Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Shahid Bagheri for protecting commerical vessels off Yemen and anti piracy missions seems not the most wise use of funds. Just my thoughts, I could be wrong. But wouldn't all this money and resources be better spent on equipping current vessels with more SAM coverage? Making a navalized version of Majid AD08 but with longer coverage kind of like a navalized Crotale? So many of the Sina Class and Tondar Class FAC could replace their ZU23 or 40mm AAA with Navalized Majid like systems for better protection. Even the Zufighar Anti Air Speed boat was unveiled but they've shown only one. They could use many of those to protect current FAC from Apache strikes etc. Maybe even extend the range out a bit. I just think Shahid Bagheri seems more for show and isn't all that game changing in any way. Iran needs SAM coverage for their naval assets. Open to hearing anyone's thoughts.
You’re wrong.
Yes. Such conversion would make that ship more expensive than a conventional frigate/destroyer.

Also you need a LOT of electricity to feed two large air search radars and communications. It requires to re-arrange all machinery because you need huge generators and because of that propulsion must be new.

Two or three more Moudge and jump to something bigger like Type 054 or Gremyashiy corvette can be build under license. Specially russian one because they are under similar sanctions than Iran.
Such large surface fleet vessels are less useful than a larger submarine force. What happened to Fateh-II/III ... or Besat class?

Fateh’s still being developed. Besat keeps getting redesigned.

Larger subs take a long time to come to fruition especially given Iran’s glacial shipyards. Each sub might take 5+years at this rate.

I think the second one was undergoing sea trials or about to. Maybe I’m wrong.
Remember what happened to Moskva

Maskava was hit by two Neptune cruise missile and one detonated inside the hull causing a chain reaction.

No one knows what exactly happened to Moskva, since the two sides are Russia and Ukraine and neither side will tell the truth. But if it was that easy to sink large ships, Houthi’s would have turned Red Sea into a graveyard instead they have sunk 1 or 2? Out of how many hundred attacks?
Maskava was hit by two Neptune cruise missile and one detonated inside the hull causing a chain reaction.

No one knows what exactly happened to Moskva, since the two sides are Russia and Ukraine and neither side will tell the truth. But if it was that easy to sink large ships, Houthi’s would have turned Red Sea into a graveyard instead they have sunk 1 or 2? Out of how many hundred attacks?
Shallow thinking and incorrect mostly. Ansarullah has mostly stopped navigation through the Red Sea..

The level of destruction is irrelevant. You should really stick to what you’re good at: tantrums and ceaseless nagging.
Fateh’s still being developed. Besat keeps getting redesigned.

Larger subs take a long time to come to fruition especially given Iran’s glacial shipyards. Each sub might take 5+years at this rate.

I think the second one was undergoing sea trials or about to. Maybe I’m wrong.
Source? Or making things up as always? You have no idea what’s what.
Maskava was hit by two Neptune cruise missile and one detonated inside the hull causing a chain reaction.

No one knows what exactly happened to Moskva, since the two sides are Russia and Ukraine and neither side will tell the truth. But if it was that easy to sink large ships, Houthi’s would have turned Red Sea into a graveyard instead they have sunk 1 or 2? Out of how many hundred attacks?
Moskva had explosives on board easy chain reaction and Houthi to be fair are using inferior copies of Iranian weapons
Maskava was hit by two Neptune cruise missile and one detonated inside the hull causing a chain reaction.

No one knows what exactly happened to Moskva, since the two sides are Russia and Ukraine and neither side will tell the truth. But if it was that easy to sink large ships, Houthi’s would have turned Red Sea into a graveyard instead they have sunk 1 or 2? Out of how many hundred attacks?
The hit detonated the missiles inside the ship.
The exact thing will happen with the suggested design
Moskva had explosives on board easy chain reaction and Houthi to be fair are using inferior copies of Iranian weapons

Cruise missiles and even some BMs have impacted some of the tankers/container ships and they haven’t sunk.

So yes Houthi’s are not using the latest weaponry of Iran is producing, but their targets are also civilian tankers not armoured warships.

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