky than that attack was.
and this time they will do the same

the bottom line is that pursuing a direct war with USA is not a sane decision, and Iran's responses have to be calibrated accordingly

This is the erroneous thinking that has us in this situation. You know why Israel can do all these attacks because they know Iran doesn’t want war. There is zero deterrence.

This thinking that it takes 15 years of “strategi patience” to directly respond to Israel onslaught of attacks is insane. It’s pathetic. Clearly the April 2020 attacks showed that Israel doesn’t want a direct war at all costs with Iran or else they would have blown up an Iranian military base instead of an S-300 radar.

So yes you can attack Israel without entering direct war, Hezbollah has been doing it for 9 months.

was that Khamenei or other officials and did he say militarily or legally because as far as I know the official line is legally and they are doing this (futile exercise)

Both. Videos were published and posters were made.

In fact the Al-Assad 2020 they said was not the real response and that the real response would come later (yeah right).

Enough time passed that people forgot their empty threats regarding ‘revenge of Solemani’
for various reasons, some of which outside Iran's control (e.g., size of borders), Iran cannot retaliate to Israeli subterfuge in kind and has to resort to massive missile volleys to hit anything in Israel. this is a big advantage for Israel and it will keep playing this card because it knows it has the advantage here

It’s more lack of intiative by leadership. Iran had major involvement against Israeli interests all around the world from 1980s to 2000’s during its revolutionary fervor. Now suddenly in 2025 it doesn’t have any capability? But the rag tag government and IRGC of the 1980s and 90’s did?

Not saying those attacks were morally correct. But this thinking that Iran could afford such risks and had the capability back then and don’t today is preposterous.
Iran is a paper tiger. They requested Russia to intervene in Syria against rebels with no air force and air defence and you think they can go head to head with USA? I have no doubt isis will be fighting inside iran borders now if US didn't stop them when they were outskirts of Baghdad.

Israel knows iran is a paper tiger and that why they will keep crossing every red lines. Iran only hope not to be invaded is nukes
Even so, their paper cuts hurt more than the howls of the hyena's who watch, howl, scratch their backsides and do nothing.

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