Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

I think Israel is making alot of sorties over Lebanon, they bombing alot of missile sites and killing hizbollah leadership, this has made Hizbollah defensive. Even if Hizbollah fires 10,000 rockets, it will not cause as much damage as Israeli bombing which cause 100x more damage and killings, plus Israel will know where the missiles are being fired from and they will quickly bomb the area. During 2006 war, Syria was an important player but today they themselves are weak and divided.
Once Hezbollah fires all their missiles, its game over. Israel can bombard Lebanon non stop and receive daily shipments that contain more weapons than they would know what to do with.
Once Hezbollah fires all their missiles, its game over. Israel can bombard Lebanon non stop and receive daily shipments that contain more weapons than they would know what to do with.

Some claimed Hizbollah has 150,000 rockets, and if they don't fire rockets then Israel will destroy 1000s via heavy bombing. A difficult situation for Hizbollah, I assume they already know this.
With IRGC general Nilforushan confirmed killed by IR... where is the retaliation? Where is Haniyehs retaliation?

Edit : not only Nilforushan but several other Iranian officers have also been killed in the bombing.

@Immortals @Persian Gulf isn't this shocking?
There is 0% chance that Iran would transfer nukes to HZ or any proxy organization.

And still even if some crazy parallel universe they did such a thing, HZ still wouldn’t use a nuclear weapon in response to Nasrallah getting assassinated.

There is a very very high threshold set by over 75 years of precedent on keep Pandora’s box closed for nuclear weapon usage. No nuclear arms country wants to see that box opened as that would start to normalize tactical nuclear weapon usage in conflicts which brings humanity closer to Annihilation.
Probably but they can never know, nuclear gives you "luxury" to raise stakes without consequences and that is why they are necessary.
Why IRGC high level commanders risk going near Israel after all that has happened? It doesn't make sense.

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