Iranian Foreign & Resistance Front Strategy & Operations

I think Israel is making alot of sorties over Lebanon, they bombing alot of missile sites and killing hizbollah leadership, this has made Hizbollah defensive. Even if Hizbollah fires 10,000 rockets, it will not cause as much damage as Israeli bombing which cause 100x more damage and killings, plus Israel will know where the missiles are being fired from and they will quickly bomb the area. During 2006 war, Syria was an important player but today they themselves are weak and divided.
Once Hezbollah fires all their missiles, its game over. Israel can bombard Lebanon non stop and receive daily shipments that contain more weapons than they would know what to do with.
Once Hezbollah fires all their missiles, its game over. Israel can bombard Lebanon non stop and receive daily shipments that contain more weapons than they would know what to do with.

Some claimed Hizbollah has 150,000 rockets, and if they don't fire rockets then Israel will destroy 1000s via heavy bombing. A difficult situation for Hizbollah, I assume they already know this.
With IRGC general Nilforushan confirmed killed by IR... where is the retaliation? Where is Haniyehs retaliation?

Edit : not only Nilforushan but several other Iranian officers have also been killed in the bombing.

@Immortals @Persian Gulf isn't this shocking?
There is 0% chance that Iran would transfer nukes to HZ or any proxy organization.

And still even if some crazy parallel universe they did such a thing, HZ still wouldn’t use a nuclear weapon in response to Nasrallah getting assassinated.

There is a very very high threshold set by over 75 years of precedent on keep Pandora’s box closed for nuclear weapon usage. No nuclear arms country wants to see that box opened as that would start to normalize tactical nuclear weapon usage in conflicts which brings humanity closer to Annihilation.
Probably but they can never know, nuclear gives you "luxury" to raise stakes without consequences and that is why they are necessary.
Why IRGC high level commanders risk going near Israel after all that has happened? It doesn't make sense.
Probably but they can never know, nuclear gives you "luxury" to raise stakes without consequences and that is why they are necessary.
Nuclear also makes sabotage much more dangerous. And we’ve seen a fair share of sabotage. I honestly don’t think I would trust IRGC to handle nukes.
Why IRGC high level commanders risk going near Israel after all that has happened? It doesn't make sense.

There is no infiltration inside hezbollah; it's a mith. I will explain to you how it works:

There has been a zionist Jewish world order since the 2nd world war. They control media, banks, nations, etc. Inside Iran, there are a lot of Zionist Jews.
infiltrating Iran and in government and IRGC.

The strategy is simple: they send people to a place, and in that place "Israel" will attack; it is used by mafias, drug dealers, etc. I will explain
better with an example:

You tell a guy called FULANO to go to a supermarket for you, and when FULANO goes there, "Israel" will attack over there. With this simple strategy
They killed Soleimani, Nasrallah, the Iranian president, and others, and in their places they are trying to put FANTOCHES in Iran and Lebanon.

With it they reveal all their strategy, and in 2019, when Iran attacked a US base in Iraq and a Ucraninam plane was destroyed in Iran, were they (zionists)
who did it by with their local FANTOCHES.

After that, they come with a WAR PROPAGANDA saying that war is over, that the death of x or y and the destruction of missiles x or y is proof that they win, but it's only WAR PROPAGANDA in the media that people do not fight them, which is a war strategy too.
Biden and Harris rushed to congratulate Israel on their killing of Nasrallah and 300+ civilians

From now until the US election Israel is free to do anything they want. Dangerous times
Nuclear also makes sabotage much more dangerous. And we’ve seen a fair share of sabotage. I honestly don’t think I would trust IRGC to handle nukes.
I assumed "ideal" conditions were state function properly without internal paranoia among the security personal which is under proper scrutiny and control.
There is no infiltration inside hezbollah; it's a mith. I will explain to you how it works:

There has been a zionist Jewish world order since the 2nd world war. They control media, banks, nations, etc. Inside Iran, there are a lot of Zionist Jews.
infiltrating Iran and in government and IRGC.

The strategy is simple: they send people to a place, and in that place "Israel" will attack; it is used by mafias, drug dealers, etc. I will explain
better with an example:

You tell a guy called FULANO to go to a supermarket for you, and when FULANO goes there, "Israel" will attack over there. With this simple strategy
They killed Soleimani, Nasrallah, the Iranian president, and others, and in their places they are trying to put FANTOCHES in Iran and Lebanon.

With it they reveal all their strategy, and in 2019, when Iran attacked a US base in Iraq and a Ucraninam plane was destroyed in Iran, were they (zionists)
who did it by with their local FANTOCHES.

After that, they come with a WAR PROPAGANDA saying that war is over, that the death of x or y and the destruction of missiles x or y is proof that they win, but it's only WAR PROPAGANDA in the media that people do not fight them, which is a war strategy too.
I largely agree with you on the infiltration a little less but largely agree. I needed a post in a section to say that the Freemasons are everywhere. The Iranian parliament is completely FM in its architecture and even its roof is filled with FM symbolism.

The original FM was not corrupted but it is much in France that the infiltration of the Zionist Jesuits. It is true that they are everywhere now. This will make many people laugh here but these people have not observed well and done in-depth research.

I should find the famous video of the analysis of the Iranian parliament building, it is very revealing. The people must wake up, the manipulators are everywhere and are very charismatic, cunning. Take an interest in the famous letter from Albert Pike on the Zionist war and the Muslim world, it is still very factual today

Excerpt from the famous letter from Albert Pike FM of the 33rd degree :

“The First World War was to allow the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Tsars in Russia and to transform this country by the control of atheistic Communism. The “natural” divergences, stirred up by the Agents of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. The conflict over, Communism was to be constituted and used to destroy the other governments and weaken religions.

“The Second World War was to be fomented by playing on the divergences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to allow the destruction of Nazism and to increase the power of Political Zionism so that the sovereign State of Israel could be established in Palestine. During the Second World War, the power of International Communism was to reach the level of that of all Christendom. At this point it had to be contained and stored until it was used for the final social cataclysm. “What informed person could deny that Roosevelt and Churchill carried out this policy?

“World War III must be fomented by using the differences that the agents of the Illuminati will stir up between the Political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world. The war must be waged in such a way that Islam (the Arab world including the religion of Mohammed) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will mutually destroy each other. At the same time, the other nations once again divided among themselves on this issue, will be forced to fight each other to a state of complete exhaustion, physical, moral, spiritual and economic.

“What impartial and reasonable person could deny that the intrigues underway in the Near, Middle and Far East are not preparing the realization of this infernal design?

“On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after the Third World War, those who aspire to uncontested world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own words taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library in London: “

"We will unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm which, in all its horror, will clearly show to the nations the effects of an absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and the bloodiest upheaval. Then all the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world revolutionary minority, will exterminate the demolishers of civilization, and the masses disappointed by Christianity whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without a compass, in search of an ideal, without knowing towards which to turn their adoration, will receive the true light thanks to the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally revealed to the eyes of all, a manifestation which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, simultaneously subjugated and exterminated at the same time."

Excerpt from Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871

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