Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

after the poor performance of Iran's missiles in April, the deterrence equation no longer applies because Iran realised it cannot uphold it


1) astonishing admission that all the billions of dollars and decades spent prioritising missiles over all else was a failure

2) the newest missiles were not used. no one expects Emad to defeat Israeli ABM systems at full preparedness and capability
The bombings in Lebanon and the expected casualties demonstrate that it is not a viable battle ground for the war against Israel. Syria is already destroyed and Hezbollah can easily send their fighters for Jihad against Israel from there. Plus Iran can easily supply war material. Secondly, the Sunni population would also provide volunteers for the new front and the influence of Islamic State and Al Qaeda would be lessened.
its a repeat of 2006 when IDF claimed they killed nasrallah in a strike on his bunker,

only for him to reappear 3 days later to mock the IDF for spreading "fake news".

Israeli news outlets are starting to remove the "Nasrallah is dead" headlines lol


I think this time there will be no comeback and mockery.
Let's be honest. All us idiots saw this coming from miles away. How is it possible Iran did not? I think something fishy is going on
criticism of strategies of IRI or IRI itself is permitted but glorification or promotion of murder of Iranians or destruction of Iranian cities will not be tolerated
Who replace him? Is that a joke?

Here is what the command chain of Hezbollah looks like

Only high ranking “official” member that is still alive is Ali Rida
those are just some of the cherry picked military commanders, most of the pre-war Jihad Council is still alive (4/7 assuming Ali Karaki was killed yesterday as well).

Nasrallah's replacement will come from the Shura Council not the Jihad Council. Nasrallah is not a military commander

Hezbollah's Jihad Council (top military body, sits below the Shura Council, like Iran's SNSC):

Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 13.22.53.png
Of these Aqil and Shukr are martyred, and strong reports that Karaki was martyred yesterday after he survived an earlier assassination attempt (but not confirmed)

above the Jihad Council sits the Shura Council. Led by the secretary general (formerly Nasrallah) and the deputy is Naim Qassem. As far as I know all of these guys are still alive (the Jihad Council representative maybe not but easily replaced by one of the remaining 4/7 members above). So the replacement will likely be Naim Qassem or Hashem Saif Al-Din (most reports say it will be him).

Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 13.24.11.png

And reports of another Iranian General killed by Israel:

we didn't even respond to our blinded ambassador or murdered guest in Tehran yet
With only one traitor, Pezeshkian, Muslims suffered an immeasurable blow.
I hope that those who lie about elections and who they elect will take a hard look at this fact.
In just four months, the Iranian president and the supreme leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah have all been murdered.
Israel and the U.S. are trying to completely conquer the Middle East.
and again a bot who don't understand mr. pezeshkian only have one vote in a committee that 7 member directly appointed by supreme leader and in Iran armed force wont take order from president
The biggest suprise for me is they know where all Hezbollah commanders have been for last few months so its been easy to kill them. Hezbollah is compromised now how they reorganise will determine whether they splinter out or not. You would think some of their commanders will be real angry with Iranian leadership as well.
The location makes all the difference.
Gaza vs Beirut. Maybe there are enough Lebanese who dislike Hezbollah ?
It’s only a matter of time till this incompetence and lack of operational security leads to the death of an extremely high level official in the Axis (Nasrallah, Hajizadeh, maybe even Supreme Leader of Iran at this point nothing is far fetched)

One thing is clear tho, General Salami has nothing to fear.

This is what I said on July 31st 2024 after Hezbollah #3 (the first in a string of high ranking assassinations) was killed.

It took less than 2 months for the words to come true after a string of incompetence blunders and operational security failures.

If me an ordinary military enthusiasts and others on this very forum saw it coming, then it means the Axis also saw it coming, but still continued down the same path.
and again a bot who don't understand mr. pezeshkian only have one vote in a committee that 7 member directly appointed by supreme leader and in Iran armed force wont take order from president
Why all this hate for Pezeshkian?
This is what I said on July 31st 2024 after Hezbollah #3 (the first in a string of high ranking assassinations) was killed.

It took less than 2 months for the words to come true after a string of incompetence blunders and operational security failures.

If me an ordinary military enthusiasts and others on this very forum saw it coming, then it means the Axis also saw it coming, but still continued down the same path.
Hezbollah's C&C HQ is a fixed site that Israel was monitoring for many years, that wouldn't be difficult to track. There were reports many years ago that Israel knew where Hezbollah was.

They probably didn't expect Israel would use 80 tons of bunker buster bombs on one site to ensure its destruction and to hell with the civilian casualties. 80,000kg of bunker busting explosives on one target is unprecedented in modern warfare.

On the other hand, Shukr and Akil (and almost Karaki) were all killed in their residential high rises in Beirut. That was incompetence. They should have been constantly moving around tunnels, not out in the open. Especially after Shukr was killed, the others should have immediately adjusted, not repeated the exact same behaviour and expected a different outcome.

I knew things were turning bad when the response to Shukr's assassination was effectively intercepted by Israel and Nasrallah tried to portray a few drones sent to north Tel Aviv (likely intercepted) as a worthy response.

the strange thing for me is that we only see 200-400 rockets launched per day. and only 1 ballistic missile launched in 11 months. we know they have much more than this because we see all the secondary explosions at these sites. what I don't understand is why Hezbollah is not using these weapons while it still can. 200 rockets per day is the same as 2006. Israel is very happy it is still only facing 200 unguided rockets per day (of which maybe 10-20% get through) instead of the 2,000 per day some were expecting (which could quickly overrun the defences).

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