Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

Even neutrino has figured out the Clown Show in Tehran! Not long till everyone sees the greatest show on earth!

Israel continues to struggle to intercept Hezbollah drones

Iran also continues to struggle to intercept quadcopters yet you guys make excuses for them.

But while you celebrate a $500 drone flying a few KMs into Israel:

Israel continues to assassinate HZ members and bombing arms depots.

Still waiting for Nasrallah response? What happened for HZ? Same excuse as IRGC?

What’s Marandi the wise saying?
One or two surveillance drone (such as Mohajer) should be sent inside Israel hours in advance for recording the impacts if there is a retaliation using projectiles

Or Hezbollah films and Iran target
Iran flew drones on nearly every place it struck

If there is no drone footage again this time, people will not trust anyone, neither Iran neither the west and it will open for absurd claims such as this time "10000 missiles launched" or something like that

And i doubt Iran can't, Hezbollah flew dozens of drones for hours in Haifa and the north, gathered tons of informations on military and petrochemicla sites, so Iran can also do it with even more ease than Hezbollah

The problem with this is that western propaganda seems to "benefit" Iran for its internal audience
Dr Meson is that you? Say it ain’t so!

Syrian war was Iran’s most successful mission (not saying much these days) which kept Syrian from falling to the devil’s grasp.
I am not sure Syria is a big success for Iran, Syria seems to be Iran's most difficult mission. Iraq may be Iran's most successful mission. So much of Syria is still out of Assad's hands, many countries have their stake in Syria still - Russia, US, Turkey.

At least Iraq has oil, direct border with Iran, majority Shiite, is the keystone Shiite nation (Shiite Islam's most important holy sites are in Iraq).
Never before in Middle East history had the west set its sights on regime change (‘Assad must go’) and failed! Quite historic.
Because you overrate the military competence and power of the West. The West has alot of incompetence too- you forget Iraq and Afghanistan wars? US and NATO messed up very badly in several recent regions in Asia (so good luck to them winning against Russia)
Yes, the costs (and incompetence) was high.
The cost was very high, yes, but the task was also very high- keeping US, NATO, Turkey, KSA, even Russia etc out of key parts and issues in Syria was a huge task for Iran, but Iran is permanently entrenched in Syria now i bet (as a consolidation prize i guess).
However, If Iran had been feeble and weak minded like today, Assad would have fallen (much of Damascus was under rebel control).
You come to this conclusion because of a few recent events you think Iranian govt went soft on? LOL. You cannot predict how Iranian govt will behave, period, so this projection you made here is likely off.

Soleimani successfully securing Baghdad from NATO's ISIS hoards was a very impressive feat (and once again is the reason i said above that Iran's game played in Iraq is IMO Iran's biggest success, not even close).
Syria today would be a jihadi Zionist anti Iran zone without countless Alawaites and other religions massacred to prevent independence from ever emerging again.
yea, true.
Now Assad (who kept Iran at arms length)
How did Assad keep Iran at arm's length? Assads have been pro-Assad and Hezbollah for a while now, even though there have been periods of issues (more Syria-hezbollah issues vs SYria-Iran issues per my knowledge).
is now a full ally and Iran and the axis have bases sprinkled all over Syria, which unfortunately Israel bombs constantly, but the power and entrenchment of Iran in the levant has been solidified.
True. But with no ground forces, Israel 0% chance of a real win, especially long term, which is probably why Iran doesnt do too much against it- Israel is playing against time in Syria and isnt likely to win. Iran will probably beat up all the ISraeli allies on the ground in Syria over time(if not started/already), just like it did with Hezb in Lebanon.
Now for that toy king in Jordan to fall and the axis of resistance will be complete.
I hope for this. Jordanian govt is low self esteem and directionless.
Iran also continues to struggle to intercept quadcopters yet you guys make excuses for them.
what does iran have to do with it? iran has slightly more territory to cover than Israel by the way

Hezbollah's drones continue to wreak havoc on northern communities​

Recent data shows summer months contain the highest number of drone infiltrations from Lebanon since the war in Gaza began; northern residents losing hope​

Over 1,200 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) loaded with explosives infiltrated northern Israel since the start of Hezbollah's attack in recent months and security officials are still struggling to provide a solution to this deadly threat, which often cannot even be detected as it crosses from Lebanon.
On Wednesday, three attack drones flew over the Golan Heights above Katzrin on Wednesday, evading the IDF’s attempts to intercept them. The incident concluded with one interception and two direct hits. One man was moderately wounded and others suffered from anxiety.

Many of these UAVs were not intercepted due to operational difficulties and the complexity of Israel's interception systems, according to data collected by Lobby 1701 organization representing 60,000 residents of northern Israel who were evacuated from their homes, based on military reports, Hezbollah’s statements and community alert systems.

As a result of these drone launches, which for now, according to Hezbollah's decision, have been directed only at Israeli military targets, eight IDF soldiers have been killed and dozens have been injured.

An analysis of the siren activity in Galilee communities since the outbreak of the war reveals that at least 395 alerts were triggered due to the drone infiltration warnings, requiring hundreds of thousands of residents to seek shelter.

A significant portion of these alarms turned out to be false and a result of the difficulty in accurately identifying the threats, often confusing them with birds that sometimes trigger the IDF's sensitive alert systems. Many UAVs, especially those used for intelligence gathering, managed to reach Haifa and even farther without being detected by the alert systems, and the Israeli Air Force (IAF) didn’t attempt to intercept them.

Ynet had learned that about 40 strike drones have infiltrated Israel from Lebanon since the beginning of the month and only half of them have been intercepted. Over 50 UAVs infiltrated Israel in July.

"This has become our daily routine in the Galilee, day after day for over ten months; dozens of drones every day alongside rockets, alarms, panic and running to shelters. 1,200 UAVs have been launched at the Galilee, some that have killed and injured civilians and soldiers, burned fields, destroyed homes and made life in the Galilee unbearable,” Lobby 1701 said in a statement.


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